Minutes 07-12-76Re - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES JULY 12, 1976
Joseph Aranow, Chairman
Foy Ward, Acting Secretary
George Ampol
Alvin Co Boeltz
Len Schmidt, Deputy Chief Insp.
Building Department
Derle B. Bailey, Vice Chairman (Excused)
Robert Gordon, Secretary (Excused)
Vernon Thompson, Jr.
Albert Caravetta, Alternate (Excused)
Walter Rutter, Alternate (Excused)
Chairman Aranow called the meeting to order at 7:05 P. M. and
introduced the members of the Board, representative of the
Building Department, and Recording Secretary.
Chairman Aranow announced that he received copies of 0rdi-
nantes No~ 76-18 and 76-19 and requested through the minutes
that the City Clerk send a copy of each of these ordinances
to each member~and alternate of the Board.
Minutes of June 14, 1.97~
Mr. ~mpol made a motion to accept the minutes as read,
seconded by Mr. Ward. Motion carried 4-0.
.~nfinished Business
Tabled Application from Arthur H. Nelson.
Chairman Aranow requested that the letter the Board wrote to
Mr. Nelson be read and ~M. Ward read this letter.
Chairman Aranow then ascertained that Mr. Nelson nor a repre-
sentative were present. He then entertained a motion to dis-
miss this application.
~M. Ampel referred to this having been Pending since April
and moved to deny the variance on this application, seconded
by M~. Boeltz. As requested, ~Ms. Kruse took a roll call
vote as follows:
~. Boeltz - Aye
Mr. Ampol - Aye
~M. Ward - Aye
Mr. Aranow - Aye
Motion carried 4-0.
New Business
JULY 12, 1976
Parcel #1 - Lots 73, 74 and 74A, Arden Park
Recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 96
Palm Beach County Records
Address - 234 N. E. 6th Avenue
Request - To allow light cabinet and
furniture manufacturing
Proposed Improvement - To cor~truct building
according to plans on file in the
Building Department, which will con-
form to current setback regulations,
for the above use.
Applicant - Robert B. Nutter
Mr. Ward read the above application and informed the Board it
was requested because the property is not zoned for manufac-
turing, but the owner was informed that the use would be al-
lowed before puchasing the property. He also noted that the
application fee in the amount of $50.00 had been waived by
the City Manager. Mr. Ampol asked why the $50.00 fee had
been waived?
Mr. Donald Kohl stated his r~me and that he was an attorney
representing R~. Nutter and his business address is 3003
Congress Avenue, Palm Springs. Chairman Aranow referred to
Item 5 on the application referring to a statement that the
use would be allowed before Mr. Nutter purchased the property
and he questioned what statement this was referring to?
Kohl replied that this may be the statement made by the City
Mr. Ward read a letter dated June 18 from the City Manager
verifying that Mr. Bushnell did inform Mr. Nutter that he
could manufacture in this C-4 zone. The letter advised the
Board that Mr. Bushmell, as an employee of the City of Boynton
Beach, did furnish erroneous information to this resident and
Mr. Nutter did spend $30,000 for the property based on this
information, and further there are manufacturing firms in this
area which have been grandfathered.
Mr. Kohl stated he would like to give a brief history. Before
allowing him to proceed, Chairman Aramow asked Mr. $chmidt if
there was anything in the law permitting manufacturing in the
C-4 zone and Mr. $chmidt replied not as such. He added that
the nextdoor neighbor is in the same business, but he is
grandfathered. He brought this matter to light that it would
require M-t zoning and Mr. Nutter obtained an attorney to see
what could be done. He attended the meeting with the City
Manager, Mr. Nutter, M~. Howell and Mr. Kohl and everything
stated in the letter is true and he did witness the conversa-
tion with Mr. Bushnell.
JULY i2, 1976
Chairman Aranow referred to the law stating that manufacturing
has to be in the M-1 district~ This Board grants variances
where they can, but they do not re-write the zoning law. He
does not see how there would be any way to grant a hardship
for this one particular man. The mere fact there is a com-
pany grandfathered i~ entirely different, if ~ Nutter had
u~lt before the zoning law, they could not deny this, ~ut
he cannot see any way to change the law. Mr. Kohl stated
that he would like to respond and Chairman Aranow replied
that he knew he wanted to use every avenue he can, but
questioned how this Board has authority?
