De~le B. Bailey, Chairman
Vernon Thompson, Jr., Vice Chairman
David W. Healy, Secretary
~Ms. Lillian Bond
Walter B. Rutter
Foy Ward
Carl Zimmerman
Ben Adelman, Alternate (Arrived 71:30)
Bert Keehr,
Asst. Bldg. Official
Chairman Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
and introduced the members of the Board, Assistant Building
Official and Recording Secretary.
Mr. Rutter made a motion to accept the minutes as read,
seconded by ~. Thompson. Motion carried 5-0 with M~.
Healy and Mxo Zimmerman abstaining.
Chairman Bailey announced that two appliCations had been
tabled and tonight, a seven member Board was present to
give further consideration to these petitions.
~M. Rutter made a motion that both petitions be withdrawn
from the table and heard, seconded by ~. Zimmerman. Under
discussion, M~.. Healy stated he believes each petition should
be brought up individually. SinCe they are important, he
thinks a motion should be made for each one to Be brought up
individually and not a motion for both to be brought up at
one tim~. M~. Rutter then withdrew his motion and Me.
Zimmerman withdrew his second.
M~. Thompson moved that the application for M~. Warren George
be taken from the table and be brought before the Board at
this time, seConded by ~M. Zimmerman. Motion carried 7-0.
Re-Hearing on Application submitted by ~. Warren George,
600 Lake Side Harbor, requesting relief from 20 ft. rear
setback requirement to 6 ft. 2 in. rear setback to Build
new dul~.,....~n ~ine with existin~ du~le~.'
M~. Keehr informed the Board that upon further study of this
particular site by himself and the City Planner, they dis~
covered iff this petition is grsmted to build this~iduplex, a
building permit cannot be issued because there is a density
factor to be taken into account on this property, The den-
sity there is all that is allowed. No additional units can
SEPTEmbER 26, t 977
be built on the property because of the R-3 zoning
density factor~ Consequently, he has been advised by the
City Planner that he feels this is a zoning petition which
cannot be handled by this Board. It is a zoning ordinance
on which there cannot be a variance granted° He wanted the
Board to appreciate this fact before discussing this case
any further.
Chairman Bailey announced he is a property owner within 400
feet of this property and must abstain and turned the peti-
tion over to the Vice Chairman~
Mx. Ward asked Mr. Keehr if the applicant was informed of
this situation when he submitted the application and ~.
Eeehr replied: no, at that time, it was not discovered due
to the request regarding the setback requirements and the
density was not brought into the picture. He explained how
the applicant would be relieved of having to submit completed
drawings knowing now that when they reach the City Planner,
they will not be accepted. Mr. Ward asked if the applicant
would be denied the opportunity to go before another Board
and Mr. Eeehr replied: yes, as according to the City Plar~uer,
no variance can be granted on density. He clarified that
this was the City Planner's opinion, but he did not know if
it was a true fact by law~ Mro Healy asked if the City
Planner and Building Department felt if the Board of Adjust~
ment grants this variance, it would be violating the ordi-
nance and M~. Keehr explained that a variance could be
granted for the setback, but itwould be turned down when
reviewed by the Technical Review Board because of the density
Vice Chairman Thompson referred to the possibility of the
Planning & Zoning Board granting permission to build and
asked if it would have to come back before this Board and
~. Eeehr replied that it would always have to get the Board
of Adjustment,s permission with varying the setback. ~.
Rutter asked why the v~iance was applied for if the property
could not be changed and Mr. Keehr replied that if this would
have been discovered at the onset, he believes M~. George
would have been saved a lot of time and trouble~
~. Ward asked if the Planning & Zoning Board or the City
Planner controlled the density and ~. Keehr replied that
it was controlled by City ordinanc~ and the density is stated
in the zoning ordinances.. M~ Healy clarified that the remedy
would be an amendment to the ordinance which must be passed
by the City Council and ¥~. Eeehr replied that he was not
sure how a variance would be handled on density, but was
told there could not be a variance on density unless the
ordinance is changed. ~s. Bond asked if it was advisable
for Mr. George to go back to the City Council in reference
SE~MBER 26, 1 977
to this and M~. Keehr replied that he could apply to the
Planning & Zoning Board for a change if such a change is
possible. M~. Thompson clarified that the Planning & Zoning
Board would make a recommendation to the City Council and
.the City Council must make the decision. ~. Ward suggested
that ~. George contact the City Attorney to find ou~ the
proper procedure to follow next.
Vice Chairman Thompson asked if ~. Warren George was present
and ~. Clarence Clark, representing ~ George, appeared be~
fore the Board. Mr. Ward referred to a fee being paid for
this application and Mr~ Clark informed him that one fee was
paid. Mr. Ward referred to the application being tabled and
one fee having been paid and stated he did not think this
should be charged. ~ Clark requested that it be tabled,
in case they have to come back to this Board so another fee
would not have to be paid. Vice Chairman Thompson informed
him that he believed the proper procedure would be to apply
to the Planning & Zoning Boar~ for a change and then a recom~
mendation is made to the City Council and after that, he
would know whether to come back to this Board.
Mr. Eeehr suggested that the Board could vote on the setback
variance and this part would be taken care of if Mr. Clark
is successful in getting a variance on the density. ~.
Rutter stated this would be working in reverse and Mr. Keehr
agreed. Mr. Rutter then clarified that there was nothing
much anyone could do until this is settled. He suggests
that the applicant follow whatever procedure is necessary~
~. Healy stated that in all fairness to the appi~cant, this
Board is set up to review the request. New evidence has been
presented to the Board by the Building Department; however,
we can still hear the case as to the applicant,s desire on
the variance. Vice Chairman Thompson asked if he meant to
hear the case and not make a decision and Mro H~aly replied
that a decision could he made but the new evidence presented
by the Building Official must be considered. He thinks the
Board would be obligated to hear the evidence.
Mrs° Bond clarified that this variance was tabled. It was
originally voted on, but resulted in a tied vote. Now, it
has been brought before this Board for reconsideration Be-
cause most of the members are pres~nto Howe~er, she cannot
understand this evidence to have the variance reversed.
Vice Chairman Thompson clarified that it was brought off the
table after a tie vote and in all fairness to the applicant
and Board members, he thinks they must check with the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board° Mrs~ Bond added that since density has
come into the picture, it is another consideration which we
must decide on. Vice Chairman Thompson stated that we cannot
make a decision on z~ning and this is stated in our bylaws.
SEPTEMBER 26 ~ 1 977
Since we cannot change zoning, he does not feel the case
should be heard. ~. Rutter added that we have been
formed by the Building Department that we cannot grant a
variance on density. He thinks the right procedure should
be followed and if the City Council or Planning & Zoning
Board makes a decision on this, then we would be in a posi-
tion to hear the case again° Right now, we cannot do
thing on it.
Mr. Ward ~erred to the possibility of the Board granting a
vari~uce wi~h the stioulation that approval must be given by
the Planning & Zoning-Board or proper Board and stated it
would eliminate the necessity of having the applicant come
back before this Board. ~ Rutter replied that he thinks
this would put the other Board in a position and he believes
£irst things should be first. He thinks it should be heard
by the proper Boards first and then come back here.
Mr~ Healy stated that new evidence has been presented and
this new e~idence must be considered before making a deci-
sion. ~. Rutter questioned what good it was without a
varianc~ and F~. Healy replied that the setback is what is
to be considered by this Board. He read the application and
clarified that a ~ariance was requested for the setback°
Vice Chairman Thompson then referred to having the same situ-
ation as previously with having only six voting me~oers~
Then in ~iew of the new evidence, h~ thin~ the applicant
and Board should be given the chance to go back through the
proper channels° He would hate to make a decision which
~ight have an influence on another Board° ~o Ward referred
to instructions being received from ~. Moore regarding vot~
~ug with a si~ ~e~ber Board and ~ Healy read Mr. Moore's
opinions regarding this° At thi~ time~ Mr. Adelman arrived
and ~'ice Chairman Thompson announced that they did now hays
the necessary members to vote on this~o The decision rests
with the Board and applicant whether this case should be
heard~ He think~ we should hear F~ George's opinion whether
the case should be heard and ~. Healy replied that with
seven members present, we are obligated to hear the case.
~ice Chairman Thomoson stated that with the new evidence,
h~ helie~es a decision should be made whether to hear thi~
case~ Chairman Bailey stated he believed the Board should
decide whether to hear the case with the new evidence pre~
sented. He suggests they decide whether to hear it, since
there is new evidence.
