BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, M0}~AY, ~RCH 14, 1977 AT 7:30 P. M.
Derle Bailey, Chairman
Vernon Thompson, Jr., Vice Chairman
Da'¢id W. Healy, Secretary
Nms. Lillian Bond
V. Paul Scoggins, Alternate
Carl. Zimmerman, Alternate
Edward F. Harmening (Arrived 7:25)
E. E. Howell,
Building Official
Foy Ward
Chairman Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
and introduced the members of the Board, Building Official
and Recording Secretary. He requested the two alternate
members, M~. $coggins and Mr. Zimmerman, to serve in place
of the two absent regular members.
Minutes of Februar7 28, 1977
Mr. Healy referred to Page 3 and the request for the members
to receive an up-to-date zoning map and Planning & Zoning
book and a copy of Chapter 163 referring to the Board of Ad-
justment and stated they had not received a copy of Chapter
163. Chairman Bailey requested Mss. Kruse to remind }~s.
Padgett to send copies to the members.
}~. Rutter made a motion to accept the minutes as read,
seconded by Mrs. Bond. Motion carried 7-0.
Chairman Bailey read the following letter dated February 10,
1977 addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Adjustment
from Mr. Alvin C. Boeltz:
"As of this day, February 10, 1977, t am resigning. I
was glad to serve on the Board of Adjustment and was appointed
by the City Council who was elected by the people. So I was
trying to serve the people and the City of Boynton thethe best
of my ability.
I would like to correct the minutes of February 7, 1977,
page four, paragraph four. i was not dismissed from the
Board at any time or any year. I said that I could not serve
on the Board that gave permits to non-conforming property
without comd~ug before the Board. It is not fair to the people
of Boynton Beach. I also want to make it clear that I did not
single out Mws. Jackson or ~. Roberts but ALL council members
of 1974, when the question of permits arose and they failed to
take appropriate action."
I~JURCH 14, '1977
Applications fo? V'su~iances
Parcel #2 - Lot 36, Block 92, Replat of Parcel ~F" and "G"
Palm BeachLeisureville, Tenth Section
Recorded in Plat Book 31, Pages 144 and 145
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 25 ft. front setback to
23 ft. front setback to permit a 2 ft.
extension on garage.
Address - 1203 S. W. 20th Avenue
Applicant - Boynton West Development Corp.
Mr. Healy read the above application.
Chairman Bailey asked if anyone was present representing
Boynton West Development Corp. and Mr. Enrico Rossi appeared
before the Board and informedtthem he was with Rossi & Malavasi,
Consulting Engineers for Boynton West Development Corp. He
advised that the developer requested him to appear because he
was unable to because of conflicts. He referred to the plan
showing the location of the house situated on the lot. There
is a contract to purchase this house. He explained that the
slab had been poured and when the survey was run, the slab
was within the setback lines, but they then found out the
purchaser wanted a different design and they had failed to
provide the additional two feet for the garage. The slab
as it exists is within the setback lines. This is a request
so they can meet the commitment to the purchaser to extend
the garage. He added that it was a triangular lot.
Mr. Rutter questioned the hardship involved and ~. Rossi~''
replied that technically there was none. It was the devel-
oper's wish to show the configuration of thehhouse as it
exists. Because of the standpoint of appearance, it would
not affect the general configuration of the houses on that
corner. There is no hardship, but the man is requesting
something which wasn't built.
Mr. Howell asked how far the house was built and Mr. Rossi
informed him it was just at the slab stage. ~. Rutter asked
if the markings were where the two feet was to be extended
and Mr. Rossi replied that to his knowledge, there were no
markings put there. Mrs. Bond referred to there being two
po~s and Mr. Rossi replied that he did not know what they
Mr. Thompson asked the dimensions of the garage ~s it is now
and Chairman Bailey replied that it was probably 12 ft. wide
and 20 ft. long and they want to extend it to 22 ft. .Mr.
Rossi clarified that it was a standard house li/~e the others,
MARCH 14, 1 977
but certain people request an extra length garage. A plot
plan was prepared, a permit issued, it was Staked, and then
it was noted on the contract that 2 ft. was forgotten. ~It
is an inadvertent mistake and not a hardship and just a ques-
tion of what the Board feels about it.
~. Zimmermam stated that if this had been caught in time,
the house could have been set back with the proper setbacks
and Mr. Rossi agreed. Mr. Scoggins asked if a contract of
sale had been issued and Mr. Rossi replied: yes.