M~ Eohl informed him that there was no reason for this
Board to exist if they could not change zoning per individual
request for one reason or another. Also~ there is the ques-
tion~ef whether Mr. Nutter is manufacturing. He ~elieves
Mr. Nutter,s occupation could fit into C-4. He is asking for
a hardship to consider this change because F~. Nutter was
misle~ by City Officials and second, it is not inconsistent
to surrounding or nearby uses~ The surrounding uses do not
comply, ~ut were grandfathered. The surrounding uses are not
incompatible to the proposed use. He understands this Board
exists to take up individual ~atters to consider whether they
are in the best use of the City. N~. Boeltz replied that
this Board could not change zoning. This aoplicatio~ should
~e before the Planning & Zoning Boar~. Thi~ Board grants
variances, but not zoning. Mr. Kohl stated that this Board
should be able to gran~ variances on hardships created by the
Mr~ Ampol referre~ to the record indicating that the property
was purchased on May 28, 1976 and Mr Kohl agreed this was
correct~ '
Mr. Kohl then continued with giving a brief history. He is
here because the City l~nager told him to come before this
Board and ask for a hardship Variance based on the facts.
On April 9, 1976, Mro Howell and Mr. Schmidt came to Archi~
tectural Craftsman, Inc. at their existing shop to check on
another matter. This shows that the Building Department did
know about Mr. Nutter,s occupation then. On April 23, Mr.
Nutter called the Building Department with reference to find-
ing these three lots for ~ale. He talked to a young lady at
the desk and informed her who he was and what his business
was. He does not think~he manufactures furniture, but ac-
cording to the definitions he possibly does manufacture. He
did not know what zone these lots were in, but the woman
said she would call him back. She did call him back and ad-
vised that the zoning was right for his type of building and
for this purpose. Not relying entirely on that young lady,
he prepared a set of preliminary plans using only two lots
and made an appointment and talked to Mr. Bushnell. Mr.
JULY 12, 1976
Bushnell checked the zoning and told him it was right, but
told him the building was too big for two lots as it did not
comply with the requirements. Mr. Nutter then reduced the
size of the building and used the third lot. He hired a
professional architect and executed a contract on May 21 to
buy the lots relying on the information from Mr. Bushnell
and the young lady. He closed the sale and purchased the
lots on May 28. The conditional sales contract was condi-
tioned on the zoning being right. On May 28 or 29, he brought
his finished plans into the Building Department for approval
and came back on June 3 and nobody had looked at the plans.
The plans were circulated through the various departments and
approved by the Police, Fire and Engineering Departments. On
June 10, Mr. Schmidt called him and told him he could not pro-
ceed as he was in the wrong zone. This caused a hardship on
him with taking his savings to purchase the lots, preparing
the plans and being all set to go. They are asking for a
hardship exception that he is M-I.
Mr. Beeltz asked how this Board could change the use of the
property when they don,t have the authority and Mr. Kohl re-
plied that they could declare Mr. Nutter to be C-4. Chair-
man Aranow informed him that they could only grant a variance
in C-4 if he wanted to carry a use in C-4. Requesting a var-
inace to take the manufacturing business from M-1 to C-4 is
changing the zoning ordinance and the Board does not have
this authority. He is not saying whether ~. Nutter has a
hardship or not with regards to Mr. Bushnell~s statement,
but the law says he must be in a M-1 district. This Board
has no jurisdiction.
Mr. Kohl asked what Board did have jurisdiction and Mr. Boeltz
replied that the Planning & Zoning Board did. Chairman Aranow
added that the Board of Adjustment did not have this jurisdic-
tion and questioned if the Planning & Zoning Board could chamge
this C-4 to M-1 and Mr. Schmidt replied that he agreed this
Board could not give a variance on use, but the Planning &
Zoning Board can. He added that the Planning & Zoming Board
could not grant a variance, but could put manufacturing under
0-4 or spot zone these lots.
Mr. Kohl referred to the City Manager suggesting this was the
Board to come to and Chairman Aranow replied that he is sure
he did not do any harm and referred to the possibility of a
law suit resulting and how it was required to go before all
the City Boards. He adde~ that he did not think the Planning
& Zoning Board would spot zone, but they do have the right
to include something like light manufacturing in the 0-4
district° He e~plained how they made recommendations to
the City Council and stated again that this Board did not
have the authority.
