Minutes 05-23-77i~:I::~ i::S OF T~ BOARD OF ADJUST}~NT~:~:~:w~ ....... ::ELD AT CI~v HAL~ ~ -:,
~ LORIDa MONDAY MAY 25 ~9~7 AT 7:00 P. M.
BO~dTON BEACH, ~ , ,
Derle Bailey, Chairman
Vernon Thompson, Jr.,Vice Chairman
David W. Healy, Secretary
Walter B. Rutter
Foy Ward
Carl Zimmerman
Ben Adetman, Alternate
V. Paul Scoggins, Alternate
Bert Keehr, :
Building Dept. Rep.
Liliian Bond
Chairman Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
and introduced the members of the Board and the Recording
Minutes of Apr.~1 2.5~ 1977
Mr. Thompson moved to accept the .minutes as printed, seconded
by ~:r. Hea!y. Motion carried 7-0.
Chairman Bailey referred to giving each member an envelope
from the City Clerk and also a folder containing the Planned
Industrial Development District Intent and ~rpose Section.
~. Adelman replied that he had not received the envelope con-
taining the financial enclosure information and it was re-
quested that Mrs. Padgett mail him one.
Chairman Bailey announced there was no reason for a meeting
on May 9 and he requested Mrs. Padgett to contact everyone.
A memo has been received from Mrs. Padgett advising this was
done and will be filed with the minutes.
~b!ic H ar:n~
Parcel #3 - Lots 7, 8 & 9, Block 3, Central Park Annex
Recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 51
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 9000 sq. ft. lot area
requirement for each duplex to 8775 sqo ft.
Address - 125-131S. W. 11th Avenue
Applicant - William E. Grapentine
~. Healy read the above application and read the reason re-
quested stated these properties were presented as being zoned
for two duplexes and so priced. Denial of the petition would
result in financial losses of $6,000.
PAG~ ~iO
~D~Y 23, 1977
Mr. Grapentine appeared before the Board. The members stud-
ied the site plan and then ~t was returned to Mrs. Kruse to
be given to Mrs. Padgett.
Mm. Thompson asked if the lot area was the only requirement
which would not be met and Mr. Keehr replied that other than
the lot area, the other requirements are met.
~. Ward asked when Mr. Grapentine acquired the property and
MT. Grapentine replied: March 4, 1977. Ma~. Ward asked if he
knew at i~that time the lots were not large enough and Mr.
Grapentine replied that he understood they were originally
zoned for two complete duplexes; but due to the rezoning, they
were short 225 sq. feet.
Chairman Bailey asked if anyone desired to speak in favor of
this variance and received no response. He then ascertained
that no correspondence had been received in favor. He then
asked if anyone desired to speak in opposition and the follow-
lng appeared before the Board.
M~. Sam Mathis, 110 S. W. ~lth Avenue, stated he was speaking
not only for himself, but everyone in the area who received
a notice and signed a petition against it. The property was
bought in March and if there is a hardship, it is self-imposed
as the ordinance was already passed. There is sufficient room
to build one duplex, but it would be too crowded to build
duple~ces. Zt is not the neighborhood standards to allow such
a unit and he cannot see how it can be done under the ordinamce.
He cannot see where it would be beneficial to this neighborhood
of single family dwellings to allow this unit to be built.
It was this man's duty to find out about the ordinance before
settlement and if it was misrepresented, it was wrong. He
sees no way it could be granted.
~. Dale Hatch, 12!1 $.W. 1st Street, stated he lived just
around the corner from the property in question. He opposes
a duplex being built in this single family area in which he
lives. He bought in that area with the idea it was a single
family area. He believes if the neighborhood is checked care-
fully, no other duplexes will be found. He thinks there are
some nice homes ~n this area and he is opposed to having four
families living on such a small lot. ~. Rutter asked if he
opposed one duplex and Mm. Hatch replied that he did not like
it and would prefer a single family house. Mr. Healy referred
to there being a duplex built at Seacrest and loth ~&venue a~d
Mr. Hatch replied that along Seacrest, it is duplex area.
