Derle B. Bailey~ Chairman
Vernon Thompson, Jr.~ Vice Chairman
M~s. Lillian Bond
Walter Bo Rutter
Foy Ward
Edgar E. Howel!~
Building Official
Bob Donovan~
City Plan Checker
David W. Healy~ Secretary (Excused)
Carl Zimmerman (Excused)
Ben Adelman~ Alternate (ExcuSed)
Chairman Bailey Called the meeti~ to order at 7:20 P. M.
and introduced the members of the Board, Building 0f~mcma_,
City Pia~u Checker, and Recording Secretary. He announced
in view of the Secretary not being present~ he would act as
Secretary as well as Chairman°
inut of August aa,
~. Rutter made a motion to accept the minutes as read,
seconded by ~s. Bond. Motion carried 5~0.
Chairman Bailey read a note from the City Attorney dated
August 25 advising that he concurs, with the Board's action
of August 22 with regard to the Quinette application for a
setback vs~iance based upon the fact that the error in de-
scription contained in the notice of hearing did not consti-
tute amaterial ~ variation and the fact that no objectors
appeared at the hearing.
Chairman Ba~ley then distributed zoning ordinance changes
to the members.
Chairman Bailey announced that Mr. Adelman had requested
to be excused from this meeting.
Chairman Bailey read a letter dated August 30~ ~977, from
Mr. V. Paul Scoggins submitting his resignation. ~.
Thompson moved to accept the resignation, seconded by ~s.
Bond. ~Mso Bond added that she was sorry to see M~. Scoggins
leave. Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Bailey added that he
talked to the City Manager and was advised that he feels sure
the City Council will appoint an alternate to replace M~.
Scoggins by our next meeting on September 26. Also, Mr.
Adelman and ~. Healy will be back by then and possibly Mr.
Zimmerman too.
SEPTEMBER 12~ 1977
~blic Heari~ng
Chairman Bailey announced that in order for a variance to be
granted, thoro must bo five votes in favor~ This is normally
a seven member Board, but only five members are present which
constitutes a quorum°
Parcel #1 ~ Lots 13~ I4, ~5, ~6~ ~7 & ~8, Block 2,
Palm Beach Country Elub Estates
Recorded in Plat Book ~1, Page 43
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 43,560 Sq. ft. lot area
requirement to 35,08~ sq. ft. lot
area to build Church.
Address ~ ~41N~ E. 7th ~venue
Applicant~ Rev. ~a~haniel Robinson
Church of God
Chairman Bailey read the application submitted with the above
and noted two typographical errors. He read the reason re~
quested was that the property adjacent to the church property
is not for sale. He added that he had a plan for the ~embers
to review~
Rev° Nathaniel Robinson, 227 N~ Eo l~th Avenue, appeared be~
fore the Eoard~ ~ Rutter referred to when tho property was
purchased in ~974 and asked if the rozoning had an effect on
what they desired to do now and Rev~ Robinson replied that it
did have an effect° ~k~. Thompson questioned the setback on
the north side of tho building and ~. Howell informed him it
was 25 ~
~ according to the R-2 setbacks~
Chairman Bailey asked if Rev. Robinson had~anything further
to tell the Board and Rev. Robinson stated they were hoping
to bo able to build this~hurch as their former church is very
old and they would 'like ~ better church to preach the word
of God~ ~. Howell questioned the location of the old church
and Rev~ Robinson informed him it was on N~ E~ l~th ~venue~
Mr. Rutter asked if there would be ~my problems with parking
on these plans and ~. Howell replied that they would be
quired to meet the seating capacity in the church. Rev.
Robinson informed thom that this had been met. M~. Thompson
clarified that the only problem was the changing of the zon-
ing from C~ to R~2 which made the difference and ~. Howell
agreed and added that it was an entirely new zoning with
different setbacks, lot coverage~ required acreage, etc.
Mr~ Ward referred to the nearness of homes and Rev. Robinson
informed him that on the south side, there are no homes~ just
vacant land on the other side of the street. R~o Ward clari~
fled that he was referring to each side and Rev. Robinson
informed him it was built in the rear~ Mr. Rutter asked if
there would be any flood lights at night which would annoy
SEPTEmbER 12, I977
the residents and ~. Howell replied that in all fairness,
for the Board's information~ i~is an allowed use in the
zone. The only problem is that the property is short by
8,47~<isq. feet of what the zoning calls for to build a church.
i~. Ward asked how long it would take to build this and Rev.
Robinson replied that he did not know~ but hopes to have it
built in a year. ~. Ward referred to the possibility of a
stipulation being granted with a variance and Rev. Robinson
replied that he thins it is a possibility to have it built
in cios~ to one year. ~. Rutter referred to funds being a
factor and Rev. Robinson agreed. Mro Rutter then questioned
Mr~ Ward's reasoning and M~. Ward replied that he just wanted
to bring out that there was a possibility of including a
stipulation with a time limit for starting and finishing~
Mr. Rutter stated that a project of this type is not the
same as closing in a porch or putting on a bedroom, but he
thin~ this is a community factor and does not think a time
factor should be involved.. He does not think there should
be a time restriction°
M~s. Bond state~ she realized they were only beginning to
build a church~ but asked if there was room for expansion
if the number of parishioners warrant it and Rev. Robinson
replied that if this happened, they could relocate, but
this will take care of what they have now. ~. Thompson
referred to this being non-conforming if the variance is
granted and it would be impossible to come back before the
Board for another variance. Mr~ Howell questioned the
seating capacity and Rev~ Robinson informed him there were
approximately 24 pews with ~2 on each side~ Mr. Howell
added that he believes he looked at this plan and it would
he impossible to add more parking for future use~ which
might be something the people want to think about before
building in this area~ However~ 288 people is a good
sized church and if they would want to build on later
without the parking, there would have to be another appli-
cation made to the Board of AdJustment~ Mr. Rutter sug-
gested just having more services to accommodate the people.