JULY 12, 1976
Mr. Kohl referred to the last month's delay, at the advice
of the City Manager, being nil and Chairman Aranow replied
that he had gotten one hurdle out of the way. Mr. Kohl
replied that it was not a hurdle if they didn't belong here.
~.4r. Boeltz referred to in a court case how the judge would
ask if all the Boards had been exhausted. Mro Kohl stated
he believed he could have sued a month ago, but he held off
to go before this Board as suggested by the City!~anager.
~. Kohl referred to it stating nowhere in C-4 that manufac-
turing i prohibited and Chairman Aranow disagreed and read
Section ~on Page 32. He added that under lA14, that is the
only place manufacturing is permitted. Mr. Kohl stated that
a cabinet shod is unclamsified in the code. It has just been
somebedy,s interpretation that he manufactures furniture.
Chairman Aranow referred to Mr. Nutter~s statement en the
application requesting a variance to allow light furniture
and cabinet manufacturing. Mr. Nutter informed him that he
filled this out with help from the Building Department.
Chairman Aranow referred to this being stated in the papers
and he should advise the Building Department that he is a
cabinet maker. ~. Kohl replied that their interpretation
of a cabinet maker was under
~. Kohl requested a hardship for variance because the City
employees misled this man and the City Manager recommended
he come before this Board. He added that somebody in this
town should know who runs what. Chairman Arsmow informed
him again that this Board did not have the authority. He
added that if Mr. Kohl could show them where they have the
authority, they would be glad to look at it.
Mr. Kohl asked if the minutes were prepared per verbatim
and Chairman Aranow informed him that they w~re not, but
the tape is retained and is on file in Mrs. Padgett~s office.
Mr. Ward then read the powers and duties of the Board of
~djustment from the Zoning Code. Chairman Aranow stated that
possibly the Building Board of Adjustments and Aopeals may
have authority in this situation. He clarified ~hat the
Board of Adjustment has the right to decide, but must have
jurisdiction of the subject matter and they do ~ot have the
power to change the zoning code. ~o Kohl stated that he
believed they do have the power to decide whether Mr. Nutter's
w~k~i ~r~ . .
.~.~.~ciass~f~ed as manufacturing. Chairman Aranow then
read from'Section 10, Appendix A, Zoning Regulations, Page
422.43, Code of Ordinances of City of Boynton Beach, Sub-
section ~-C. He stated that he thought this was pretty
clear in that they do not have the right to go from one zon-
ing district to another or to grant'~ variances ~nder those
conditions. ~. Kohl replied that this was his interpreta-
J~LY 12, 1976
Chairman Ara~ow then asked if anyone else desired to be heard
in reference to this application and the following appeared
before the Board.
Mr. John A~ra~ko, Jr. stated his name and his address as
1202 N. E. 2nd Avenue, Delray Beach. He informed the Board
that he owns ~ million dollars of residential real estate
property directly across the street and around this area.
He came here tonight without ~uowing too much about the exact
type of manufacturing ~. Nutter intended to do. He does know
and has had considerable experience with the Building Depart-
ment and he has had to abide by every regulation and ordinance
put before him by the City. Every time he did any building,
he made sure the property he was buying was suitable for the
purpose without going headlong into something and spending a
lot of money. He does know there are builders that do buy
property and build, etc. and then go for permits. He is here
to stress that they have enough noise and pollution in the
country today and Boynton Beach has designated areas for man-
Many residents in the surrounding area have re-
quested that he object to this variance. He is familiar with
cabinet manufacturing and knows there is a lot of noise, dust,
over, traffic, etc. The people
object to this. Chairman Ara~ow
inter~mpte~ h~m and informed him that he did not mind him
objecting on his behalf, but not on the behalf of others
without thsir authorization. Mr. Andrasko continued that he
Objects strenuously to having a manufacturing plant directly
across the street from residential property that he owns.
He d~es ~ow what this would bring on. There is a warehouse
built down the street handling furniture and he told about
their debris blowing all over his property and how he had
complained to the City Manager about it. He voices his ob-
jection to a manuf~ plant going into an area not zoned
for it. There is plenty property around suitable for this
type of work. ~t is not a hardship in this case. Anybody
buying property blindfolded has a big problem.
M~. Bertha Welch stated her name and her address as 612 N. E.