Mr o Zimmerman stated that in the light of the new evidence
and to get things in the proper order, he makes a motion to
withdraw consideration of thi~ case until such time it is
presented to the Board again, seconded~by ~. Rutter.
SEPTEMBER 26, 1977
Under discussion, M~. Ward stated he thought it would pro-
bably be correct to table this instead of withdrawing it
and Mr. Zimmerman replied that he thought tablir~ it was
out of place. If it was tabled~ in the future, they would
have to consider it each time and it would be an undue hard-
ship on this Board to bring it up at each meeting. ~. Ward
replied that it would not necessarily haYe to be brought up
at each meeting, but could be left on the table. Vice Chair-
man Thompson pointed out that the applicant had requested it
to be left on the table, so a new appli~ation would not have
to be made. ~. Zimmerman replied that he would like to leave
his motion as is to withdraw it until it is re-entered by the
applicant. Mm. Ward asked if he meant it must be re-filed
and questioned to what period of time it was withdrawn and
Vice Chairman Thompson clarified that the motion means to
withdraw it completely from the Board and a new application
would have to be made. ~. Zimmerman clarified that he did
not know if a new application would be necessary, but he
hates to have it brought up at e~ery meeting for possibly
another year until it goes through the Planning & Zoning
Board, etc. Vice Chairman Thompson announced that it must
either be withdrawn or tabled~ Mr. Rutter stated he thought
it should be withdrawn and there be a new beginning.
Keehr suggested that the Board possibly consider if ~.
George has to re-apply to this Board, the $50.00 fee should
be waived~ ~ Healy questioned the Board,s right to with-
draw a petition and suggested that the applicant possibly
ask for withdrawal based on the evidence submitted until he
finds out from the Building Department what the next move
would be. Mr. Ward agreed this would probably be the proper
procedure since this Board cannot withdraw on its own.
Chairman Bailey clarified that there was a hearing which re-
sulted in a tied vote and the City Attorney suggested tabling
the application to a future date when there would not be the
possibility of a tied vote. M~ George was allowed to have a
re,hearing and came before the Board and it was tabled by
request. Tonight new evidence has come before~the Board and
it has been suggested that this all should be straightened
out before hearing this case. He thin~ it would be in order
to table this until a decision is made by the proper Board.
Vice Chairm~u Thompson asked the representative if he would
like to withdraw this and Mr. Clark replied that he person-
ally thought Mr. Keehr should have waited until after the
vote to present the evidence as they are actually two dif-
ferent items. Since it has been brought out, he thinks he
will go along with Mr~ Bailey and request this to be tabled
until approval is obtained from the Planning & Zoning Board.
Chairman Bailey added that when this comes up ~or a re-hear~
ing, all interested parties should be notified before this
is taken off the table.
SEP~ER 26, 1 977
~. Zimmerma~ then made an amendment to his motion that the
fee not be required again when this is reconsidered. He
clarified that the idea to withdraw it was only to keep it
off the agenda of every meeting. Mr. Rutter agreed and
seconded the amendment. Under discussion, ~. Ward clari-
fied that it still was not to be tabled, but completely
withdrawn and Mr. Adelman replied that he thought the effect
would be the same as it would not be reconsidered until the
other Board acts. Vice Chairman Thompson referred to it
being pointed out that the Board has no right to discard a
petition and the applicant has requested it to be tabled.
There is a difference between withdrawing and tabling.
~. Adelman replied that if the applicant takes action not
to work on the petition, we would not have to reconsider
anything~ Mr. Ward clarified that they were only trying to
settle whether to withdraw or table. !ir. Zimmerman stated
he agreed with ~ Adelman and the effect is the same and
also he has included that he would not hmve to pa~.~ the $50
fee again.
Chairman Bailey clarified that the motion was to withdraw
this application and no $50.00 fee or filing fee shall be
charged when the application iS submitted for re-hearing.
The first hearing resulted in a tied vote and then, there
was a re-hearing, if this application is withdrawn at this
time~and it is specified that re-application can be made
without a fee, we are in the same position as a month ago.
His opinion is that he does not see anything wrong with the
motion on the fl&or because it is allowing the right for a
re-hearing without additional ~unds plus notification to the
other parties. Mr. Ward replied that he appreciated these
comments and thinks they were~needed, but since he abstained,
he does not think he should give them. Chairman Bailey
replied that any suggestions that anybody could bring up
would be helpful to come to a decision~
Mr. Jim Warnke appeared before the Board and stated that it
seems a lot of time and effort could be saved if the Board
would vote on the petition at hand and move it onto the other
City Boards for their votes. It would eliminate having it
to come back to this Board. It seems that this Board has
only one petition in front of them which they should con~
sider. Mr. Adelman replied that he didn't think the Board
of Adjustment could act before t~'~.Planning & Zoning Board.
M~. Ward stated he thoughtlthis was out of order,
~ice Chairman Thompson requested the members, to get back to
the original question, and requested further discussion. ~o
Healy requested the motion to be read and ~s. Eruse read
it back. Mr. Zimmerman clarified that the motion was not
to withdraw the case, but was to withdr~wconsideration of
the cas~ until such time it is brought up again~
SEPTEFfl~ER 26 ~ 1 977
As requested, Mrs. Kruse then took a roll call vote on the
amendment as follows:
~s. Bond ~ Yes
Mr. Ward - Ne
ME. Rutter ~ Aye
PM o Adelma~ - Aye
Mr. Healy - Aye
Mr. Zimmerman ~ Aye
Mr.. Thompson - Aye
Amendment carried ~-~ o
Vice Chairman Thompson then declared the floor open for dis-
cussion on the original motion~ Mr. Healy questioned the
meaning of withdrawing for further consideration and asked
if it meant to be left on the table, take no more evidence,
or remain status quo and Mr. Zimmerman replied that he meant
to withdraw consideration until the applicant brings it before
the Board again. It is not being tabled as he feels it should
not be brought before the Board at every meeting. ~!r. Healy
replied that the applicant could bring it up himself at every
meeting and ~. Zimmerman replied that it would be rather
foolish to do that. Mr. Healy referred to the zoning being
the new e~idence and clarified that the application to the
Board was for a setback and it should be disposed of one way
or another. ~. Zimmerman referred to the application being
referred to the Planning & Zoning Board and stated that the
Board of Adjustment should take action after the Planning &
Zoning Board. Mr. Healy asked how we knew it would go before
the Planning & ZOning Board and ~. Zimmerman replied that
the Building Official brought to their attention that an error
had been made. M~. Healy stated that the application is be-
ffore this Board and we must act on it; we must approwe~ dis~
approve or table.
~s. Bond clarified that it was taken off the table for dis~
cussion. Mr. Eeehr informed us that we have no right to grant
a variance because it has not been approved by the Planning &
Zoning Board, so we cannot grant a variance. M~. Keehr clari-
fled that he did not say the Board could not grant a variance,
but said e~en if they do, a building permit cmunot be issued
.because of the density. Mm. Zimmerman stated that this is
new e~idence and we should take action on it.
Mr. Rutter questioned the reason for the Building Department
Representative coming to these meetings and M~. Healy replied
that he was present to answer questions and bring in evidence
to aid our decision. However, we are not doing that, but are
leaving the Building Department make the decision. ~4r. Ward
added that it was plainly stated that the Building Department
Representative is here to answer questions only.
Vice Chairman Thompson announced that a vote must be taken on
the motion, but first suggested that the correspondence be
SEPI~BER 26, 1977
read. NE. Healy read a letter from M r, John J. Barici, Jr.,
631 Las Palmas Park, requesting this variance to be rejected
based on a precedent being set which would be detrimental
to the property owners. He then read a letter from Mr.
Charles H. Sipple~ 625 Lakeside Harbor Drive~ requesting
that this request be denied because no hardship has been
represented and the request is to continue non-conformance
which is against the City ordinances. He then read a letter
from ~. & Mrs. John J. Biclak objecting to the granting of
this variance. He then read a letter from Mr. & Mrs. James
C. Warnke, 617 Lakeside Harbor, in favor of this variance so
the structures will be in line to give a favorable appearance.
~. Ward referred to Mr. Sipple's letter questioning the
grounds for a re-hearing and requested the minutes to show
that Mm. Sipple was ignorant in his statement because the
~ariance was not denied previously. Vice Chairman Thompson
clarified that it was tabled because of a tied vote. ~.
