Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman
David Healy, Vice Chairman
Carl Zimmerman, Secretary
Ben Adelman
Lillian Bond
Charles Rodriguez, Alternate
Bert Keehr, Asst. Bldg. Official
Joseph Maiorana (Excused)
William Cwynar, Alternate
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. He
introduded the members of the Board, Assistant Building Official,
and Recording Secretary. Mr. Zimmerman announced he had received
a communication indicating that Mr. Maiorana requested to be excused
from this meeting becuase of the illness of his wife.
Mrs. Bond made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr.
Healy. Motion carried 7-0.
Chairman Thompson distributed financial disclosure forms for the year
1978 received from the office of the City Clerk and suggested that
any comments be made at the end of the meeting.
Mr. Zimmerman requested to be exmused on July 10 if there is a meet-
ing because he will be out of town. Chairman Thompson added that he
would be out of town for the month of July.
Chairman Thompson referred to this being the fourth meeting missed
by Mr. Cwynar and through these minutes requested the City Council
to appoint a replacement so the Board has a quorum during the month
of July.
Parcel ~1 - Lot 11 less E. 42 ft. and all of Lot 12, Blk. 8~
Bellamy Heights
Recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 62
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requirement to
7.5 ft. rear setback and relief from 7.5 ft.
side setback requirement to 1.3 ft. side set-
back to build bedroom addition.
Address - 448 S. W. 10th Avenue
Applicant - Gene and Barbara Esper
JUNE 12, 1978
Mr. Zimmerman read the above application and noted the reason re-
quested was that they have a two bedroom house with two boys, aged
11 and 13, and a new baby and need an additional bedroom.
Chairman Thompson announced that any three votes would deny the re-
quest and explained that the purpose of the Board is to grant vari-
ances where there is a hardship due to a change in zone or created
by the City.
Mr. Gene Esper, 448 S. W. 10th Avenue, appeared before the Board and
stated that as explained at the previous meeting, they would like to
add a bedroom because of having a new baby. Mr. Rodriguez referred
to the suggestion to acquire abutting land to the west and questioned
any action taken in reference to this and Mr. Esper replied that he
did not believe at this time he could afford to purchase that pro-
perty. Mr. Rodriguez referred to an appraised value of this pro-
perty and asked if this had been reached and Mr. Keehr replied that
he could not give this answer beca.use he does not know the procedure
on buying City property or whether the City can sell property. Mrs.
Bond asked if he had approached the City on this matter and Mr. Esper
replied negatively, because of his financial situation.
Chairman Thompson referred to the rear and west sides being in ques-
tion and stated that the last.application requested a variance on the
west side. Mr. Esper agreed and added that at that time~ he thought
the south side was all right~ but found out at the last meeting that
the whole piece is illegal. Chairman Thompson askediff his house
lined up with the house to the south and Mr. Esper informed him that
to the south is the school and his house does line up with the house
on the east. Mr. Keehr added that he did not particularly pay atten-
tion to the houses on this street, but he does not think all are that
close in the rear and Mr. Esper replied that his house was built in
1961 and most of the others were built afterwards and do conform.
Chairman Thompson asked when he purchased the house and Mr. Esper
informed him that he purchased it on May 29, 1.977 and when they pur-
chased it, they were not aware of the baby and had made a down pay-
ment. They like the house regardless of the situation. Mr. Rodriguez
clarified that they entered into the contract before knowing about the
baby and completed the contract and are now trying to adjust to changed
Mr. Ward referred to this property being hemmed in by 1-95 and Mr.
Esper agreed and stated that 1-95 was to the west, a school yard to
the south and a house to the east. Mr. Ward asked if there was an
easement in the rear and Mr. Esper replied that there is a line of
trees, their fence, and then the open school yard. Mr. Rodriguez
referred to the sketch noting an overhead power line on the lot line.
Mr. Ward referred to there not being much chance of anyone building
to the south and Mr. Esper agreed and explained how the school had
expan~d further south and probably the only thing close to their
property would be playground equipment.
JUNE 12, 19Y8
Mr. Healy referred to him purchasing the property last year and asked
if he was aware at that time that this was non-conforming and Mr.
Esper replied negatively. Mr. Healy referred to the probability of
the real estate agent informing him of this and Mr. Esper replied that
he bought it from the owners and he believes it-was conforming when it
was built in 1961.