2nd Street. She informed the Board that she is the nearest
resident to this property. She objects to the noise and it
is a residential area. She has been there since 1956. She
objects to the noise, traffic, etc. and it is primarily a
residential area.
Mr~ Kohl replied that it is not a residential area, but is
zoned C-4. Also, Mr. Nutter did not buy it blind, but came
right to the City of Boynton Beach and consulted them and
that is why he bought it.
JULY 12, 1976
Chairman Aranow referred to the application being submitted
to the Building Department and when that was turned down,
that was the first official action of the City. Fyo Kohl
disagreed and stated it was when the Building Official told
Mr. Nutter that the property was zoned right. Chairman
Arc, ow stated that this Board was not the District Court and
Mr. Kohl replied that they came before this Board because
of the City ¥~nager. He continued that furniture stores are
allowed in C-4. Warehouses and selling wholesale are allowed
m~er C-4. There are several categories under C-4 or M-1
that they could fight over. Chairman Aranow asked Mr. Schmidt
if there was any definition of cabinet making and whether it
is manufacturing and M~. Schmidt referred to Page 29 and the
uses covered under C-4. He referred to paint and repair shop,
but this is not what they de~ He referred to the reference
to a wholesale establishment including warehouses, but they
are manufacturing furniture. Another cateEory is a furniture
store, but they do not make furniture. Furniture manufactur-
ing is covered under M~. Mr. Kohl referred to ~ Schmidt
fee!ing that manufacturing is any making, but they feel it is
reproductive manufacturing. Chairman Aranow state~ that he
thought they had listened to every argument and requested thmt
the Board decide what they want to
~. Boeltz made a motion to deny the variance, because he
does not think this Board has the right to go from one use to
another or change the use of the property. Mr. Ampol seconded
the motion. No discussion. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a
roll call vote as follows:
Mr. Boeltz ~ Aye
Mr. Ampol - Aye
Mr. Ward -No
Mr. Aranow - Aye
Mrs. Kruse announced the vote was 3-1 and Chairman Aranow
nounced that under this vote, the application is not denied.
Mr. Ward stated he would like to state his reason for voting
this way is because he believes Mr. Nutter exhausted every
avenue before purchasing the property to be sure he was in
the proper zone and evidently was mi~led because they re-
ceived the letter from the City Manager inferring this is
the proper Board to apply to.
Chairman Aranow referred to the application not being denied
and requested an alternative. Mr. Ward made a motion to
grant the application. This motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Kohl questioned whether it required unanimous consent and
Chairman Aranow explained how four votes were required. ~.
Ampol suggested tabling until a full Board was present. ~.
Ward clarified this b$ reading from Page 38 of the code regard-
ing the requirement of four votes. He read further and noted
JULY 12, 1976
that it stated that no action shall be taken unless five mem-
bers are present and voting. Chairman Aranow stated that
under this, they could not vote unless it was a unanimous
Mr. Kohl agreed and referred to it also stating they could
effect any variation of this ordin~uce and it would be chang-
ing this ordinance by allowing cabinet making in C-4. Chair-
man Aranow informed him that they have authority in uses in
particular districts, but cannot give a use in M-1 in
Mr. Kohl replied that there was no need for a variance if the
use was included.
Chairman Aranow announced that as far as he was concerned, no
action can be taken unless five members are present and voting.
He thinks their vote on this particular matter is ineffective
for any purpose. Mr. Ward agreed that they must have five
members present; therefore, he believes this case is auto-
matically tabled including the others listed on the agenda.
Chairman Aranow announced that this case would automatically
be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Ampol also agreed.
Mr. Boeltz made a motion to reconsider'faLs previous motion,
seconded by Mr. Ampol. Under discussion, Chairman Aranow
questioned ~n reconsidering if they wanted to make a motion
to table? Mr. Ampol made a motion to table this application
due to the fact they do not have five members of the Board ~of
Adjustment present. Mr. Boeltz seconded the motion. As re-
quested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion as
M~. Boeltz - Aye
Mr. Ampot - Aye
Mr. Ward - Aye
Mr. Aranow - Aye
Motion carried 4-0. Chairman Aranow announced that this ap-
plication was tabled until the ne~t meeting on August 9.