Healy clarified that at the first hearing, the variance was
denied, but the attorney suggested that it be re-heard. Mr.
Adelman added that M~. Moore's letter stated that four con-
curring ~otes were needed and ~. Ward referred to having
previously discussed this.
~ Clark appeared before the Board again and stated that
he is the largest property owner next to Mr. George and is
for this building~ Also, he is sure other p~ople here to-
night are for it.
Vice Chairman Thompson asked if anyone in the audience wished
to speak in reference to this.
M~.. John Jameson, 649 Las Palmas Park, appeared before the
Board and stated he was a little confused in hearing motions
and amendments discussed back and forth and then letters
being read. He then asked if the motion was still on the
floor and Vice Chairman Thompson replied: yes. M~. Jameson
then asked if the case was going to be withdrawn, then what
good is all this correspondence and his speech and Vice
Chairman Thompson replied that in case it is not presented
in the future, it will be on the record. ¥~. Jameson re~
ferred to the members talking about tabling, etc. and notices
will be sent so the opportunity exists for people to speak
in the future. Evidently, it does not have to be done to-
r~ght. Mr. Adelman stated that the other man was~given the
opportunity to speak, so others should be given the same
opportunity. ~. Rutter added that he third~s a new can of
worms was opened with the letters being read. This case
has been heard previously and resulted in a tied vote. It
was tabled for the proper understanding from the City Attor-
ney. Since then, new evidence has come up and now it is
suggested to be withdrawn ~til consideration is given. Mr.
Jameson suggested that the motion be cleared.
SEPTEmbER 26 ~ 1977
Mr. Jameson then stated that he was before the Board again to
remind them that all the buildings in this C-3 area are non-
conforming to the City's present regulations. He referred to
the reasons noted in paragraph five of the petition and stated
that no hardship was~shown. He referred to the appearance of
the north end of Boynton Beach being enhanced and explained
how the Inlet Harbor Club was positive for this area. He re-
quests the petition to b.e denied because in his opinion it
typifies the expression to jam as much as you can and it does
not conform to the present b~lding standards of our City.
Vice Chairma~ Thompson then requested that a roll call vote
be taken on~i~the motion and Mrs. Kruse took it as~follows:
Mrs. Bond - Yes
~. Ward - Ne, because he doesn't believe this
Board can withdraw a petition~
~. Rutter ~ Ay~
~o Zimmerman - Aye
Mr. Adelman - Aye
Mr. Healy - Ne, because he takes the stand this
Board cannot withdraw any p~ti-
tion w~ich has been submitted by
an applicant.
Mr. Thompson ~ Yes~ because it was the wish of the
applicmnt to withdraw it.
Motion carried 5-2.
Vice Chairman Thompson then turned the meeting back over to
Chairman Bailey. Chairman Bailey introduced the alternate
member, Mr. Adelma~, who arrived after the meeting started
and thanked him for sitting in for him. He then declared a
three minute break and called the meeting back to order at
8:15 P. M.
Re-Hearing on Application submitted by Mr. George W. Culver,
728 Casa Loma Boulevard~ requesting relief from 53 required
parking spaces to 1~ parking.spaces, no land being available
for the additiona~
~. Thompson mo~ed that the George Culver AppliCation be
brought from the table for discussion, seconded by ~. Rutter.
Chairman Bailey announced that the Board of Adjustment for
the City ~f Boynton Beach hms passsd a motion to reconsider
the variance which was granted to ~o Culver. M~. Rutter
statsd that it was his understanding that the changing of
any decision of this Board would be done by a court of law
and not this Board and Chmir~an Bailey informed him that the
City ~ttorney advised that we had a certain number of days to
bring a motion before the Board to reconsider before getting
involved in the courts. The deadline was met before the num~
bsr of days had expired.
SEPTEMBER 26, 1977
~ Healy asked who presented the application and Chairman
Bailey informed him the application was dated July 27~ 1977,
for an August 8 hearing. Mr~ Ward referred to this re-hear-
ing being on the request for the variance for parking and
Chairman Bailey agreed. ~ Ward stated that it does not
have to d~.with the previous building variance granted and
Chairman Bailey clarified that it concerns the variance
granted for approximately 53 parking spaces. He then asked
if~ there were any further comments from the Board before hear-
ing the public..
Mr. Thompso= requested that it be made clear to the Board and
public that the application before us now- is for parking only
and not seating capacity and Chairman Bailey announced that
in no way does this variance effect the seating capacity.
There are surrounding circumstances which bring the seating
capacity into the picture, but it is not a variance to grant
or deny any number of' seats. This only concerns the parking.
He read the application and advised that a variance was
granted, but new evidence came before the Board and the Board
decided to reconsider the rsquest~
Chairman Bailey then asked if anyone was present representing
Mr. George Culler and M~. George W~ Culver appeared before
the Board. He referred to being here previously and stated
he is tired of coming and imagines the Board is tired of
hearing him. He requests that when they vote there will not
be any politics involved, but that plain common sense is used.
They must consider whether it is good for the City and whether
it will be an asset or liability. People have come in groups
and stood up just because they were from Coastal Towers. Some
day~ COastal Towers will have to ask for a variance when it
falls into the canal the way it is built° Also~ some of his
competitors have objected. He requests the members to use
common sense when ~oting.
M~ Ward questioned his reference to a block vote and M~.
Culver clarified that he was referring to everyone standing
~rom CO~tal Towers.
~. Rutter referred to the present 1~ parking spaces and
questioned the damage from not having the addition parking
spaces and ~. Culver replied that he could not see any
parking problems° He referred to being in business there
for 20 years and told how there were only four cars parked
there when the boat is out. It is a City street and there
is parking~ ~operty was given to the City for the street.
There is always parking on the street on any day of the
week. Mr. Rutter asked if this parking could be made illegal
by the City Police and M~. Culver replied that if the Council
made such a decision~ it could; but he does not know why it
would. There have not been any serious accidents and it is
a one way street~and is a deadend.~
SEPTE~ER 26, ~ 977
Chairman Bailey asked if anyone else in the audience wished
to speak in favor of this application and received no response.
He then asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this
~. Bill Mullen~ Coastal Towers~ appeared before the Board
and stated it was their opinion at Coastal Towers that with
the lack of Parking at this restaurant, there will be only
one place for the patrons to go and that would be into their
parking lot which is werylimited. Another a~pect~i which
should be considered is the legal capacity~ The license
states 50 at the present time. He questions why 53~ parking
spaces are needed for a restaurant with 50 seats? Chairman
Bailey informed him that the 53 was based on 150 seats. Me.
Mullen requested that this be considered.
M~o Rutter referred to the Coastal Towers being separated by
water from the restaurant and asked why patrons would park
there and ~. Mullen informed him that the restaurant main
entrance is right across from their parking lot~and there
is a connecting side street. M~. Rutter referred to the
distance and ~. Thompson informed him that the walking dis-
tance would be approximately 800 fleet.
M~s. Janet Hall~ Sea Mist Marina, appeared be~re the Board.
She requested that the original hearing request which was
mailed to the property owners be read in full and Chairman
Bailey read the notice. ~s. Hall referred to the notice
requesting a variance on parking for a 150 seat restaurant
and questioned the reason and Chairman Bailey informed her
that the reason noted was that no additional land was avail-
able.. He then read the application submitted to the Build-
lng Department. ~rs. Hall stated that there must have been
m reason for needing these parking spaces and Mr. Rutter
replied that it was for a ~50 seat restaurant. Mrs. Hall
stated that M~. Culver wanted a ~50 seat restaurant, but
only had a license for 5!0 seats and Mr, Rutter agreed that
it was discovered that a~50 seat license had been issued
in error and there should only be 50 seats. ~Ms. Hall re-
ferred to this reliance asking for parking for a ~50 seat
restaurant. Chairman Bailey read items 3 thru 5 on the
application for the June meeting and clarified that
Hall~s concern was the mentioln of ~50 seats and ~s. Hall
agreed that it was very specific that the request was for
~50 seats. She then asked if the Building Department had
a request for a building permit upon which this is based
and what was the permit issueld for to build there and ~.
Eeehr informed her that the only permit issued to da~e is
for a storage house with smalll office. ~Ms. Hall stated
that the fishermen on the dock have been told that this
small office is going to be a retail fish market.