Mr. Zimmerman referred to the sketch indicating that the fence en-
croaches and questioned what this encroached on and Mr. Keehr in-
formed him that it appears to encroach on the school property by a
small fraction.
Mrs. Bond referred to possibly property being taken for 1-95 and Mr.
Rodriguez pointed out that the right-of-way for 1-95 was taken from
the platted road right-of-way and he didntt believe any of %his pro-
perty was taken. He does not think the 1-95 right-of-way taking
affected this lot in question.
Mr. Adelman referred to this being discussed thoroughly a month ago
and stated he thinks the hardship in this matter was brought on by an
act of God and not by the owner and he thinks ~we should grant this
Chairman Thompson ascertained that nobody was present in opposition
to this request and also that no communications had been received.
Mr. Healy referred to the 1-95 right-of-way taking about ~ the width
of the street and stated the possibility of this being used as a
street is zero. Chairman Thompson agreed and added that the street
would not go any f~rther back than the end of this property even if
1-95 was not there because o£ the school. This is why it was sug-
gested that the purchasing of this property be investigated. He
canno~ even see the City wanting it. Mr. Rodriguez stated that it
would seem very practical if the City got some taxes for it, the
owners could use it and it would be a good solution since they are
maintaining the property. It would be ideal for them to become the
owners and pay the taxes and nobody would be hurt. However~ since
they have not explored this possibility~ it looks as though the
Board is confronted with making the decision simply whether or not
a variance is in order based on their roles as innocent victims.
Mr. Adelman added that even though we act on it today and grant the
variance, they could still request the street to be abandoned. Mr.
Zimmerman added that it would add to the resale value of the pro-
Chairman Thompson referred to discussing previously that if this is
granted, the bedroom should not protrude ~.urther south than the pre-
sent building and Mr. Keehr replied that the'feasibility of doing
this was also discussed and the owner said it would be out of the
question because it would be toodifficult to fit in the doorways in
this type of change.
JUNE 12, 1978
Mr. Rodriguez questioned what the little space on the plan was indi-
cated with ~14 and Mr. Esper informed him that this was part of the
structure. He further explained how the addition had to be built
this way in view of the present structure. He added that possibly
at a later date, they would check into thepossibility of acquiring
this land from the City. Mr. Rodriguez informed him that it could
be done subsequent to the Board's action. It would not be mandatory,
but .may prove to their .advantage.
Mr. Ward made a motion that this variance be granted to Mr. & Mrs.
Esper exactly per the application, seconded by Mr. Ade!man. Under
discussion, Mr. Rodriguez stated he would like to explain his vote
because he has taken a position against applications by new owners,
but in this pairticular case the people apparentlyseem to appear
innocent ofany wrong doing. They badly require an adjustment and
being next to a highway would bother no one. Ideally if they acquire
the adjacent sitreet and pay taxes for its use, it would be more fair
and he hopes ~hey do this in the future. As requested, Mrs. Kruse
then took a ro!ll call vote on the motion as follows:
Mr. Rodriguez - Aye
Mrs. Bond - Yes
Mr. Ward - Kye
Mr. Adelman - Aye
Mr. Zimmerman - Aye
Mr. Healy - Aye
Mr. Thompson - Aye
Motion carried 7-0.
Mr. Esper thenasked how long the variance was good for and Chairman
Thompson informed him that there was no time limiton a variance. Mr.
Ward added that a stipulation could be put on it, but none was.
Parcel ~2 - Lot 28~ Dewey Heights Subdivision
Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 193
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requirement
to 16 ft~ 9 in. rear setback to build family
room addition
Address -2893 S. E. 1st Court
Applicant - Robert Tinker
Mr. Zimmerman read the above application and noted that the reason
requested is because the existing home,as a 16 ft. 6 in. setback and
the owner wants to build an addition to line up with the wall of the
existing home.
Mr.. Ward requested to be excused from taking part in this.
JUNE 12, 1978
Mr. Keehr explained that the hardship was put on this gentleman
through the Building Department on the initial issuance of the permit
to build this home as the rear setback was figured as the side and now
the gentleman is hemmed in with three 25 ft. setbacks. S. E. 1st
Place ~should be the front of the property and S. E. 1st Court is the
side. When viSiting the property~ he noticed the drive and house
number is on 1st Court, but the Building Department considers 1st
Place as the front. It is marked 1st Place on his plat, but the
street sign says 28th Court there. He then distributed copies of
the site plan.'