Mr. Zimmerman referred to there being an additional 10 ft.
utility easement shown and questioned this and Mr. Rossi in-
formed him this was set aside for Florida Power & Light Co.
and he imagines there are buried cables in it.
Mr. Healy referred to this not being a hardship on the deve-
loper and asked if it would be a hardshiD to the purchaser
and Mr. Rossi replied that he did not kn~w and wished the
purchaser was present to answer. ~. Healy asked if he had
been notified to come to this meeting and Mr. Rossi replied
that he did not know. Mr. Howell clarified that as far as
a hardship to the builder, he has put~n a fo~dation with
approximately 20 yards of concrete with steel and it is im-
possible to move it. Mr. Healy replied that he understood
this, but he was referring to the owner having a driveway
23 ft. long instead of 25 ft, and whether this would be a
hardship to him. He istrying to ascertain whether it mat-
ters to the purchaser that he is going to lose 2 ft. of his
Mr. Healy then referred to Boynton West Development Corp.
owning most of the property in this area and asked if there
had been any ch~uges in the ownership of these lots since
the notices were sent and ~. Rossi replied that he did not
know. He added that owners were notified per procedure as
listed at the time of application.
Mr. Thompson asked if a copy of the contract was available
and Mr. Rossi replied that he wished these people were pre-
sent and suggested if the variance was favorable, it could
be subject to this particular situation.
Chairman Bailey then asked if anyone in the audience desired
to speak on this application either for or against and re-
ceived no response.
Mr. Rutter made a motion that the variance be granted subject
to the owner being aware of the fact that he is losing two
feet of his driveway. ~. Scoggins seconded the motion. Under
discussion, Mr. Healy questioned how they could determine if
the owners objected and Mr. Rutter rePlied that the owner would
be made aware of this and it is-subject to his approval.
I~RCH 14, 1 977
~. Zimmerman ~uestioned if they would be setting a precedent
and referred to the possibility of neighbors wanting the same
extension and Chairman Bailey replied that each individual
application should be taken on its own merits regardless of
what someone else might apply for. Mr. Zimmerman referred
to the standard procedure at Leisureville not being to grant
structural changes on models and he questions if this devia-
tion would be a wise thing to do. Mr. Thompson agreed the
homes were almost 10~% identical in Leisureville a~d he thinks
in this case, if this was granted, they could be up for changes
in future development. This could be corrected by just having
the purchaser change lots. Mrs. Bond referred to the developer
trying to correct his mistake, but she questions if the people
are in agreement and do they approve this method of adding the
2 ft. They should be asked whether they are willing to accept
their house being 2 ft. forward. ~. Rutter pointed out that
this house would not be located on a st~ght block, but it is
on a curve and nobody would be bothered by this 2 ft. He has
checked the models and some have 2 ft., some have 4 ft.~, etc.
He does not think this would set a precedent. This is a mis-
take and everybody makes mistakes. He thinks it can be cor-
rected with the granting of this variance and as the Chairman
stated, each case stands on its own merits as far as setting
a precedent. The contract is what is requesting the addi-
tional length garage. Mr. Scoggins stated that if the owner
did not want the roof line 23 ft. from the setback, he assumes
the house would go back on the market and there would not be
a necessity for an adjustment. The p~chasers must give their
Chairman Bailey suggested that in this particular ~ituation,
possibly they should notify the owner and table this or if
the variance is passed, the Building Official should be
directed not to allow this unless he receives authorization
from the purchaser..
Chairman Bailey called on ~. Harmening for co~ents and Mr.
Harmening first apologized for being late and stated since he
missed part of this and seven members are present, he will
~. Howell suggested if this was done subject to the owner's
approval, that it should be written approval to the Building
Department. Mr. Rutter then amended his motion with the pro-
vision that the owner submit in writing to the Building De-
partment that he will accept a setback of 23 ft. instead of
25 ft. called for a building.
Mr. Healy referred to the~pecial exception zoning and asked
if variances were allowed and Mr. Howell replied that he had
discussed this with the City Planner and a variance could be
granted. He added that they have tried to work with the
people in Leisureville, but the Building Department ~ not
M~CH 14, 1977
bound by deed restrictions. Mr. Healy asked if any variances
had been granted in LeisureviIle and Mr. Howell replied that
he was sure they had. Mr. Rutter added that there was one on
loth Avenue with three houses involved and it came before this
Board and it was solved by moving the street.