SEPTE~EER 26, 1977
~s. Hall then requested that the following letter be entered
into the record:
~'We are opposed to the granting of this parking variance
on a one block long street already burdened by concentrate~m
Vehicle traffic and parking for the Businesses located there
This Board exists to protect fairly all of us from undue
hardship caused by City ordinances. The request before yom
now is for a number of parking spaces much in excess of that
required for the business now oPeratingi~ therefore, denying
it will not cause a hardship to the petitioner. ~ by
allowing~is increase, the Board itself will be ~eatin~
a hardship for the twelve other businesses now located on
that one block. Please consider these facts in your deter-
~s. Hall added that if there was any doubt about the con-
centrated vehicle parking, they should visit this area in
about six weeks around noon. Mr. Rutter asked her how many
parking spaces she h~ for her business and I~s. Hall told
about leasing a ps, king lot for her businesses where at
least 75to 80 cars can be parked, which costs her~dreds
of dollars. She added that if you have a business, you are
supposed to provide parking. She is just one of twelve
businesses on the block. There are nine charter'boats, all
individually owned businesses supporting a captain, mate and
their £amilies. They all cater to the public. They all need
the use of that City street~ There are probably only about
75 to 80 parking spaces on that whole street.
M~. Rutter aaked if one business added or attracted to the
other businesses and ~rs. Hall replied that they all do.
~. Rutter asked if this improved facility, a 50 seat res~
taurant with a warehouse, help the overall community and
~@s. Hall replied that nobody objected to the improvement
of the existing building, but what is being requested is a
variance based on tripling the business. ~. Rutter clari-
fied that wants are one thing and needs are another and
Hall agreed~that this was the point she was trying to make.
The needs are adequately met~ but there is no reason to
crease the parking for the wants.
~o Thompson referred to it being pointed out previously
that none of the b.usinesses in this area have adequate park-
ing and Mr. Rutter referred to Mrs. Hall's statement that
she pays a terrific amount of money for the purpose of park-
ing 75 to 80 cars. M~. Thompson stated that it was pointed
out by the Building Dep~tment that no business there had
adequate parking and Mrs. Hall told. about a meeting held last
year in City Hall when parking regulations were agreed upon.
SEPTE~ER 2~, 1977
She explained how t7 parking spaces were required for a drift
fishing operation, two for a charter boat~ and so many for a
store according to the square footage of' the retail area.
She does have the legal amount of parking spaces. M~ Rutter
stated that this was the first time he had heard about her
parking facilities as it was his understanding that it was
on a first come basis~ ~s~ Hall stated that she has a
charter boat, sight seeing boat, and retail store and must
have parking for her cuStomers. Mr. Rutter asked if it was
required by the City and ~s~ Hall replied that she found it
necessary to do business. She added that the facilities
there are strained~ There are fifteen businesses sharing
the ps, king facilities. Also, the Two Georges have several
businesses. The street is also being strained with the busi~
ness which exists. They are not trying to deny those in busi-
ness~ but the use of the street should not be taken away from
the people who are in business. If they give someone the
legal right to double their business~ it is just like saying
that the public street is theirs. That is all the parking
there is~
Mr. Ward referred to ~s~ Hall~s question regarding the per-
mits issued and ~. Keehr clarified that a permit had been
issued for the storage building with sales room. Mr. Ward
asked where the restaurant came in and M~. Keehr informed
him that the restaurant is attached to this building. Mr.
Ward stated that no permit was issued for the restaurant
and M~ Keehr replied that none was2issued for the restaurant
because the original yariance given by this Board granted
permission to re-build the restaurant, but no variance was
given for the parking. A statement was made by the Board
that F~. Culver would have to come back for a variance on
the parking~ Until that is done, they cannot issue a permit
for reconstructing the restaurant.
M~. ~ard then referred to there being a stipulation that the
permit must be issued in a certain time limit and M~. Keehr
clarified that at the meeting where this Board approved the
parking variance for 150 seats~ the next day that permit
was picked up for the storage building, but since that time
the Board has seen fit to reconsider that variance so ~).at
this time, the Building Department is still waiting for the
~ariance to be approved by this Boated before issuing any
further permits. M~. Ward clarified that no variance has
been issued for the ~estaurant and Chairman Bailey agreed
and stated that this is being reconsidered now. M~o Ward
stated that he thought the parking was being reconsidered
and Chairman Bailey clarified that in order for M~. Culver
to continue with the restaurant, he must have a parking
SEP~i~ER 26, 1977
Mr..Healy referred to most of the parking being on City pro-
perty and ~s~ Hall agreed except for the lot she has leased.
~. Rutter ~dded that £mokey's is about the only place having
the necessary requirements and Mrs. Hall agreed and stated
that is why they feel it is unfair to allow this variance to
increase a business which does not exist now. There is not a
~50 seat restaurant there, She still does not know if the
~50 seat license was obtained by fraud, ~ mistake or impro~
perly issued° ~. Healy referred to ~. Culver having 11
parking spaces and ~s. Hall agreed that ~. Culver has ~3
on his property, Mro Healy asked if they were located in
£ront of his office to service the boats there and ~s. Hall
agreed. ~ Healy asked if the people who rented boats would
park there an~ M~s, Hall replied that the people who rent
boats expect to be able to park their cars~
Chairman Bailey clarified that the license was issued inad-
vertently for ~50 seats and ~s, Hall stated that the request
was based on that, but it no longer exists.
M~o Thompson referred to there not being adequate parking,
but during the course of the year there are boats for sale
or rent in this area and M~s. Hall replied that selling
boats was part of their business and they have increased the
parking space at their own expense.
Mr. Rutter referred to there being restaurants in the City
fronting on a street ~ud questioned the parking requirements
and Mr, Keehr informed him that one space was required for
every three people and one for every two employees. ~.
Rutter referred to there being existing restaur~ts with no
parking facilities and Mr. Keehr agreed, but stated they
were covered by a grandfather situation.
MrS~ Hall clarified that her request was not to deny the exist-
ing business, but that it not be allowed to be increased.
Mr. Vincent Molle, owner of Smokey's~ appeared before the
Board and stated that he objects to this strenuously. It
seems like this Board has grouted everything M~. Culver has
asked for. He thi~_ks they are involved in a big coverup;
not the Board, but the City and Building Department, He
thinks a legal opinion is needed. As a matter of fact, the
50 ~a~ license is illegal, The license was issued in ~975.
He thinks there is ~ coverup and this Board is being used to
legalize what is illegal.. This is for a license which has
been rescinded. He does not see why 53 parking spaces should
be granted. He thinks it should be investigated to see what
is going on, He thinks it should be checked to see if the 50
seat license is legal. ~. Rutter replied that M~. Culver
must produce the license and au application must be made fOr
the license. M~. Molle stated that the legality must be
checked. They are trying to compound this variance and this
SEPTEMBER 26, 1 977
Board is being used as a coverup. He believes the City,
Building Department and Mr. Culver were aware of the 150
seat license issued in error and also, the 50 seat license
was issued in error or illegally. Mrs. Bond questioned his
basis for this and Mr. Molle replied that Mr. Culver never
had the parking for the 50 seat license issued in 1975 with-
out a variance. Mrs. Bond clarified that he was talking
about the license and not a parking permit and Mr. Molle re-
plied that the license requires one parking space for every
three seats. Mx. Culver asked if ~. Molle had sufficient
parking when he leased this place? ~. Molle continued with
stating that he believes there should be some legal investi-
gation. He b.elie~es the 53 parking spaces requested is for
a 150 seat restaurant to make it legal. He believes this
Board is being used as a coverup.
Mr. Healy asked Mx. Molle if he had made an investigation and
'Mr. Molle replied: yes, by requesting copies off all the per-
mits issued. M~. Healy asked how many parking spaces were
needed for a restaurant with 50 seats and M~. Keehr replied:
]7o ~. Healy asked if there was a license there for 50
seats and Mr. Molle replied that he believed so; he believes
the ~50 seat license was rescinded and there is now a license
for 50 seats with M~. Howell~s signature. M~. Keehr verified
that a 50 seat license has been issued. ~M. Healy stated that
53 parking spaces were not needed now and M~. Eeehr agreed and
stated that only ~7 were needed.
