Foy Ward, Chairman
Alvin C. Boeltz, Vice Chairman
George Ampol
Joseph Aranow
Derle B. Bailey
Robert Gordon
Vernon Thompson, Jr.
Walter Rutter, Alternate
Richard Kurtz, Alternate
Edgar E. Howell,
Bldg. Official
Len Schmidt,
Chief Bldg. Inspector
Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 7:25 P. M. He
introduced M£~s. Kruse, Recording Secretary~ ~. Schmidt, Re-
presentative of Building Departments and the members of the
Board. He apologized to the audience for the delay in call-
ing the meeting to order and explained it was the opinion of
the members of the Board that a Building Official should be
present and M~. Schmidt has now arrived.
Election of Officers for 1976
Mr. ~ard declared the nominations open for Chairman of the
Board. ~. Gordon nominated Mr. Joseph Aranow, seconded by
~. Boeltz. Motion carried unanimously.
~. Ward declared the nominations open for Vice Chairman of
the Board. ~. Ward nominated ~. Derle Bailey for Vice
Chairman, seconded by R~. Gordon. Motion carried unanimously,
M~~. Ward declared the nomAnations open for Secretary of the
Board. ~. Thompson nominated M~. Robert Gordon for Secre-
tary, seconded by Mr. Boeltz. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ward made a motion that,.the minutes of the previous meet-
lng be approved as submitted, seconded by ~. Boeltz. No
discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Gordon read a letter from M~. Howell to the Board of Ad-
justment regarding the Wallace Property at ~02 West Ocean
Avenue and the inspectors discovering this was being used as
a duplex and not a single family residence as listed in the
files. ~. Ward suggested discussing this at the end of the
meeting and proceeding with the regular order of business,
since the applicants have been waiting awhile. He also re-
quested that Parcel #2 be considered first, since the appli-
cant is from out of town. The members agreed.
JANUARY 12, ~ 976
~blic Hearin~
Parcel #2 - Lots 18, 19, 20 & N. 30 ft. of Lot 21, Block ~
Lake Addition, recorded in Plat Book ~1,
Page 71, Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 25 ft. front setback
requirement to ~9 ft. front setback
Address - 725 North Federal Highway
Applicant - Alphonse Lembo
Mr. Gordon read the above application a~d also the reasons
requested stating that the existing pipe columns supporting
the canopy roof are ~9 ft. from the property line and a 6 ft.
variance is required. The planned!~improvements will conform
to the existing requirements. The front yard has existed for
~8 years, but was taken with the widening of U. S. ~. This
condition is not a result of the applicant. The request will
not grant special exceptions to the owner. He is requesting
the minimum possible to make the building acceptable to the
City. Also, prior to the new zoning code, a ~0 ft. front
yard was legal.
At this time~ both M~. Ward and M~. Bailey requested the al-
ternates to take their Places on the Board. They explained
that they were both bidders on this job and would abstain
from voting.
M~. George C. Davis stated his name and his address as 3~2
South Federal Highway and he informed the Board that he was
the architect for this project. He added that he wrote the
statement just read by the Secretary. He pointed out that
most of the buildings in that area are on the sidewalk or
just a few feet off. He can't believe what Mr. Lembo plans
to do will interrupt the neighborhood. Mr. Boeltz asked when
this property was purchased and M~. Davis replied: three years
ago. ~. Thompson referred to the diagram and it only referr-
ing to the side and rear for development. ~. Davis agreed
and ~ ~
~nfor~ed him on the South would be an office and on the
West would be a warehouse. ~. Gordon asked if he planned to
build out as far as the two poles and ~. Davis replied: no,
the new addition will be in line with the building.
~. Ward showed the plan to the members and explained it. He
pointed out that he was approximately ~5 ft. further back
than the buildings on each side and ~. Davis added that
the main building was 44 ft. back. M~o Ward continued that
he was only asking for a variance, since he is in violation
in the front. Chairman Aranow clarified that he was asking
for a variance in the front because the City took the land
away. ~ne construction has nothing to do with the variance
requested. The variance is because the City took aw~ ~7 ft.
and deprived him of his property. He can see no hardship
created by this man.