~. Rossi requested to speak and Chairman Bailey ascertained
the members had no objection to ME. Rossi entering the disc~-
sion. Mr. Rossi referred to the motion referring to theoowner,
which is actually Boynton West Development Corp. and the pur-
chaser is ~s. Rooker.
Mr. Rutter amended his motion to state the person under con-
tract to purchase the house. Mr. Healy stated he still felt
this needed further clarification. There was discussion about
this and ~. Rutter then withdrew his motion and amendments
and Mr. $coggins withdrew his second.
Mr. Rutter then moved that the vari~uce be granted provided
that Mrs. Ro0ker, who has contracted to purchase this home
providing the 2 ft. is added to the garage, be notified and
it is understood she will accept this variance with a 23 ft.
setback instead of a 25 ft. setback and this should be in
writing to the Building Department. ~. Scoggins seconded
the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Thompson referred to there
being a proposed buyer, but not an owner. No papers show
anything against this property. There is no lien between the
owner and developer. If a variance is granted, it would be
in favor of the contractor. Unless there is proof shown that
there is an owner, it should be denied. ~. Harmening sug-
gested clarifying the motion that the variance shall be
granted subject to the approval of the owner, at which time
if the owner does not agree in writing to the variance, the
variance will cease to exist and the house will be built
according to the original plan. N~. Healy suggested they
omit the name of the owner and refer to i~ as the party named
in the contract. These people are not the owners, but are
name~ intthe contract as the future owners. We are, at the
present time, under the impression that the name is Mrs.
Rooker. We do not know the name for sure, but the owner is
Boynton West Development Corp.
Chairman Bailey referred to the discussions taking place
and suggested it possibly be tabled inoorder to obtain more
information s~ud notify the purchaser. Mr.~Howell stated he
was being put in a position with the reference to the pur-
chaser ~ud actually he should see the contract. ~r. Thompson
added that if the person ~amed came before the Board and
agrees they have a contract, then it could be considered.
As long as it stays in the hands of the developer, the var-
iance will be grouted to the developer and not the owner.
~'~%RCH 14, 1977
~M. Thompson continued that he could not see voting on this
without seeing the contract. Mr. Rutter asked what was wrong
with granting it to the developer and ~. Thompson replied
that there was no hardship. Mr. Scoggins clarified that the
motion was to have a signed statement from the proposed pur-
chaser and without that, the house would go back on the market
with the standard 25 ft. setback. There was discussion about
this and then Chairman Bailey clarified that Mr. Thompson.
wanted proof there was a contract with a proposed buyer and
Mr. Thompson agreed. He ad,ed that at the present time, there
was no hardship and the Board operates on hardship cases.
~. Zimmerman explained how even though there was an agreement
to Purchase, the contract could very easily be broken by mutual
Chairman Bailey ascertained there was no further discussion
and then requested a roll call vote on the motion, l~Ms.
Kruse called the~roll as follows:
Mr. Scoggins - Aye
Mr. Rutter - Aye
Mrs. Bond - Aye
Mr. Thompson - No
Mr. Zimmerman - No
Mr. Healy - No
Chairman Bailey - No
M~t~on failed 4-3.
Parcel #1 - Lots 36, 37 and 38
Boynton Industrial Park Addn. #1
Recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 152
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 15 ft. side setback
requirement on one side to 1 ft.
side setback to construct warehouses
Address - 402, 406 and 410 W. Industrial Ave.
Applicant - Raymond A. Marcinkoski
Mr. Healy read the a~ove application and advised it was re-
quested because they feel their plans meet the purpose of the
setback requirement for emergency access to the rear of the
Mr. Raymond A. Marcinkoski appeared before the Board and the
members reviewed the plans. Chairman Bailey' then requested
an explanation of the statement on the application regarding
emergency access and Mx. Marcinkoski explained how he had
worked with the City Planner in laying out the building and
how it met the requirements, but instead of having access at
the side, it is between the building. P~. Howell informed
him that they Would require a unity of title in this situa-
tion so that he would never sell one building,
~&~RCH 1 ~, 1 977
Chairman Bailey asked if any of the setback requirements were
being violated and Mr. Howell replied that definitely either
on one side or the other. He explained that he could go to
the line on one side, but~must maintain 15 ft. on one side,
but he has proposed to supply the access to the rear between
the building.