~;~. E~ A~ Horan,, representing the Lyman family owning property
immediately adjacent to this street, appeared before the Board°
He told about ~. Lyman calling him from out of state request-
ing him to represent him as being very much opposed to this
variance. This family originally donated half th~ street and
it was supposed to be left open for access to the waterway,
but it was closed o£f. At the present time, they own two
large pieces of property with one leased to ~so Hall for
parking. The other piece is directly accessible from this
two way street and if it is blocked up any more than now, it
will close off the eastern access to their rental property.
~° Lyman is very much concerned about this going through.
It would have an adverse effect on his property. Also~ the
property M~s~ Hall is lea~Ing will probably be open for the
other businesses and it will be necessary to have access
from this street. Chair~n Bailey asked why M~. Lyman was
not present and M~. Hors~n explained that he was in Atlanta
because of illness in the family and would return on Thurs~
day. He added that he handles the legal and banking affairs
for the Lyman family.
~. C. King, 760 East Ocean Avenue, appeared before the
Board and stated he was interested as a resident of Boynton
Beach~ As he understands this application~ ~. Culver
SEPTE~R 26, 1977
has asked for a variance for 53 parking spaces which was pre-
dicated on a 150 seat license which he does not have. How
can this application be considered at this time? Chairman
Bailey replied that it was his opinion that this goes back
to 7976 when this Board gave the Two Georges Marina their
f±rst variance to rebuild what was there and at that time,
there was a license issued on October t, 1976, for 150 seats.
After the variance was granted, Mr. Culver had a certain per-
iod of time to start construction, but ran into a flaw with
parking~ When the parking case came before this Board, it
was passed; but the following day, it was found the 150 seat
license had been-.issued in error. At that time, the License
Department recalled the 150 seat license and re-issued a 50
seat license, This has all resulted in this controversy
before the Board at this time. ~. King replied that this
answer was not acceptable and asked if the Board had a legal
opinion on whether this application is valid today since the
150 seat license has been rescinded? Chairmsm Bailey replied
that the Board did and it is his opinion that it is valid
according to the.legal opinion submitted. Mr. King asked if
I~r. Moore had stated this is still a legal application and
Chairman Bailey replied that from Mr. Moore's letter, it was
his interpretation that it is, but other members could have
other opinions.
Mr. King 'then asked ~. Ward if M~. Culver has used these
same tl parking spaces previously for other applications be-
fore the Board of Adjustment and M~. Ward replied that he
had not to his knowledge.. Mr. King stated that he has been
told that these same ~1 spaces were used for the drift boat,
restaurant and another time or three separate times and now
they are coming up again. Mr. Ward replied that this was not
true since he has been on the Board.
~o King then asked if anybody had totalled the spaces needed
for the entire operation and M~. Ward replied that he didn't
know what the total operation would be. ~. King stated that
the City Building Department should know. There is the Two
Georges drift boat, bait and tackle shop, and restaurant and
each one requires so many spaces. He cannot see where this
particular application is vmlid today. He thinks it should
be rescinded since it is not valid~ It was passed on a
license which was issued in error, which has been rescinded.
This application is null and void. M~o Ward replied that he
did not think the Board could void it unless ~. Moore stated
this in his opinion. M~. King stated that it.~could be turned
down and M~. Ward agreed if the Board ignores M~. Moore's
memo stati~gwe should rehear it. M~. King stated that his
feeling as a citizen of Boynton Beach is that this Board has
functions to protect the interests of the citizens of Boynton
Beach. This situation is asinine in toying with a problem
which should have been thrown out. It is based on a license
SEP~ER 26 , 1 977
which no longer exists~ Mr. Rutter replied that a license
does exist for 50 seats and Mr. King clarified that the liw
cerise does not exist on which this application is based.
This application was~based on a license for 950 seats. This
application is dead.
Mr. Rutter referred to the tally of parking spaces for the
fishingboat~ etc~ and asked if so many spaces were required
for e~ery place o£ business other than the restaurant and
~. Keehr replied: yes. Mr. Thompson also referred to this
being ~ tourist attraction and asked if it was necessary to
have spaces for the tourists~ parking and Mr. Rutter added
that sometimes 50 people were there to watch the boats coming
in and purchase fish~ ~. Keehr informed them there were
parking requirements for marinas with one space for each slip
being required plus adequate parking for businesses such as
restaurants~ motels~ etco ~lso, in reference to this area~
it is ~ grandfather situation which he thinks there is no
a~swer to.
M~. King stated that~he does not object to M~. Culver having
a place to park cars. As a resident of Boynton Beach~ he
w~uts to see this Board function reasonably following the
guidelines~ He thinks they are dealing with a matter they
have no business dealing with~ Their interest should be a
~ote of no. The application is based on a license which was
rescinded. How can this application be valid? Mr. Ward~re-
plied that he might agree with him, but the Board is acting
on a legal opinion. ~. King stated that he would like to
see that legal opinion because it is probably dealing with
something else~ Chairman Bailey informed him that a copy
would be mailed to him. Mr. Ward referred to not knowing how
the Board is Eoing to ~ote, but explained how it was just not
possible to get 50 parking spaces out of ~0o
Chairman Bailey ascertained that nobody else desired to speak
in opposition~ ~ Healy requested that ~ Culver be called
back again and Chairman Bailey replied that if this was done~
anyone who spoke in opposition would also be given another
Mr. George Culver appeared before the Board. Mr o Healy re~
ferred to the June ~3 meeting and stated that the application
w~ for a variance of 53 required parking spaces to ~ and
¥~o Cuiver agreed. P~. Healy referred to this being based
on a 950 seat license which he no longer has and asked if he
needed the 53 spaces and M~. Culver replied that in the
£uture when remodelling the restaurant in the same size build~
ing, he could meet the requirements for ~50 seats. Mr. Healy
asked when the restaur~mt would be converted and ~. Culler
replied within the next two years, M~ Healy asked if he
£elt he could get a permit and Mr. Culver replied that he
does have a variance to rebuild the present building~
SEPTEmbER 26, 1977
Mr. Healy referred to him wanting to enlarge the restaurant
and Mr~ Culver clarified that he could get 150 people in the
current size-and there are 150 seats now. Mr. Healy referred
to most of these seats being on the patio and ~. Culver
agreed but added this was allowed~ Mr. Adelman referred to
a statement from a building inspector that this restaurant
would only qualify for 96 seats and ~o Keehr clarified that
at the time it was inspected for the 150 seat license, the
inspector noted that at that time, it was only large enough
for 96 seats. ~. Thompson stated that it was also pointed
out by the Building Official that it will accommodate 150
seats and ~. Keehr ~greed that Mr. Howell did state that
this could be done by utilizing the exterior area. Mr.
Ward asked if the 96 referred to only the inside of the faci~
lity and ~. Keehr replied that he really did not know. Mr~
Healy referred to the patio not being remodelled and ~.
Culver agreed. ~. Keehr clarified that people could sit
out in the open and it would be constituted as part of the
restaurant° Mr. Healy clarified that at the present time,
53 parking spaces were definitely not needed. M~. Culver
stated that this has been a restaurant for over 25 years and
he does not know what the reference is with having the license
being illegal° P~. Healy referred to the patio being added
during the p~st few years and M~. Culver agreed, but stated
that it has been operating as a restaurant~ ~. Healy stated
that he never had a restaurant for ~50 seats and M~ Culver
replied that he did from October ~ to JUne ~4. M~. Healy
referred to it being issued in error. Mr. Culver then
stated that a lot of lies have been brought up by the oppo-
sition, mainly M~. Mo!le~
Chair~n Bailey asked if anyone wanted to speak in rebuttal.
M~. Molle appeared before the Board and stated that in order
to have ~50 seats~ the patio was included and M~ Keehr clari-
fied that the variance was to rebuild the building in the
dimensions as it exists. Whether the patio is being rebuilt~
he does not know. The dimensions of this property go beyond
the patio~ The building may be rebuilt at the dimensions
which exist and the patio may be included as part of the
seating capacity with or without the roof. Mr. Molle asked
if a permit was issued for the patio and M~. Eeehr replied
that he did not kuow~ as it was built before he was employed.
Mr. Molle asked if a setback variance was obtained when that
was built and ~. Keehr replied that he did not know.
Mrs. Janet Hall appeared before the Board again and stated
at the meeting previously when the original varis_uce was
granted, she made the statement that the restaurant had a
license for 50 seats and was called a liar. Again this has
happened tonight. She and ~. Molle have not state~ lies.