Chairman Thompson questioned how the postal service determined the
front and sideiand Mr. Keehr replied that the property address is
1st Court. Mr~ kodriguez asked if the rear lot line was opposite
1st Court or Place and Mr. Keehr replied that it is opposite 1st
Place. Mr. Rodriguez clarified that the structure presently is 16 ft.
9 in. from the!rear lot line without addition or change and Mr. Keehr
agreed. Mr.. kodriguez stated that no further variance was required
on the rear line, but a variance is required on the side line and
Mr. Keehr disagreed and clarified that 7~ ft. is needed on the side
and he has 17 ft. The rear yard is non-conforming with having 17 ft.
Mrs. Bond clarified that this is not the applicant's fault and Mr.
Keehr agreed and stated that it is the fault of the Building Dept.
Mr. Rodriguez Stated that there would be no rear setbacK, but only
two side setbacks and Mr. Keehr disagreed and clarified that i~
would beconfo~ming in all aspects except for the rear setback which
would be 16 ft, 9 in. Mrs. Bond clarified that the man was being
punished for what is there right now and Mr. kodriguez added that
the structure is non-conforming now. Mrs. Bond clarified that the
house is set iD the wrong direction and in order to make an improve-
ment, it must be continued that way as the house cannot be turned
Mr. Rodriguez stated that a variance being granted would result in
the old non-conforming use being made legal and the new non-conform-
ing use being made legal. The new structure would be on the basis
of the new variance and the present non-conformance would be cleared
uP. Mr. Healy disagreed and stated that it would remain non-conform-
ing and the new variance would only apply to the new construction.
Mr. Adelman referred to the house next to this being about 10 ft.
from the wall and stated that this would be 16 ft. away from it.
Mr. Keehr clarified that the other house is about 12 ft. from the
property line and there is 28 ft. between the homes.
Chairman Thompson stated that if this is granted, we would be righting
a wrong and the property would not be noneconforming and Mr. Healy
disagreed and stated that the present structure would still be no~-
conforming. Mr. Keehr stated that in the granting of any variance,
it automatically made something non-conforming. Mr. Rodriguez
stated that if a variance is granted and the person builds on that
basis, it is hard to accuse them of a non-conformity after the event.
Mr. Healy stated that the granting of variances make a lot non-con-
forming and the mistake was made by the Building Dept. in the first
JUNE 12, 1978
Mr. Robert Tinker, 2893 S. E. 1st Court, appeared before the Board.
He submitted a plan for the membersT review. He explained how he
would like to have a family room addition built to conform with his
house. He added that this was needed due to the growth of his family
and it will also be a selling point for the home if it conforms with
the original wall on the south instead of having different angles.
Mr. Rodriguez asked who was now the owner of this home and Mr. Tinker
replied that he is. Mr. Rodriguez asked when he acquired it and Mr.
Tinker replied about six years ago. Mr. Rodriguez referred to the
mortgage deed being dated 1978 and Mr. Tinker replied that-when apply-
ing to the City, he was told he would need a variance and upon that,
he re-mortgaged his house to acquire-the money to put on this addi-
tion. Mr. Healy added that the t977 real estate tax 'receipt was sub-
Mr. Adelman referred to Mr. Keehr mentioning to him that there was
some misinterpretation when he first applied and he purchased air
conditioning equipment, etc. and Mr. Tinker replied that he did
purchase this equipment. Mr. Keehr clarified 'that Mr. Tinker did
come in to him and he looked at the site plan and could see no dif-
ficulty because the site plan showed 25 ft. in the rear, what he
considered the rear; but when the survey was taken, 16 ft. was shown
instead of 25 ft. Mr. Healy asked when he intended to do this work
and Mr. Tinker replied as soon as possible.
Mr. Rodriguez referred to his statement about a resale price and Mr.
Tinker replied that he did not have any intentions of selling it.
He likes the area. It is a dead end street and he has no worry about
his children playing. Eventually when he retires, he will sell the
home probably.
Mr. Rodriguez referred to the number of bedrooms and Mr. Tinker in-
formed him that the house has three bedrooms and two baths. Mr.
Rodriguez referred to the plans being to add a family room and Mr.