Mr. Thompson asked if he owned the adjoining property and Mr.
Marcinkoski replied that he owned the property on the north
side and referred to the sketch on the lower left of the plan
showing the buildings.
Mr. Rutter questioned where the unity of title came in and Mr.
Howell explained that it must be recorded at the County Court
House as being one piece of property. Mr. Zimmerman asked if
it required a restriction on the deed so the properties cou~
not be sold separately and Mr. Howell replied that the unity
of title would show it as one piece of property. Mr. Marcinkoski
stated that he did not plan to sell one building, as they would
not have access.
~. Healy asked if they were going to be individual units to
be rented out and M~. Marcinkoski replied: yes. M~. Healy
asked if there woul~ be enough access for all traffic in this
particular area and Mr. ~rcinkoski replied that all the re-
quirements have bee~ met. Mr. Healy asked if there would be
any obstruction to traffic from the public thoroughfare and
Mr. Howell replied: no and there would be no hardship on the
other uses there. Mr. Mealy referred to the south end being
developed ~nd Mr. Marcinkoski informed him there were two
vacant lots and ~. Howell added that it would not interfere
with the development of these lots, but they would have a~close
setback. He explained how there possibly could be two build-
ings two feet apart, but the code requires fire rated walls
to be built.
Chairman Bailey asked if anyone in the audience desired to
spe~ on this application, either for or against and received
no response.
~. Thompson moved that the variance be granted, seconded by
Mrs. Bond. Under discussion, Mr. Thompson~ verified that his
motion was based on the owner having the right to build to
the line and is merely changing the 15 feet to the center.
As requested, ~s. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion
as follows:
Mr. Scoggins
Mr. Rutter
Mrs. Bond
Mr. Thompson
Mr. Zimmerman
Mr. Healy
Chairman Bailey
- Aye
- Aye
- Aye
- Aye
- Aye
- Aye
Motion' carried 7-0.
~L~RCH 14, 1 977
Revision of Applicatio~
Chairman Bailey informed the members that he and Mr. Howell
reviewed the petition to the Board and made the following
addition to Part 1, fourth line down: '"and owner's notarized
letter of his authorization for his representative e~ agent."
He ascertained there were no objections and the members were
in agreement.
Chairman Bailey then ascertained that the members had each
received an up-to-date zoning map and book.
Mr. Rutter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. $coggins.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:05 ?. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Kruse
Recording SeCretary
(Two Tapes)
public notice. The commission may hold such addi-
~onal hearings ~ it may consider desirable. After
~e final report has been submitted by the commis-
sion, the governing body shall afford all interested
persons an opportunity to be heard with reference to
the proposed zoning ordinance at a public hearing
with due public notice before adopting said ordi-
Itistory.--s. 11, ch. 69-139.
163.215 Zoning;supple,meriting or amending
he zoning ordin, ance.--
(1) The governing body may amend or supple-
ment the regulations and districts fixed.by any zon-
ing ordinance adopted pursuant to this act after
referral and recommendations of the commission.
Proposed changes may be suggested by the govern-
'g body, by the commission, or by petition of.the
.mars of 5t percent or more of the area involved in
the proposed change. In the latter case, the petition-
ers may be required to assume the cost of public
notice and other costs incidental to the holding of
public hearings.
(2) The planning commission, regardless of the
source of the proposed change, shall hold a public.
hearing or hearings thereon, with due public notice,
but shall in any case, if any change is to be consid-
ered by the commission, submit in writing its racom-
mendations on the proposed change to the governing
body for official action. The governing body shall
hold a public hearing thereon, with due public no-
tice, if any change is to be considered and shall then
act on the proposed change. If the recommendation
of the commission is adverse to'the proposed change,
such Change shall not become effective except by an
affirmative vote of a majority of the entire member-
ship of the governing body, al'ret due public notice.
History.--s. 12, ch~ 69-139.
163;220 Board of adjustment; creation and
composition; terms; officers; etc.-
of the zoning ordinance, the governing body shall
create a board of adjustment. The board of adjust-
ment shall have not less than five nor more than ten
members. Members of the board 0fadjustment shall
be appointed by the governing body. In addition, the
governing body may appoint not more than two al-
ternate members, designating them as such. Such
'ternate members may act in the temporary ab-
~nce or disability of any regular member, or may
act xvhen a regular member is otherwise disqualified
ht a particular case that may be presented to the
board. No member or alternate member of the board
of adjustment shall be a paid or elected official or
mployee of the governing body involved.