Mr. Pierson, 115 S. W. 11th Avenue, informed the Board that
retired people and young children live in this area. There
is a problem in the neighborhood with parking. He explained
how there could possibly be 12 cars with two duplexes and
only 4 parking spaces are required for each duplex, if the
~-Y 23, t 977
man bought a hardship, it is his problem. He hooes it will
be.~ept a~ i~ is now. ~. Thompson referred to two cars per
un!~ and ~Uhairman Bailey clarified that a total of eight
parking spaces would be required. ~. Pierson continued with
referring to the purchase of a hardship and comparing it to
~ne purchase of a car which could turn
ou.~ to be a lemon and
he would not expect to be bailed out. He also told about hav-
ing the opportunity to purchase this land 12 years ago and
stated it was sold at a profit now. He thinks it would be
nice to build two homes. He again stress~ed how the parking
was a problem and the whole neighborhood was upset about the
notice, it is a nice neighborhood and they would like to
keep it that way.
Mr. Art Cloutier, 126 S. W. lOth Avenue, informed the Board
that his property was directly behind this. He has a large
family and built a beautiful home on a t00 ft. lot and would
like it to remain single family residences.
Mrs. Schlar, I21S. W. 11th Avenue, informed the Board this
was next to her property. She would like two nice homes in-
stead of duplexes. People are coming and going in duplexes
and it would not be advisable.
M~. Earl Engel, 111S. W. 11th Avenue, stated that he was in
agreement with the previous speakers. He then told about
~. & ?~s. Hoffman, who live across the road from this pro-
perty, having to buy additional land to put a little screen
porch on and they were only 1 ft. short. How can somebody
ask for this much? He thinks it is asking too much.
Chairman Bailey then asked if any correspondence was re-
ceived in opposition and ~. Healy read a petition subrmitted
signed by 38 residents in the area strenuously objecting.
He also read letters in opposition from M~. & ~s. Joseph
imboden, 114 S. W. 11th Avenue, and Mr. Richard H. Raybuck,
141S. W. tOth Avenue. It was requested that this corres-
pondence be filed with the minutes.
Mr. Ward made a motion to deny this variance because he does
not think the applicant has the right hardship for a variance
to be granted. ~. Healy seconded the motion. Under discus-
sion, ~. Rutter stated the testimony of the people ~.resent,
being ta×payems of the City of Boynton Beach, must be con-
sidered, plus the buyer ~maew he would have difficulty con-
structing the duplexes and whatever hardship Was created, he
created it. Mr. Ward added that a hardship must be unique
and minute and not self-created.
As requested, ~s. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
I~Y 23, 1977
~v~. Rutter - Yes
Mr. Adelman - Yes
Mr. Thompson - Yes
Mr. Ward - Yes
Mr. Zimmerman - Yes
~. Heaiy - Yes, because he feels the
applicant has not given
any real hardship smd
believes it would only
increase the density of
the neighborhood.
~. Bailey - Yes
Motion carried 7-0.
In view of the people eXiting, Chairman Bailey declared a
short break. He called the meeting back to order at 7:33 P.M.
Parcel #~ - Lot 22, Lee Manor Isles
Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 211
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from fence height requirement
to permit installation of 10 ft. chain
link fence for proposed Tennis Court
~ddress - 640 Castilla Lane
Applicant - M~. James E. Wurth
Mr. Hea!y read the above application and read the reason re-
quested is that the minimum fence height requirement for ten-
nis courts is I0 ft.
M~. James E. Wurth, 640 Castiila Lane, appeared before the
Board. ~@. Healy referred to the minimum fence height re-
quired for tennis courts being 10 ft. and Mr. Wurth replied
that the zoning regulations say the maximum height for a
fence is 4 ft. and he is asking relief to have ~0 ft. for a
tennis court to retain the balls. Tennis courts use 10 and
12 ft. heights and he is asking for the minimum. Mr. Ward
asked where this fence would be located and Mr. Wurth informed
him that he has a lot next to his house where he would like to
put in a tennis court and will have the fence around the court.