She verified her statements the~following day by going through
the applications. When this was brought to the attention of
SEPTEMBER 26, 1977
the City Manager and City Attorney, naturally the license was
immediately withdrawn for 150 sea~s because it was not valid~
The license was in N~r. Culver's pocket and not on the wall of
the restaurant° The person operating it had no knowledge of
the existence of a 150 seat license. The t50 seat license
never appeared in the restaurant~. If we have made any state-
ments in opposing this~ we are ready to prove them and subw
stantiate them.
~s. Hall then asked the Board if they were here to uphold
the rights of the citizens of Eoynton Beach and other property
owners, here to prevent a hardship created by some City ordi-
nance, or here to try to figure a way to permit ~ Culver
to get from 50 to 150 seats, which is e~actly what they would
be doing unless this request is denied which substantiates
what ~. Molle said isan attempt to use this Board to legal-
ize something it is not. She knows they cannot become aware
of all situations. She is not in competition with Mr. Culver
with not running a restaurant, fish market or drift boat~
She feels unless this variance is denied, the Board is doing
exactly what was intended to upgrade a 50 seat restaurant to
~50 seats~ There is no hardship and it is just using the
City to do something aginst the City ordinances. Mr. Ward
replied that he has tried to use his better judgement in
listening to the people. He is a resident of Boynton Beach.
He always ca~s his vote for what is fair and just for every-
body° M~s. Hall replied that she thinks all the mem?~ers do,
but hopes they are aware of all the facts.
>~s. Bond asked if a 50 seat restaurant would be permitted to
have a liquor license or if 150 seats were required and Chair-
man Eailey replied that he thought it was more than 50 and
possibly could he t50. ~. Thompson. added that it depends
on the license and even?.though having the seating capacity1,
it does not mean a liquor license will be issued. He do~s
think ~50 seats are required.
Chairman Bailey referred tohaving receive~ correspondence and
Mr. Healy read the attached three page letter from ~. Charles
Rodriguez dated August ~5, 1977~ Chairman Bailey added that
copies of this letter had been distributed to all the members
by the City Clerk,s office°
Chairman Bailey then announced that at this time, we have to
come to a decision and the floor is open for a motion. ~.
Rutter questioned the kind of motion and Chairman Bailey
stated that a ~ariance was originally granted for 53 parking
spaces, but since that time a motion has been passed to re-
consider the granting of that variance. We must either go
with the Board's original decision or rescind that original
SEPTEMBER 26 ~ 1977
Mr. Rutter made a motion to rescind the Board's original
variance granted on June 13, t977, seconded by Mrs. Bond.
Under discussion, ~ Ward questioned what we were rescind~
ing to and Mr. Rutter replied to a clean slate~ Mr. Rutter
stated that he thinks tonight we had a most thorough discus-
sion regarding the parking conditions and facilities in the
subject area~ Based on the new evidence brought before this
Board regarding the changing of the license from 50 to 150
seats, he would like to start the record clean by doing away
with the original approval of the varianc~e. Mrs~ Bond added
that she seconded the motion to prevent a hardship on the
fellow members of businesses in that particul~ area. Mr.
~ard clarified that he wanted to know where this leaves the
situation~ This would mean that no variance has been granted
for the parking and is the same as before applying for the
variance and Mr. Rutter agreed this was his intent. Chairman
Bailey clarified that if a variance is rescinded which has
been granted, it is put back to its original point before
being approved. ~ Thompson stated that this would mean
that the property c~unot be improved and M~. Rutter clari-
fied that it would be going back to the vari~uce granted for
the parking. Mr. Eeehr informed the BOard that without park~
ing, the building cannot be rebuilt beyond the extent of the
parking there now. Mr. Ward stated that the parking there
now covers~ the seating capacity for 50 seats and Mr. Eeehr
informed him that there was not ample parking there now for
50 seats, but 17 spaces were required. There are ~ but he
does not know if they all can be designated for the restau-
rant as the ch~ter boat, etc~ must be considered. P~o Healy
stated that if this application is rescinded, it cannot be
hear~ again and this application will be destroyed and Mr.
Culver will have to re-apply with another application and Mr.
Adelman clarified that the variance was being rescinded°
Chair~n Bailey clarified that we are re-hearing this case
from the point where the application stood, from the point
we made the motion to grant it~ If we rescind it, it will
be back at the point of beginning. We will return to the
point where we granted the variance. There is a possibility
if it goes back to that point, if the variance is rescinded,
this Board can possibly make suggestions or come up with a
workable situation in this case. We know there is a 50 seat
license and a certain number of parking spaces are needed.
There is the possibility that a variance could be granted
for the necessary amount of parking spaces for a 50 seat
license. ~. Ward referred to not having an application for
less than 53 parking spaces and Chairman Bailey informed him
this could be handled under special conditions of the vari-
ance being granted~ It would be the same as a time limit
being set. The rules do allow exceptions or certain condi~
tions to be inserted on which the variance is being granted~
M~. Thompson agreed that we do have the right to put in
stipulations and it could ~e for ~7 instead of 53~ We also
SEPi~MBER 26 ~ 1977
may drive the man out of business and Pk. Ward disagreed.
~o Thompson stated that we would not allow the business to
be improved arid Mx. Rutter clarified that we have agreed to
let Mr. Culver improve the existing facilities~ but now we
are getting to the point to extend the parking for the non-
conforming building with no land being available. We are
saying that the necessary requirements must be conformed to
and M~. Healy questioned how. ~. Adelmau referred to the
suggestion to grant a variance for 17 spaces instead of 53
and M~. Ward agreed and questioned why the original variance
had to be rescinded. Chairman Bailey clarified that the
variance has been granted s~d if it is going to be changed
to another alternative, then it should be rescinded and started
over~ ~. Thompson clarified that he was questioning whether
this could be done without advertising, etc. ~s. Bond ex-
plained how new evidence had been presented and suggested
trying to reach a compromise~ ~. Thompson clarified that
the motion was to rescind their vote and also come back with
another motion and Chairman Bailey agreed. For further clari~
fication, ~. Healy read the paragraph from the Board of Ad-
justment outline regarding their powers. As requested, ¥~s.
Kruse then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Mrs. Bond - Yes
Mr. Thompson - No
~. ~ard ~ Yes
Mr. Rutter ~ Yes
Mr. Eimmerman - Yes
Mr. Healy - Yes
M~. Bailey ~ Yes
Motion carried 6~o
Mm. Thompson made a motion that M~. Culver be allowed to
improve his property for a 50 seat capacity resta~ant with
the necessary parking Spaces, which is ~7o Mr. Adelman sug~
gested giving the variance down to !1. Chairman Bailey then
ascertained there was no second for the motion.
~ Thompson requested that the floor be opened for discus~
sion of the variance necessary for the parking spaces for a
50 seat restaurant. Mr~ Keehr informed them that 18 would be
required plus one for each two employees. It has been stated
that with a ~50 seat restaurant, six employees~would be needed,
but he does not know if that is to remain. If so, it would
require three more parking spaces or a grand total of 21.
F~. Ward questioned the requirements for the fish house~ boat,
M~s. Eond then asked Mx. Culver how many employees he has and
~. Culver replied: six. Mr. Healy asked if he operated the
restaurant at the present time and Mro Culver replied: no.
SEPT_EMBER 26, 1 977
Mro Healy asked if he had the authority to answer this ques-
tion and ~ Culver replied that he does not operate it.
Chairman Bailey asked if he had charter boats there and
Culver replied that he has two charter hoats~ Chairman Bailey
asked how many slips were available and ~*~. Culver replied that
he has private slips and two charter boats° Chairman Bailey
questioned the parking requirements and Mr~ Keehr informed him
it was one per boat slip~ Chairman Bailey asked how many were
there and ~ Culver replied: 20, but he believes theY are
grandfatheredo Chairman Bailey clarified that ~7 were required
for the drift boat and M~. Culver disagreed and stated they
were not required by law. Chairman Bailey clarified that the
total need was 41 parking spaces and M~. Culver replied that
they were just talking about the restaurant~ Chairman Bailey
stated that he wanted to make it permissable for him to oper-
ate without having to come before this Board again~
~k~o Culver stated that it was his understanding that a vari~
ance was given for the 25 ft. setback and to rebuild the
restaurant as it was. The 50 seat license was in effect under
the grandfather clause and no parking was needed° He only
came 'back because of the ~50 seat restaurant~ !~. Keehr in~
~ormed him this was not correct as if the building is rebuilt,
the required parking laws must be adhered to~ That is why a
permit could not be issued for the building ~ecause the park~
lng was not approved. Chairman Bailey referred to the build-
ing being rebuilt for the same use and questioned the require~
ment for the additional par~ng and Mr~ Eeehr replied that it
was required because the building was being rebuilt.
