De~e B. Bailey, Chairman
Vernon Thompson, Jr., Vice Chairman
Mrs. LillianBond
Walter B. Rutter
Foy Ward
V. Paul Scoggins~, Alternate
Carl Zimmerman, Alternate
Bert Keehr,
Building Dept. Rep.
David W.. Healy, Secretary ~ (Excused)
Stanley Weaver (Excused)
Chairman Bailey
and introduced
Mrs. Eruse.
meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
of the Board, Mr. Keehr, and
Chairman Bailey ~ead a letter dated March 29, 1977, from
Mr. Edward F. Harmening submitting his resignation on the
Board of' Adjustment.
Chairman Bailey read a memo from the City Clerk's office
advising that ~. Stanley Weaver called advising that he
would be unable to attend the Board meeting due to a prior
committment. He added that Mr. Healy, the Secretary of the
Board, had called him and was unable to attend due to ill-
Chairman Bailey ascertained the members had received their
latest amendments to the Zoning Regulations.
Chairman Bailey announced that a memo from the Recreation
Department had been received in reference to the annual
Summer Golf League and he passed this to the members.
M~nutes of March 28, 1 977
Mr. Rutter made a motion to accept the minutes as written,
seconded by Mr. Thompson. Motion carried 7-0.
Mr. Ward then made a motion to accept Mr. Harmening's resig-
nation, seconded by Mr. Rutter. Motion carried 7-0.
~hlic Hearing
Parcel #1 - Lot 21, Less the West 14 ft. thereof and North
Half of the 10 ft. abandoned alley R/W lying
South of and adjacent to Lot 21, Less the West
14 ft. thereof, Arden Park
APRIL 11, 1977
Parcel #1
(Cont.) - Recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 96 Palm Beach County Records
Address - 415 Railroad Avenue
Request - Relief from 10,000 sq. ft.
minimum lot area requirement
to 6, 150 sq. feet
Proposed Improvement- To construc'~t
warehouses and offices
Applicant - Jim Shanley representing
Rose C. Shanley, Owner
Mr. Rutter read the above application and advised it wasrre-
quested because the site cannot be used under the pz~sent
zoning requirements; it is land locked.
Chairman Bailey asked if anyone was present representing the
Shanleys and Mr. Jim Shanley appeared before the Board and
stated his name and his address as 1313 S. W. 22nd Street.
Chairman Bailey showed the members the site plan and then
asked if they had any questions for ~. Shanley. ~. Thomp-
son asked if the property was recently acquired and Mr.
Shanley replied: yes and Mr. Scoggins added that it was deeded
in January. Mr. Thompson asked if he had this purpose in
mind when he purchased the property and Mr. Shanley replied:
yes, he purchased the property with the intent to build as
shown on the site plan. Mr. Ward asked if he knew this lot
would not accommodate this building when he purchased it and
Mr. Shanley replied that he was under the impression that the
lot was sufficient.~ His architect looked at the property and
drew a plan and they were under the impression that it would
meet the requirements.
Chairman Bailey asked if there was any other reason than the
10,000 square feet requirement for this to be before the Board
and Mr. Eeehr replied: no. Chairman Bailey clarified that if
the building was built as shown, it would.conform to all re-
quirements and a variance is only needed for 10,000 sq. feet
to 6,150 sq. feet and Mr. Eeehr agreed. ¥~. Ward asked if
this had been approved by the other Boards and Mr. Keehr re-
plied: no. Mr. Ward asked if there was enough area for park-
ing, etc. and Mr. Keehr replied they did not know this fact
as it is not tabulated unless a variance is granted. If addi-
tional parking is needed, it must be given and could be done
by reducing the building size. Mr. Ward clarified that the
variance would not be granted for any parking and M~. Keehr
agreed this was correct. Mr. Ward pointed out that five
parking spaces were shown and Mr. Keehr replied that he could
tabulate this now to see if it was correct.
APRIL 11, 1977
Mr. Thompson asked if he was told by the Building Department
that he would have adequate space to build the building or if
this information was given by some other source in City Hall
and Mr. Shanley explained that his architect spoke to some-
one in the Building Department and presented a site plan and
was given assurance it was nicely laid out and would compli-
ment the area and he was more or less given the go ahead.
However, he was not there and this is the information which
was given to him.
~. Keehr informed the Board that after studying the plan,
there appe~s to be 2,400 sq. feet of area and under the pre-
sent parking requirements, he would be required to have one
parking space for 400 sq. feet of non-storage area which
would require six spaces. He i~ sure some portion would be
classified as storage and believes five p~rking spaces would
be sufficient. H~. Ward clarified that this Board would not
be granting any variance as far as parking. Mr. Keehr agreed
and stated the variance would cover minimum lot area only.
Mr. Ward asked who the architect was and ~o Shanley informed
him it was Art K~sko of West Palm Beach. ~. Ward stated he
was surprised he did not find out about the lot area and ~.
Shanley informed him that ~. Ki~ko laid it out according to
the setbacks and it was taken to the Building Department and
the site shows the lot is 120 x 50 ft. He was given a verbal
okay on the project. The building is 2,100 sq. feet and
there was only a question regarding parking. The question
was never raised about the size of the property not conform-
ing. He was not told by the realtor and they knew their
purposes. This came to him out of the sky. He was not aware
of this fact and purchased the lot and cannot use it. Mr.
Rutter clarified that the question was that the size of the
building make adequate room for parking and the Board does
not have anything to do with that.
Chairman Bailey asked if anyone in the audience desired to
spe~k in favor of this variance and received no response.
He then asked if anyone desired to sp~ak in opposition and
received no response. He added that no correspondence had
been received.
Mr. Rutter made a motion to grant the variance for the reason
that the lot isllandlocked and he is willing to adjust for
parking and the building is adequate. Mr. Thompson seconded
the motion. Under discussion, M~s. Bend asked if the build-
ing would be adjusted to accommodate for the lack of parking
space and Chairman Bailey clarified that the variance~was
for the ~ize of the lot. If thisDpasses, it will grant him
permission to build on a non-conforming lot. Anything built
must conformto the building code. This will only grant the
right to build on the lot. Mr. $coggins added that they were
APRIL 11', 1977
not sure parking was a problem and Mr. Keehr agreed and
added that this would be ironed out before a permit is
su~d.~ Chairman Bailey added that if parking is a problem,
he will have to apply before this Board again and request
relief. As requested, Mrs. Kruse then took a roll call vote
on the motion as ~ollows:
Mr. Rutter - Aye
Mrs. Bond - Aye
Mr. Thompson - Aye
~. Ward - No
Mr. Zimmerman - Aye
.Mr. Scoggins - Aye
Mr. Bailey - Aye
Motion carried 6-1 o
Mr. Ward moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Rutter. Motion
carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 7:20
P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Kruse
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)