'ICE, VACANCIES.--Members of the board of ad-
~stment shall serve for overlapping terms of not less
han 3 or more than 5 years or thereafter until their
successors are appointed. Not more than a minority
of the terms of such members shall expire in any one
year. Any member of the board of adjustment may
be removed from office for cause by the appointing
~overning body upon written charges and after pub-
: hearing. Any vacancy occuring during the unex-
eired term ofohSce of any member shall be filled by
the governing body concerned for the remainder of
the term. Such vacancy shall be filled within ~0 days
after the vacancy occurs.
PLOYEES AND SALARIES.--The board of adjust-
ment shall elect a chairman and a vice chairman
from among its members and shall appoint a secre-
tary who may be an officer or employee of the gov-
erning body or of the planning commission. The
board may create and fill such other offices as it may
determine to be necessary for the conduct of its du-
ties. Terms of all such offices shall be for 1 year, with
eligibility for reelection. The board of adjustment
shall adopt rules for transaction of its business, and
shall keep a .record of its resolutions, transactions,
findings, and determinations, which record shall be
a public record. Meetings of the board shall be held
at the call of the chairman and at such times as the
board may determine.
COME.--The governing body is authorized and em-
powered to appropriate such funds as it may see fit
for salaries, fees, and expenses necessary in the con-
duct of the work of the board of adjustment. The
governing body is authorized to establish a schedule
of fees'to be charged by the board of adjustment. The
board 'shall have the authority to expend ail sums so
appropriated and other sums made available for its
uS~ from fees and other sources for the Purpose and
activities authorized by this act.
History.-~s. 13, ch. 69-139,
163.225 Board of adjustment; powers and du-
ties.--The~_board of adjustment shall have the fol-
lowing powers and duties:
(1) ' To hear and decide appeals when it is alleged
that there is error in any order, requirement, deci-
sion, or determination made by an administrative
official in ~he enforcement of any zoning ordinance
or regulation adopted pursuant to this act.
(2)(a) To hear and decide such special exceptions
as the board of adjustment is specifically authorized
to pass on under the terms of the zoning ordinance;
to decide such questions as are involved in the deter-
mination ofwhen special exceptions should be grant-
ed; and to grant Special exceptions with appropriate
conditions and sg~eguards Or to deny special excep-
tions when not in harmony with the purpose and
intent of this act Or any ordinance enacted under the
authority, of this act.
(b) In granting any special exception, the board
shall find that such grant will not adversely affect
the public interest.
(c) In granting any special exception, the board
of adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions
and sa£eguards i~ conformity with this act and any
ordinance enacted under it. Violation of such condi-
tions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms
under which the special exception is granted, shall
be deemed a violation of the ordinance.
(d) The board of adjustment may prescribe a rea-
sonable time limit within which the action for which
the special exception is required shall be begun or
completed or both.
(e) The zoning ordinance shall require that the
beard of adjustment shall confer with the planning'
commission in all cases involving requests for special
(3)(a) To authorize upon appeal such variance
from the terms of the ordinance as ~vill not be con-
trary to the public interest when, owing to special
conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of
the ordinance would result in unnecessary and un-
due hardship. In order to authorize any variance
from the :erms of the ordinance, the board of adjust-
ment taus; find:
1. That special conditions and circumstances ex-
ist which are peculiar to the land, structure, ar build-
ing involved and which are no; applicable to other
lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning
2. That the special conditions and circumstances
do not result from the actions of the applicant;
8. That granting the variance requested will not
confer on the applicant any special privilege that is
denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or
structures in the same zoning district;
4. That literal interpretation of the provisions of
the ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights
commnnly enjoyed by other properties in the same
zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and
'would work unnecessary and undue hardship ,on the
5. That the variance granted is the minimum
variance that wilt make possible the reasonable use
of the band, building or structure;
6. That the grant of the variance will be in har~
mony with the general intent and purpose of the
ordinance and that such variance will not be injuri-
ous to the area involved or otherwise detr.~menta~ to
the public welfare.
(b) tn granting any variance, the board of.adjust-
ment may prescribe appropriate canditions and safe-
guarcks in conformity with this act and any
ordinance enacted under its au~;hority. Violation. of
such cortditions and safeguards~ when made a part, of
the terrns under which the raglan.ce is granted, shall
be deemed a violation of the ordinance.