~. Healy asked where the 10 ft. requirement came from and Mr.
Scoggins informed him that the 10 ft. requirement was per
industry standards.
?~. Zimmerman asked if the fence would be on the lot line
and Mr. Wurth explained how the back would be on the seawall
and the front would be nes~ the lot line inside of a 6 ft.
high hedge. The lot is 115 ft. and the standard court is
120 ft. and he will try 'to put it as close as possible to
the hedge. The court will take up about 2/3's of the width
of the lot.
~Y a3, ~ 977
Chairman Bailey asked if anyone desired to speak in fsy¢or of
this variance and received no response. He~then asked if
anyone would like to speak in opposition and received no re-
sponse. He ascertained that no co~nnunications had been re-
M~. Rutter made a motion that the variance for the fence be
granted, seconded by Mr. Ward. Under discussion, ~. Rutter
explained that his reason was that he looked at the location
and it is ideal for a tennis court. Also, no objections have
been received from the neighbors. It will be an added attrac-
tion for the neighborhood. If it was in ma area where it
would be attmacting children or objections were submitted,
he may be in opposition. I~k~. Zimmerman asked if smy similar
variances had been granted since the fence ordinance has been
in effect and Mr. Keehr replied that he has not been here a
year and this is the first fence variance he has been aware
of. ~ Rutter explained how ~t just would not be advanta-
geous to have a 4 ft. high fence around a tennis court. Mr.
Ward added that he could not remember granting such a variance
through the years. ~. Rutter referred to the City tennis
courts and also mentioned how a spite fence may be objection-
able. i~. Zimmerman agreed a chain link fence would certainly
not be objectionable compared to a wooden fence at this height.
M~. Hea!y stated he understood this was the first time any re-
quest was presented to the Board. of Adjustment for building a
tennis court on a residential lot. Had this come up before,
he is sure the Building Department or Planning & Zoning Board
would have made provisions and possibly now they will take
this into consideration. There must be a fence high enough
to protect the play. 1~. Thompson agreed this was the first
he had heard of this type. However, it is strange in Boynton
Beach to see a tennis court in a residential area. He asked
if the neighborhood was completely built and Mr. Rutter replied
they must consider the type of homes and the manner of exercis-
ing done today. ?~. Thompson referred to having problems pre-
viously where a person wanted to fence in Mango Trees to pro-
tect them. It is Mangoes versus tennis courts. Chairman
Bailey informed them that he did some research on this and
nobody ~new of a tennis court in a residential area in Boynton
Beach. Mr. Scoggins stated he thought i~ was long overdue
and told about other r~sidential areas having tennis courts.
He added that everyone couldn't .~=ay at the City courts, be-
cause the number was inadequate. ~wh~. Thompson agreed it was
a worthy cause, but he questions bringing the fence to the
street. He is sure if the property was deep enough, an appli-
cation would not have to be submitted. ~. Wurth informed
him there was a 15 ft. right-of-way. M~~. Rutter asked what
the problem would be if the fence went to the building line
and Mr. Thompson replied that he thought the door would be
open to Mango Trees and anything else. M~.. Rutter stated
there was a difference between Mango Trees and tennis courts.
~Y 23, 1977
Mr. Healy asked if the tennis court would be used for personal
use and M~. Wurth replied that it would be for!~nis family's
personal use and all the neighbors have been invited to use
it at their~leisure. It will not be private and locked. As
requested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion as
I~. Rutter - Aye
Mr. Thompson - No
~r. Ws~d - Yes
Mr. Zim~erman - Yes
M~r. Scoggins - ~es
Mr. Healy - Yes
Mr. Bailey - Yes
Motion carried 6-1.