~inker agreed and added that he does not have a family room, screened
porch or Florida room. Mr. Rodriguez asked how far the wall would be
from the neighbor on the one side and Mr. Tinker informed him it would
be about 30 ft. Mr. Keehr clarified that a£ter the new addition, to
the west, there would be about 17 ft. 6 in. to the property line and
the neighboring house is at least another 25 ft. Mr. Rodriguez re-
ferred to the south side and Mr. Keehr informed him there would be
about 28 ft. total. Chairman Thompson asked if another bedroom was
included in this addition and Mr. Tinker explained that it would be
a family room with about 18 ft. of carpet for the children and 18
ftltiled for eating purposes.
Chairman Thompson ascertained that nobody was in opposition to this
request and also that no communications had been received.
JUNE 12, 19Y8
Mr. Adelman made amotion to grant the variance, seconded by Mr.
Healy. Under discussion, Mr. Rodriguez stated that he has to admit
to being hung up in terms of the basic address to the problems.
These people are not new owners who are too quickly exploiting the
zoning standards and the Building Department has represented that
they helped e~eate the situation. The setbacks from the neighbors
appear to be adequate. The neighbors are not present and he assumes
they have no objections. Primarily because of the Building Department
making the statement 'on behalf of the applicant, he is inclined to
vote yes. As ~equested, Mrs. Kruse then took a roll call vote on the
motion as follows:
Mr. Rodriguez - Yes
Mrs. Bond - Yes
Mr. Adelman - Yes
Mr. Zimmerman - Yes
Mr. Healy - Aye
Mr. Thompson - Yes
Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Thompson added that he was curious to check whether the grant-
ing of this variance would make this all conforming and Mr. Keehr re-
plied negatively. Mr. Rodriguez stated that the variance would only
cover the part of the property covered by the new structure.
Chairman Thompson stated that if the Building Dept. has made the mis-
take in determining which is front and side~ he assumes the Building
Dept. now says the north side is the front and Mr. Keehr replied that
the house is non-conforming in the rear setback. Chairman Thompson
referred to the Building Department's determination of the front 'and
Mr. Keehr informed him that the Building Dept. is very consistent in
how they select the front and rear and it is not that difficult. Mr.
Howell instituted the regulations and it is followed.
Chairman Thompson referred to the financial disclosures being given
to the members every year and stated that it has been the consensus
of the group that this does not apply to us. It pertains to elected
officials. He suggests acknowledging receipt of it. Mr. Ward added
that he has been on a board inOOcean Ridge for a couple years also
and they do the same; it does not apply to board members.
Mr. Healy referred to Page 38 of the Official Zoning Regulations and
asked if it had been corrected from the four members and Mr. Keehr
replied that it should state five members present and voting and he
will see that the Board members receive the revision of this page. Mr.
Healy also suggested noting reference to Ordinance 77-19 by this para-
JUNE 12, 1978
Mr. Healy then referred to Page 48A and asked if it had been changed
according to Ordinance No. 78-~ and Mr. Keehr replied that it had
been replaced with a revised sheet. Mr. Healy stated that the Board
members have not been kept up to date on these supplements and must
have copies of these ordinances pertaining to the changes. Mr. Keehr
stated that he would see to it that the Board members receive these
revised sheets and that they are updated from now on.
Chairman Thompson ascertained there was no further discussion. Mr.
Healy moved to adjourn~ seconded by Mr. Zimmerman. Motion carried
7-3 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:05 P. M.
Respectf'ully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the followingapplieations have been made
variances as indicated, under and pursuant to the provisions of the
zoning code of said City:
Parcel ~1 - Lot tl less E. 42 ft. and all of Lot 12, Blk. 8,
Recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 62
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 25 ft. rear ~etback requirement
to 7.5 ft. rear setback and
Relief from 7.5 ft. side setback requirement
to 1.5 ft. side setback to build bedroom
Address - 448 S. W. 10th Avenue
Applicant - Gene and Barbara Esper
Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 193
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requireme~~t
to 16 ft. 9 in. rear setback to build
family room addition
Address - 2895 S. E. 1st Court
Applicant - Robert Tinker
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held relative the above applications by the
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT at the City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida~ on
Monday, June 12, 1978, at 7:00 P.M. All interested parties are
nOtified to appear at said hearing in person or by Attorney and be
May 27th and June 5rd, 1978
City Manager
City Council
City Attorney
Building Official
Board Members
Mrs. Kruse .~