(c) The board ofadjusgment may prescribe a rea-
sonable time limit within which t]he action for which
the variance is required shall be begun or completed
or both
(d) Under no circumstances except as permitted
above shall the board of adjustment grant a variance
to permit a use not generally or by specied exception
permitted in the zoning district involved or any use
expressly or by implication pro]hibited by the terms
of the ordinance in .the zoning district. No noncon-
forming use of neighboring lands, structures, or
buildings in the same zoning district and no permit-
ted use of lands, structures, or buildings in other
zoning distri~cts shall be considered grounds for the
authorization of a variance.
History,--s. 14, ch. 69-139.
163.230 Board of adjustment; re¥iew of ad-
ministrative orders.--In exercising its powers, the
board of adjustment m,y~ upon appeal and in con-
fortuity with provisions of this act. reverse or af~rm,
wholly or partly, or may modify the order, require-
ment, decision, or determination made by an admin-
istrative official in the enforcement of any zoning
ordinance or regulation adopted pursuant to this act,
and may make any necessary order, requirement,
decision, or determination, and to that end shall
have all the powers of the officer from whom the
appeal ~s taken. The concurring vote ora majority of
all the members of the board shall be necessary to
reverse any order, requirement, decision, or determi-
nation of any such administrative official or to de-
cide in favor of the applicant on any matter upon
which the board is required ~o pass under any such
ordinance. '
History. s. 15, ch. 69-139.
163.235 Appeals to board of adjustment from
decision of administrative official.~Appeals to
the board of adjustment may be taken by any person
aggrieved or by any officer, board, or bureau of the
governing body affected by any decision of an admin-
istrative official under any zoning ordinance enacted
pursuant to this act. Such appeal shall be taken
within 30 days after rendition of the order, require.
ment, decision, or determination appealed from by
filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken
and with the board of adjustment a notice of appeal
specifying the grounds thereof. The appeal shall be
in the form prescribed by the rules of the board. The
administrative official from whom the appeal is tak-
en shall, upon notification of the filing of the appeal,
forthwith transmit to the board of adjustment all the
documents, plans, papers, or other materials consti-
tuting the record upon which the action appealed
from was taken.
'His~ory.--s. 16, ch. 69-I39.
163.240 Stay of wo~4; and.proceedings on ap-
peaL--An appeal to the board of adjustment stays
all work on the premises and all proceedings in fur-
therance of the action appealed from, unless the offi-
rial from whom the appeal was taken shall certify to
the board of adjustment that, by reason of facts stat-
ed in the certificate, a stay would cause imminent
peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings or
work shall not be stayed except by a restraining or-
der which may be granted by the board of adjust-
ment or by a court of record on application, on notice
;o the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on
due cause shown.
History.--~ 17, cl~. 69-189.
163.245 Board of adjustment; hearing of ap-
peals.--The board ofa&iustment shall fix a reasona-
ble time for the hearing of the appeal, give public
notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in
interest, and decide the same within a reasonable
time. Upon the hea_ring, any party may appear in
person, by agent, or Dy attorney. Appellants may be
required to assume such reasonable costs in connec-
tion with appeals as may be determined by the goo-
erning body through action in setting of fees to be
charged for appeals. For procedural purposes, an ap-
plication for a special exception shall be handled by
the board of adjustment as for appeals.
History;--s. 18, ch. 69-139.
163.250 Judicial review of decisions of board
of adjustment.--Any person or persons, jointly or
severally, aggrieved by any decision of the bom:d of
adjustment, or any officer, department, board, com-
~on, or bureau of the governing body, may apply
~ .c circuit court in the judicial circuit where the
board of adjustment is located for judicial relief with-
in 30 days after rendition &the decision by the board
of adjustment. Review in the circuit court shall be
either by a trial de novo, which shall be governed by
Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, or by petition
,vrit of certiorari, which shall be governed by the
'ida Appellate Rules. The election of remedies
I lie with the appellant.
tory.--s. 19, ch. 69-139.
t63.255 Enforcement of zoning ordinances~--
(1) The governing body shall provide for the en-
ibrcement ora zoning ordinance enacted pursuant to
ttfis act. A violation of this act or of such zoning
~ mnce is declared to be a misdemeanor of the
~, . degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or
s. 775.083. Each day such offense continues after
written notice shall be deemed a separate offense.