Parcel #2 - Lot 4~ Block 2, Lake Eden, Plat #2
Recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 53
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from fence height requirement
to permit installation of 10 ft. chain
link fence for proposed Tennis Court
Address - 3~0~ S. Lake Drive
Applicant - Thomas J. Bowles
~. Healy read the above application. Chairman Bailey re-
ferred to the request being for both an 8 ft. and 10 ft. high
fence smd Mr. Bowles clarified that ~0 ft. high was required
and he changed some of the papers, but possibly not all of
Chairman Bailey questioned the setback from the street and
Mr. Bowles informed him it would be 45 ft. from the easement
and on the other side it would be back 25 ft. He added that
it would be 60 ft. wide ~ud 120 ft. long.. Chairman Bailey
referred to the shape of the fence and ~. Bowles explained
that it was '~U~ shaded with the middle open. ~. Zimmerman
asked if he was going to leave the present fence there and
Mr. Bowles replied: yes, just like it is and explained that
the existing fence goes from both lots down the street to
the corner of the other house and is 240 ft. long and 135 ft.
wide. ?~. Healy asked if the tennis court would be for his
own use and Mr. Bowles replied: yes, strictly private use.
M~. Scoggins made a motion to grant the variance, seconded by
Mr. Rutter. Under discussion, M~. Ward stated he didn't
think either one had a hardship, but is going along with it
since it is something new and not covered in the zoning ordi-
nance. M~. Rutter stated that a 4 ft. high fence is definitely
a hardship for a tennis court. M~. Ward stated there were no
regulations about it at all. Mr. Thompson referred to there
being a section covering fences in the ordinance and Mr. Ward
replied that it did not state tennis courts. ~. Thompson
~Y 23, 1977
replied that the ordinance does spell out fence and it would
be impossible to list everything a person would like to fence
in. ~. Scoggins stated that a fence and tennis court are
almost synonymous and a fence is a necessity wm~h a tennis
court. M~. Thompson agreed and stated it was nice to have a
tennis court, but the fence should not be right at the street.
it is not a hardship. He referred to other applications for
fences and explained how he thought the door would be opened
for other reasons, such as golf, with granting this. Mr.
Rutter referred to the City having tennis courts and M~.
Thompson replied that it was in a commercial area. Chairman
Bailey stated he thought it was 6 ft. throughout the City and
~. Keehr informed him it was 8 ft. in industrial areas.
Chairman Bailey suggested they look at this according to the
circumstances and added that he thought it would be a compli-
ment to the City of Boynton Beach. ~. Ward stated he thought
this should be brought to the attention of the City Planner
as far as any future regulations and ordinances to look into
the tennis court situation. Mr. Adelman stated he thought
tennis courts are a compliment to the area and does not think
doors will be open. M~. Thompson referred to the screening
in of swimming pools being a problem. Mr. Adelman replied
that swimming pools were different as a fence is not needed.
~. Rutter added that a fence was necessary with a tennis
court. ~. Thompson agreed, but referred again to it being
close to the street. ?~. Zimmerman stated he could see
Thompson's viewpoint and explained how someone may want to
fence in an archery target area.
~. Keehr informed the Board that he did take this to the
City Planner in regards to a tennis court being an accessory
use to a single family residence and Mr. Annunziato whole-
heartedly agreed that this is~an accessory use. Possibly the
City Planner will come up with fence stipulations. M~. Healy
referred to the City growing and stated he thought the City
Planner and Planning & Zoning Board must give consideration
to some changes.
As requested, Mms. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
M~. Rutter - Yes
Mr. Thompson - No
Mr. Ward - Yes
~. Zimmerman - Yes
~. Scoggins - Yes
Ma~. Healy - Aye
M~-. Bailey - Yes
Motion carried 6-I.
~[~Y 23, 1 977
~. Rutter made a motion, to ad3ou~n, seconded by ~.
Zimmerman. Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was pro-
perly adjourned at 8:00 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(One Tape )
Derle Ba±ley
Chairman, Board of ~Adjustment
P, O, BOX 310
,DATE :.~ 5/9/77
~JECT: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... T-'
Pursuant to your telephone request at 10:35 A.M. this morning
we have called the members of the above mentioned board and advised them
that there wSll not be a meeting of the Board this evening since there are
no applications on file for ~his date.
Was able to contact everyone except Mr. Thompson.
GRAY/%RC CO., INC.. BROOKI.¥N, N. Y. 11232