Chairman Bailey asked Mr~ Culver for a figure of how many park~
ing spaces would be needed for the restaurant and ?~. Culver
replied that 17 were required ~s stated plus three for the
help. Chairman Bailey clarified that 2~ would be needed to
continue the way it is now and Mr~ Molle replied that nothing
was needed as it could stay as presently under the grandfather
Mr. Keehr informed the Board that the Building Official said
the variance for the building would not hold up until a park-
ing variance is granted° Chairman Bailey clarified that this
meant if a variance is not granted for the parking, the build~
lng must remain the same and nothing can be done with the
variance granted last December and Mro Eeehr replied that
Culver can only do what he is doing now. Chair~u Bailey
clarified that it could not be rebuilt and be brought up to
the building code and ~. Keehr replied: no~ as he does not
have adequate parlaing.
Mm. Keehr stated that the permit issued is for psat of the
building and Mr~ Ward clarified that it was for the fish
shop and storage~ M~. Keehr agreed and stated it was approved
after the parking was approved. Mr. Ward cls~ified that the
SEPTEmbER 26, 1977
restaurant was not incl~ed and there was more than one per-
mit and ~. Keehr agreed and added that it could be done in
phases, Mx. Ward referred to the time stipulation in the
variance granted and ~. Eeehr explained~at it was picked
up late,
Chairman Bailey then asked how M~. Culverts case was progress-
ing in court and ~o Culver informed him that the restraining
order was lifted and he had an ins-oection made. He will call
for another inspection within 30 d~ys of September ~9o Chair-
man Bailey clarified that he was granted a variance to rebuild
provided the permit was secured within 90 days and ~o Culver
agreed and added that he was also required to have an inspec~
tion every 90 days. Chairman Bailey stated t~at the City re~
quires inspection in 90 days or the permit expires and the
Board stipulated that he had to secure the permit within 90
days. He believes it was exactly six months after this took
place and ~r. Ward is concerned whether the time limit was
met. There has been some discussion about the interpretation
of securing a permit. Mr. ~$ard stated that he knows a permit
is not valid until the contractor picks it up and the permit
was not picked up on time. ~. Eeehr clarified that no matter
when ~. Culver picked up the permit, this Board did approve
the parking for that building, The building was approved and
a permit could have been issued, but then that approval was
reconsidered. ~. Thompson referred to having previous dis-
cussion about this and stated they were just trying to tie
~. Culver up. M~r. Ward asked if he was doing his own work
and M~ Culver replied that he could not because it is com-
mercial property.
Mr. Culver stated that he paid his fee, but the Building
Official would not give the permit to the contractor because
of the parking question. This is just getting down to nit
picking. He has already been blackmailed by th~ Fire Mar-
shall requiring him to install a fire hydrant. Florida Power
and Light Co, has also charged him to move the power lines
off his property.
N~. Keehr then stated that to clear up the question, Mr,
Culver did not pick up the permit within six months and
this is a true fact,
Chairman Bailey then declared a five minute recess to allow
~s. Kruse to get more tapes, He called the meeting back
to order at ~0:25 P. M.
~. Keehr stated that Mr. Howell was holding up the permit
for approval of the parking, ~. Ward stated that the park-
lng situation came into light later as at first, the contrac-
tor would not sign it, ~o Keehr stated that Mr. Howell
said he would not issue it until the parking was approved.
SEPTE~v~ER 26, 1977
Chairman E~aiiey then asked if Mr. Eeehr had any suggestion
to the Board on what kind of variance would help M~. Culver
at this time and M~. Ward o jected because the Building
Official is here to answer questions. Chairman Bailey
clarified that this was a question for the benefit of the
Eoard~ He then requested suggestions from the Board members.
M~. Rutter referred to double decking parking facilities and
asked if it was within reason.
Mr. Hea!y stated that we are now at a point where we are a
little more informed than on June ~3 when the variance was
approved. ~e are back to where we started~ Mr~ Culver has
an option: he could withdraw the application and apply for
another variance or if rejected on the permit~ he could apply
for a variance on that objection.
~ Cu!ver stated that he is a businessman and has made some
money in this town and has helped the town. He has made a
good living and only wan. ts to improve his property~ He has
been before this Board for one year and it seems like every
time he turns around, there is some block put in his way.
There are new la~s~ but if he had the money to improve the
building ten years ago, he could have done it and not be
concerned with these lawso He thinks personally, as a busi~
nessman, that when they rezone, consideration should be given
to the existing properties. He does not think a setback
should have been put in that area. He is just trying to im~
prove his property~ He is Just asking for relief. He asked
for a parking variance because the City Planner told him too
He is confused. He knows how to make a dollar and sell a
fishing trip, but thinks this is nit picking on some things.
There was a one da~ difference in securing the permit, but
if the man was there, it would have still been held up. ~.
Ward sounds like he doesn't want him to do anything° if he
had his way, he could not do.anything. Mr. W~d replied that
was his opinion and he can interpret ~o Culver's actions
too and so far~ he is beginning to doubt some°
M~. Healy stated that there is evidence that the license for
~50 seats was given in error and a judgement must be made on
that~ ~. Thompson replied that has all been rescinded ~ud
we are back to the 50 seating capacity and parking space to
operate that° This is entirely different from the boat in-
dustry which was grandfatheredo Mro Culver needs the parking
to operate a 50 seat restaurant~ ~. Rutter requested his
suggestion and ~. Thompson replied that ~0 parking spaces
are short and he is in favor of granting them so the business
can be improved. They do not even have to talk about the
boat as it is already grandfathered ino M~. Ward referred to
the hoatspossibly not being grandfathered and ~. Thompson
SEPTEMBER 26, 1977
called on Mr. Keehr and M~ Keehr replied that the boats are
grandfathered. He clarified that the restaurant is being re-
built and parking is needed for the restaurant only~ Mr.
Ward asked about the other parts and ~v~. Keehr informed him
it was storage and office and two parking spaces are utilized
for that and ~1 are left. He needs a total of 21, so 10 are
still needed. ~. Rutter asked if 2~ parking spaces could
actually be marked off and M~. Thompson replied that the
variance would be for 10 as there are only 1~ ~. Rutter
asked if ~1 could actually he marked out and ~. Culver re~
plied:~no. ~. Rutter asked where they were located and ~
Culver informed him there were 1~ on his property~ He has
~3 and the new building requires two. The spaces are marked
out on his property. Also, he just landscaped it and there
are parking spaces going from the restaurant west.
Mr. Rutter explained~that he was also sort of a businessman
and liked to go where the business is~ He believes all the
people in this area could benefit by more attractive places
and the City and everyone wou~d also benefit. However, he
had no idea about the par~ng facilities. ~ Culve~~ added
that fishing is the biggest thing in this town° He knows the
customers and kmows the people settled here because the fish-
ing was good~
~. Thompson made a motion that a variance of t0 parking
sp~ces be granted in order to occupy a 50 seat capacity
restaurant, seconded by M~s. Bond. Under discussion,
Healy clarified that'instead of granting 53~ it was being
reduced to ~0. Chairman Bailey added that a total of 2~
were required. M~. Rutter added that this would prevent it
from going ove~ a 50 seat capacity restaurant. There was
further discussion of the actual relief being given and then
Chairman Bailey clarified that instead of giving relief from
53~ it is relief of 10. We are not going to give the 53
requested, but only the 2~ required. If we don~t give the
requested 53, he cannot get 150 seats~ but with 2~, he can
get 50 seats. Mr~ Healy asked if the request was being
changed and Chairman Bailey replied that the Board does not
have that right, but the application asked for 53 and we
are only giving 21. The stipulation is to grant, the vari~
ance with only 2~ parching spaces instead o~ 53. Mr. Keehr
suggested that it be written in the nature of the notice
~nat the reductmon is in the required parking of 2~ parking
Spaces to ~ parking spaces. As~requested~ Mrs~ Kruse took
a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
M~s. Bond ~ Yes
Mr. Thompson - Yes
Mr. Ward ~ No
Mr. Rutter - No
Mr. Zimmerman - Yes
Mr. Healy - No
M~ Bailey ~ No
Motion failed 4-3~ variance denied~
SEPTE~ER 26, 1977
Other Business
Mm, Ward referred to the August 22 meeting when there was a
vote of 4-2 and the motion carried and referred to.being in-
formed that a vote of 5 was required to pass. Chairman
Bailey asked if it was referring to a variance motion or
administrative and Mr. Ward replied that it was not for a
variance, but five votes were still required for administra=
tire, 'Chairman Bailey disagreed' and stated that five were
only required to grant a variance and t@. Ward disagreed.