JANUARY ! 2, ! 976
Mm. Thompson agreed, but pointed out that they should not
overlook the fact that the 19 ft. is violating the 25 ft.
front setback. Chairman Aranow stated again that they must
be sure the hardship was not self-imposed. ~. Thompson
w~uh stating this was not saying how he was going
to vote, but they do have the right to turn this down. The
building itself is in vio!ation~ but not the building being
M~. Howell informed the Board that the reason this was before
this Board is the way the ordinance is written now~ they can-
not'issue a permit because it is a non-conforming property.
Chairman Aranow asked if anybody desired to speak for or
against this application and received no response. He asked
if any communications had been received and Mr. Ward informed
him that he checked the Board of Adjustment box at 4:30 ?. M.
and there were no communications for either application.
Mm. Rutter made a motion to grant the variance, seconded by
Mr. Ampol. Under discussion, Mm. Thompson stated he would
be in favor if there was a stipulation that no construction
will be on the 25 ft. front setback. Once they vote on this,
the person could go all the way to ~9 ft. This will give
them a leeway and relieve the City. After a lengthy discus-
sion regarding this, Mr. Rutter and M~. Ampol agreed to in-
clude the amendment that there shall be no new construction
on the front ~9 ft. of the property'without a further appli-
cation to this Board. Motion carried 7-0.
Parcel #1 - Lots 247 and 248, Laure! Hills, ~h Addition
Recorded in Plat Book 23~ Page ~'
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 7½ ft. Si~e setback
requirement to 5'9" side setback
to enclose screen porch.
Address - 9t0 N. W. 8th Street
Applicant - John A. Starkoski
M~. Gordon read the above application and informed the Board
the reason 'requested was to have a screened porch in alignment
with the existing home.
i~. John Starkos~ appeared before the Board. Mr. Rutter re-
ferred to his request to enclose a screen porch and M~.
Starkoski agreed this was correct and added that previously
his septic tank was here, but now they are on sewage. ~.
Rutter asked if there was a slab there and ~. Starkoski re-
plied: no. Chairman Aranow referred to the diagram and ques-
tioned if the only part he was going to work on was where it
stated form boards, thus straightening out the building to a
rectangle. Mr. Starkoski agreed this was correct, i~. Boeltz
JA~JARY ~ 2 ~ 1 976
~asked how long he had owned this ~uilding and Mr. Starkosk~
replied: ~18 years. ~. Rutter asked if he was going to roof
it and ~. Starkoski replied: yes. Mm. Rutter added that
with roofing it, there would be the possibility of this be-
coming a permanent room.
Chairman Aranow asked if anybody desired to speak for or
against this application and received no response.
Mr. Ampol made a motion to accept this variance, seconded by
~k~. Boeltz. Under discussion, M~. Bailey asked if the over-
hang was going to be the same as the existing house and Mr.
Starkoski replied: yes. ~. Thompson asked what kind of roof
and ~. Starkosk~ replied it would be pitch and gravel.
Motion carried 7-0.
Communications (Continued)
Chairman Aranow again read the letter sent to the Board of
Adjustment from ~. Howell. He then asked why this was
brought before this Board? ~. Howell replied that some-
body has to make a mec~smon on this. He referred to the
Roberson case being similar and being in court now. He
continued that ~o Kohl would rather the Building Depart-
ment did not take the authority to do this. He wants a
Board to either approve or deny it. The additional sewer
fees should be charged as it is a duplex.
Mr. Rutter asked what would happen if the Board turned this
down and t~. Howell replied that the lady would have to take
out the kitchen. He explained that he has researched this
and this building does conform to the code in every ws&~ with
the exception that it is passed by this Board° This lady
inherited this house. He told about electrical and plumb-
ing conditions which should be corrected, but a permit must
be issued for this work. There was a permit issued in 1955
for this house, but since then a kitchen was added.