He added that it was not necessary for the people present
tonight to spe~ again, but their statements from these min-
utes would be considered. Mr. Andrasko asked if others who
were not present could appear and Chairman Aranow replied~
Parcel #2 - That Portion of Tract 1 lying between the East
R/W line of Seacrest Blvd. and the West R/W .line
of the Florida East Coast R. R., and being
bounded on the North by the South R/~ line of
Woolbright Road; Said Tract 1 being a parcel of
land in Section 33, Twp. 45 South, Range 43 East,
Palm Beach County, Florida, Recorded in Plat Book
1, Page 4, Palm Beach County Records
JULY 12, 1976
Location - S. Eo Corner of Seacrest Blvd. and
Woolbright Road ~ S. Eo 15th Ave.)
Request - Variance on street side setback from
20 ft. requirement to 15 ft. street
side setback
To Erect Water Distribution Building
Applicant - City of Boynton Beach
~'~a~.~noted that an application was not submitted for the
above and read a letter from ~. Howell requesting that this
be placed on the July 12 agenda for the Board of Adjustment.
Chairman Ara~ow then referred to the survey submitted being
dated 8/20/60 and since it was over ten years old, it was not
Chairman Aranow then asksd where the setback was located and
~. $chmidt informed him on Woolbright Road. Chairman Aranow
referred to the detail of this particular spot showing a foun-
dation and slab on Woolbright Road, but there are none on the
property and ~. Schmidt agreed. Chairman Arano~qm~stioned
where the 15 and 20 ft. were and Mr. Schmidt informed him
that there were no requirements, no setbacks, no lot sizes,
etc. required on City owne.~ property in the zoning ordinance.
Chairman Ar~now asked why this was before the Board and Mr.
Schmidt explained how ~o Howell felt the City should observe
comparable setbacks to the neighborhood. The neighborhood
calls for a 20 ft. setback across the street and he did not
fee! the City should be allowe~ to build up to the street.
He feels the City should observe the zoning. Chairman
Aranow asked why they wanted 15 ft. then and M~. Schmidt
explained how it would cause a problem to hold to 20 ft.
He believes it will crowd out what is there or the building
proposed. Chairman Aranow stated that according to the scale
on the drawing, there was plenty of room.
Mr. Ward referred to the 17 year old survey not showing what
is supposed to be there ~ud ~. Schmidt informed him that the
City ~
~ngineers felt this survey would suffice. Chairman
Aranow remarke~ t~at it didn't tel~ them anything. He added
that he also believed the Building Official should submit an
application. He does not see why it should not be 20 ft.,
the same as the zoning board has set for everyone else. He
also noted that no deed had been submitted.
Chairman Aranow announced that this would be tabled until the
next meeting and requested that a drawing be submitted' showing
more detail°
Mr. Ward referred to not having a denial form forwarded from
the Building Department with thea~pl~cat~ons.' ~ Mr. Schmidt
explained how the form had recently been amended and item 3
JULY 12, 1976
on the petition covered this now. He also explained how their
procedure in handling this had been changed.
Chairman Aranow asked if the members had received a letter
dated~June 15 from ~. Reed regarding the f~uancial disclo-
SUre lawand reCeived negative responses. He then gave copies
of this letter to the members.
Chairman ~ranow read a letter dated June 17 from Mayor DeLong
addressed te ~. Gara~etta regarding his appointment to the
Board. He then gave copies of the revised membership list of
the Board of ~djustment to the members.
Chairman Aranow informed the Board that he received a letter
from ~¢r. Caravette advising that he would not be a~ailable for
the month of July.
Chairman Aranow then read a letter dated June 15 from Council-
woman Emily Jackso~ regarding the Ad-Hoc Committee with refer-
enceto minutes of their meetings in compliance with the Sun_
shine Law. He stated he was awaiting a reply from Mr. Reed
regarding this and the powers of the Ad-Hoc Committee. He
informed the Board that ~. Eelly did obtain copies of the
permits for the five applications they referred to. He added
that he thought the Nutter application was a situation that
should go to the ~d-Hoc Gommittee, especially in view of the
letter from ~. Eohl.
Chairman Aranow then told how the situation at Village RoYale
on the Green was progressing and how he thought this should
also be investigated.
Chairman ~ranow thanked ~. Ward for acting as Secretary.
¥~. Ampol made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Boeltz.
Motion carried 4-0 s~ud the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:45 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)