Chairman Bailey informed him that according to Roberts Rules
of Order~ a aGori,y of the quorum cs~ries a motion, but
the City Council has required five votes to grant a vari~Luce.
Mm. Rutter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Bond.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 10:50 P, M,
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Mo Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Four Tapes )
720 East Ocean Avenue
Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435
August 15, 1977
Mr. Der!e Bailey
Board of Adjustment
City of Boynton Beach
City Mall
Boynton Beach, Fla.
Dear ~:. Bailey:
The Board of Adjustment has scheduled a meeting for
August 22, 1977, and will again have on the agenda at that
time what has been represented by the Board as a valid ap-
peal filed -~th it by George W. Culver.
This appeal was last on the agenda of the Board at
the meeting of August 8, 1977.
On August 8th, you, as chairman, made procedural
rulings represented as being based upon applicable sections
of Robert's Rules, the standard of parliamentary practice
in accordance with which the Board of Adjustment is required
to confor~o
Tb.e effect of your rulings was to limit the possible
action currently available to the Board members following
upon their action of July 7, 1977 to reconsider the still
earlier action taken by the Board on June 13, 1977 granting
the variance sought by George W. Culver.
A summary of the events leading up ~o your rulings,
and following upon them, is presented herer.~th in the hope
of avoiding additional confusion, and, in fairness, to seek
to establish an agreed upon record:
oositive performance began when a Board member
moved the reappr~val~= the variance granted
George W. Culver on June 13~ 1977,
this motion was accepted by the ~airman, but
in the absence of a "second~'~ it failed,
another Board member then moved to ~mend the
arlier action to approve ~y reducing the extent
e level of
nimumareli o v 1 e to the
- 2 -
this motion to amend was' "seconded'~,.
the ~hairman then ruled the motion to amend
could not be accepted u~ntess~ and until, the
Board would approve a further action to rescind
the variance approval of June !3~ 1977, even
though the Board had previously adopted, on
July 7, 1977, a motion to reconsider the action
of June 13, 1977,
while the Chairman had not so ruled on the
earlier motion to reapprove, but, in fac~, had
waited patiently through a period of time for a
"second" to be offered on the motion to re-
approve, the maker of the motion to amend ac-
cepted the ruling of the ChaizT~..,~an~
the maker of the motion to amend withdrew that
motion, and then offered a motion to rescind the
Board's action of June t3~ !977,
this motion was "seconded", but, when a tie vote
resulted from a roll call, the Ghairman tabled
the motion to rescind, and the next meeting was
scheduled for August 22, 1977, and,
normally, the business of the Board would pro-
ceed from this point at the meeting of August 22~
This letter represents my formal request ~nat the
errors of interpretation ~hich were responsible for these
events~ and for the conclusion reached, be corrected in
public session, and that the matter of' the application and
appeal by George ~. Gulve~ be restored to a status permit-
ting proper address. I now make this reques~ as the rep-
resentative of Coastal Towers Condominiun~, Inc~. ~ne fo!-
!o~ing citations from the copy of Robert;s kules available
in the Boynton Beach Public Library constitute the basis
for this request.
From Robert's Rules, section 6, page 66 -
"The motion tha~ has taken the fo.~-~n either to Rescind
or~Amend Someth~% Previousl_~ A~oDte~ is an inciden-
tal main motion bec~6-J~ a) it' brings business be-
fore the assembly by its introduction and b~ when
it is voued on, business thereby ceases to be pend-
ing. By contrast, two other mo~ions in this class~
Reconsider (as applied to a main motion) and Take
- 3 -
From ~ne Table, do not bring a question before the
assembly by their introduction, but by their adop-
tion which automatically causes a main question to
become pending.~'
Section 36, page 274 -
"The effect of the adoption of the motion to Recon-
sider is in,mediately to place before the assembl----~
again the question on which the ~vote is to be re-
(~e underscoring represents italicized material in
the text. ~ne capitalization is mine for indicated
If you remember, ! became~ I admit, somewhat upset
at the time you made your rulings during the meeting of
August 8th. I was tempted to ask then that the copy of
Robert's Rules, which I felt would at all times be avail-
able to the members, be consulted. However, as I was new
to these proceedings, I decided it would be more proper for
me to research the questions and to present my findings
should my initial concerns prove well founded.
I hope this letter will prove helpful to you, and
to the other members of the Board, and that you, as ~hair-
man, will comply with our request that you restore this
entire question of the application and appeal of George
Culver to "the exact position it occupied the moment be-
fore it was voted on originally."
I have accepted the suggestion you made after the
meeting of August 8th, and qutside City Hail. I have n~
read all of the related minutes most carefully, and I have
gone through all of the folders and records pertaining to
the applications and appeals of George W. Gu!vet, and on
file in the office of the City Clerk. I have learned much,
and I in~end to make a more informed and documented pre-
sentation on behalf of Coastal Towers on August 22nd.
~qank you for your suggestion, and for your assis-
tance in the matter of this request.
Very truly ~vours,
Complete Marina
& Service Facilities
Home of the Famous Boynton Fishing Fleet
Off East Ocean Avenue
Phone 732-9974
Hoist - Dockage
Bait - Tackle
PHONE: 305 - 732°4567
617 LAKesIDe HaRbor
oznlon on the request of ~ ~ ~ ~.~
for a variance to be considered on ~r~. ~ 1977.
Board of ~
ks the oe~sons most directly ~fzected by
the vari~ce request we wish to ~o on reco_d
~ ~ _y much in favor of the requested
The structure~ ~:~r. G~orge is ~!~ing to
buz~e will be in line with existing buildings.
oran~ed ne would
build in such a way as to detrac~
~pea_~nce of the street.
The rear of the property is dense shz~tbbery
anc~ will not ~._fectz the proper~ o~ners
south. The ~
zront of ~he property is partially
wooded ~nd a 8 foot setback would allow the
const~action without destroying trees
- aha give
a ~ore pleasing ~zzect
The overall appearence of the area ~vould be
~ec~ed if the 20'set back is
~ ~=~ ~-~ property in question
from our ~zont windows ~nd we are in favor of
Warren George has requested a RE-HEARING for variance
Relief from 20 ft. rear setback requirement
to 6 ft. 2 in. rear setback
A part of Lot 5, SAM BROWN JR'S SUBDIVISION, described as:
Beginning at the intersection of the S. line of said
Lot 3~ with the Easterly right of way line of $.R. ~5
(U.S.~I) as said right of way is shown on plat recorded
in Road Plat Book 3, pages 11 through 17 public records
of PaLm Beach County~ Fi; thence S. 89° 157 00" East
(bearings mentioned herein refe~ to said Road Plat Book
3) along the S. line of said Lot 3, a distance of 363.65
it; thence N. 0° 15' 00" East a distance of 128.14
thence N. 89° 47' 00" West a distance of 546.14 ft'. more
or less, to the Easterly right of way line of said
~5; thence S. 08° 12' 00" West along said Easterly
right of way line a distance of 125.97 ft. more or less,
to the point of beginning. Subject to easement and rights
of way of Record, and easement over the N. 10 ft. for
ingress and egress, Section t5~ 45 S~ 45 E.
Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 81
Palm Beach County Records
Address: 600 Lake Side Harbor
Proposed Improvement - To build new duplex in line with
existing duplex.
MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1977, AT 7:00 P. Mo
Legal advertisements will appear in the August 4th and llth issues of
Notice of a requested variance, for RE-HEARING, is sent to property
owners within 400 ft. of the applicant's property tO give you a
chance to voice your opinion on the subject, t
Objections may be heard in person at the meeting or~ filed in writing
prior to hearing date. If further information is dlesired
call 752-8114, City Clerk's Office.
August 3, 1977