~l~he governing body is also empowered to provide
civil penalties for such violations.
(2) In case any building or structure is erected,
constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, or
maintained or any building, structure, land, or wa-
~er is used in violation of this act or any ordinance
or other regulation made under authority COnferred
hereby, the proper local authorities, in addition to
other remedies, may institute any appropriate ac-
tion or proceedings in a civil action in the circuit
court to prevent such unlawful erection, construc-
tion, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion,
maintenance, or use, and to restrain, correct, or
abate such violation, to prevent the occupancy of
said building, structure, land, or water, .and to pre-
vent any illegal act, conduct of business, or use in or
about such premises.
History--s.. 20~ ch. 69-139; s. 84, ch. 71-136.
163.260 Regulation. of .subdivisions; par-
(1) The public health, safety, comfort, economy,
~rder, appearance, convenience, morals,.and general
welfare require the harmonious, orderly, and pro-
gressive development of land within Florida and its
counties and incorporated municipalities. In fur-
therance of this general.purpose, counties and incor-
porated m~micipalities, individually - or m
bination as authorized by this act, are author-
..... ~ and empowered to adopt, amend, or revise and
enforce measures relating to land subdivision.
(2) The regulation of the subdivision of land is
(a) To aid in the coordination of land develoP-
.r~t. in counties and incorporated municipalities in-
;ordance with orderly physical patterns;
b) To discourage haphazard, premature, uneco-
mic, or scattered land development;
~c) To insure safe and convenient traffic control;
d) To encourage development of economically
stable and h ,ealthfid communities; (e) To insure adequate utilities;
(f) To prevent periodic and seasonal flooding by
.~ ~ ~viding protec.~ive flood control and drainage thcil-
~l~g) To provide public open spaces for recreation;
(h) To insure land subdivision xvith installation
of adequate and necessary physical improvements;
(i) To insure that the citizens and taxpayers of
incorporated municipalities and counties will not
have to bear the costs resulting from haphazard sub-
division of land and the lack of authority to require
installation by the developer, of adequate and neces-
sary physical improvements;
(j) To insure to the purchasei: of land in a subdivi-
sion that. necessary improvements of lasting quality
have been installed; and
(k) To serve as one of the several instruments of
comprehensive plan implementation authorized by
this act.
H~tory.-Z-s. 21. ch. 69-139.
163.265' Sul~division regulations; approval of
subdivision plans by commission.--
(1) 'In any area in which a commission has been
established in accordance with the provisions of this
act and in which a comprehensive plan or such por-
tion of a comprehensive plan as relates to the major
street plan shall have been adopted, the governing
body may designate the commission as its accredited
representative for the purpose of approving subdivi-
sion plans and of approving plats, as provided in
chapter 177. When so designated by ordinance, the
commission shall be the agency which shall perform
all or any designated portion of the functions pre-
scribed in this act or in chapter 177 with respect to
spreparation of subdivision regulations, approval of
ubdivision plans, approval of plats, action on im-~
provements and performance bonds relating there-
to, and findings precedent to the reversion of
subdivided land to acreage.
(2) When the commission has been accredited by
the governing body for the approval of subdivision
plar~ and 'of plats, it shall approve or disapprove
subdivision plans and plats within a reasonable time
after submission thereof. If a subdivision plan and
plat is disapproved, the grounds for disapproval
shall be stated on the records of the commission, and
a statement in writing of such grounds of disapprov-
al sh~l be ~furnished to the developer or his agent. If
it is desired to hold a hearing upon any subdivision
plan and Plats submitted to the commission for con-
sideration,: parties in interest shall be notified by due
public notice.
(3) Approval of subdivision plans and plats by
the commission shall not constitute or effect an ac-
ceptance of the dedication of any street or anY other
gr~)und shown upon the plat. The authority to accept
~lediCations of land for whatsoever purpose Shall be
exercised exclusively by the governing body to which
the dedication is deemed to be made, and such au,
thority may not be delegated.
~o~.-~. ~, ch. 69.m
163.270 Subdivision regulations; adoption
and amendment.--
(1) The commission, when accredited by the gov-
erning body for the approval of subdivision plans
and plats l~nder the provisions of this act and chap-
ter 177, shall prepare and recommend to the govern-
ing body for ad~)Ption regulations governing the
subdivision of land within the area. Before the adop-
tion of subdivision regulations or any amendment
thereto, the governing body shall hold a public hear-