Chair~zu Bailey asked if anyone else in the audience wished
to speak in favor of this variance and received no response.
He asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition and received
no response. He added that no correspondence had been re-
~Aro Ward made a motion that this variance be gra~%ted~ He
added that he w~uted it understood that the reference to
property being available was to ascertain whether it was
part~i~of a hardship. ~. Rutter seconded the motion. Under
discussion, Mr. Thompson explained how it may be advisable
to screen the parking so lights at night won't bother the
SEPTEmbER 12, t 977
neighbors and ~m. Howell replied that a buffer is not required
for a church, but only between cor~mercial and residential pro~
perty~ Mm, Thompson clarified that he did not say it was a
requirement~ but thought it may be advisable and ~,~, W~d
agreed it was a good thought a~ad possibly could be worked
out, Mr. Thompson referred to something being noted on the
print~ but stated that he was not sure what it was and Mr.
Howell ~uformed him that hedge was shown all the way around.
As requested~ M~rs. Kruse then took a roll call vote on the
motion as follows:
Mzr. Rutter - ~je
Mrs. Bond - Aye'
Mm. Thompson ~ Aye
Mr, Ward ~ Aye
M~, Bailey - Aye
Motion carried 5~0,
Chairman Bailey then gave the plans to Mrs. Kruse to be re=
turned to M~so Padgett,
Other Business
M~. Howell referred to the possibility of having a form for
the Board to be signed by the members of the Board and Chair-
man when a variance is granted which could accompany the ap~
plicationo He explained how the Building Department~did not
have the in£ormation to know whether a variance had been
granted and if the Board could give the people an affidavit
that it has been granted to turn in with the plans, it would
be beneficial to the Building Department. They would be much
less apt to make an error, It would just be a notification
that the variance has been granted, He explained how it was
necessary now for them to research the minutes to know the
action taken by the Board. He also explained how the records
did not show a variance was granted if questioned in the
~. Thompson suggested possibly just using a stamp and Mr.
Rutter replied that this may not be adequate as in certain
cases certain special conditions are included. M~, Ward
suggested that the minutes be checked for stipulations and
Mr.'Howell explained the inconvenience with this method and
stated he would like to have a form which could be used for
a record in the Building Department mad a space could be in-
cluded for special comments.
Mr. Ward suggested stamping the plan ~d M~. Howell explained
how this may hamper the applicant as it is not always neces~
sa~for a plan to be submitted. Mro Howell then stated that
all he thought was necess~my was a small sheet of paper to
be made part of his record with the Chairman signing it~ a
list of the members and the vote,
SEPTEmbER t2, 1 977
Mr. Thompson questioned the present procedure regarding stipu-
lations and ~. Howell explained how the minutes must be re-
Searched. He added that copies of the minutes must be made
and it would be simpler just to have one sheet noting the
variance~ M~. Ward agreed this would be convenient but
stated they should still be on alert to check the minutes
regarding stipulations,
~. Howell stated he would likepermission to submit a form
to the Board and if it is feasible~ he would like to use it
as part of his record. M~ Ward asked if there would be more
expense to the City with reference to printing and Mr. Howell
replied there wouldn't be as much as now with ma_king copies
of the minutes~ He clarified that he was interested whether
there was a variance, what is was for and if there was a time
limit~ M~o Ward asked if he wasn't concerned with the stipu-
lations and M~. Howell replied that they would not ~tter for
the record and explained how it would be submitted with the'
plan and when the job is completed~ it will be part of his
record. Chairman Bailey suggested that the form just state
denied or granted with a check list for time limit~ special
conditions and date of meeting and if there was any special
resesa~ch~ it would be easy enough to check the minutes.
Chairman Bailey then asked if it would require special per-
mission for the secretary to handle this and ~. Howell re~
plied that he would have to obtain the City ~nager's appro~
val~ Mr. Ward stated that if this policy were going to be
followed, he believes the Chairman should fill it out with
signatures of the Board members with no additional burdens
made on ~@s~ Kruse~ Mr. Howell clarified that he just
wanted to know if a variance was granted or special consid=
erations and this would be filed as part of tha record.
After discussion~ it was agreed tna~ the members would review
such a form submitted by ~'~. Howell at the next meeting.
~. Rutter made a motion to~ad~our~ seconded by Mr. Thompson~
Motion carried 5~O and the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:00 P~ M~
Respectfully submitted
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretsm~y
(One Tape)
This form available from Grayarc Co. Inc. A Subsidiary of Dictaphone CorPo~'ation,$82 Third Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11232
Mr. ]Derle Bailey
Chairman Board of Adjustments
ToC ity Hall
Boynton Beach
P. O. BOX 910
Phone: (305) 734-2424
DATE August 25, 1977
- De ar Mr. Bailey:
I concur with the Board's action of August 22 with regard to Q'uinette application for
set back variance based upon the fact that the error in description contained in the notice
of hearing did not constitute a material variation and the fact that no object,rs appeared
at the hearing.
August 30, 1977
Mr. Derle Bail~, Chairman
Board df Adjus~ents
Ci~ of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Bail~:
Due to business commitments on the west coast, I must regretfully
resign from the Boynton Beach Board of Adjus~ents.
I have enjoyed the opportunity afforded me while working with the
members of the Board.
Si ncerel y,
V. Paul Scoggins
West Winds Golf& Racquet Club
192.5 Charter D Hve North -- P.O. Box 368 m Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Telephone Golf Pro 734-0224 Tennis Pro 734-0222 Business Office 734-0220