Chairm~u Aranow referred to applications coming before the
Board for decisions according to the code, either City or
State Statutes. He doesn't know whether the Building De-
partment has the authority to bring this before the Board
of Adjustment. He doesn't want to stick the Board's neck
out on entertaining an aoplication not coming in the proper
way. Here is somebody coming in to get relief. He doesn't
see how they can entertain an application by the Building
Department unless some authority is shown to them. Mr.
Rutter agreed that it should go through the regular proce-
~. ~di~.. stated he didn't think the Building Department was
seeking any relief in this instance. It is his belief it
JANUARY 12 ~ 1 976
should be in the form of an application. It is his opinion
that the Building Department should deny this woman the right
to use this as a duplex and she should apply for a variance
on this basis. Chairman Aranow agreed and added that he did
not think this should be an exception. Mr. Ward clarified
that he said the Building Department should deny it. tf it
is in violation, they should deny it. If the lady wants it,
she should make the proper application.
~ Thompson stated that as he gathers, there is no violation
as far as the Board of Adjustment, but the violation is to the
Building Department. Chairman Aranow clarified that the
Building Department found something wrong. They found the
Condition existing there today is not the way it should~ be
according to the last permit issued 20 years ago. Now, they
come to us asking how to correct this situation. He believes
in cooperating with the Building Department, especially with
both Mr. Howell and himself being new on the job. On the
same token, how do they entertain something without an appli~
Mro Howell explained that he had to,come to this Board, as
they do not have a Board of Appeals. This is in the process
of being set up. Due to the situation and the way things are
in the Building Department, Mr~ Kohl suggested bringing this
to this Board as this is the only Board of Adjustment the
City has~ Chairman Aranow referred to the new Board of Ap-
peals being set up and questioned if it would take some of
the authority away from this Board? ~, Howell replied that
he didn,t think so. It is his maderstanding that this Board
is more concerned with zoning variances. He explained that
the new Board was being set up according to State Law and
would mainly be concerned with builders and enforcing the
M~. Rutter referred back to the case mentioned in the letter
and asked if this affected the tax structure and ~. Howell
replied: absolutely. Mro Kurtz stated that if the building
is in violation, it is not up to the Building Department to
come to this Board for relief. The Building Department should
notify the owner and the owner should come before this Board
to conform to-the law. M~. B ~
oel~z asked if this area was
zoned for a duple× and ~. Howell informed him it was properly
zoned and set back.
~. Howell continued that they would have another case to
consider. He told about a builder with three buildings
having roofs against the code. This also must come through
somebody, as he doesn't have the authority.~_r.~ Rut~er~ ques-
tioned if they had to learn all the buiDding codes?
Mi~¥~ TES
JANUARY ~ 2, ~ 976
Chairman Aranow referred to ~. Wardfs suggestion to place a
v_ola~zon on this and suggest an ap~l~catmon be made to the
Board of Adjustment. He asked what else they could do? M~.
Howell replied that he agreed with this. He continued that
ordinarily this man would go before a Building Board of Ap-
peals, who would either turn it down or allow it. ~. ~ard
mnfOrmed them that the w~y ~nms Board is presently set up,
it is also a Board of Appeals. When a Building Board of
Appeals is set up, it appears a section in their~s should
be deleted. M~. Howell explained that the Building Board
of Appeals would consist of one architect, one engineer or
o nepal contractor and three men from the xme~d as required
by State law. The members discussed further the duties of
~h~ two Boards.
t,~, Kurtz then continued with clarifying the two cases in
question. The two do not have any relationship to each
other. The first one discussed violates zoning, since a
permit was issued for a single family residence and it is
no longer that. The other one does not Conform to the build-
ing code in regards to the roof; possibly this does not be-
long before this Board as it is composed now. Chairman
Aranow stated he believed the way to handle this particular
matte~ was to tell the person, he is in violation and must
apply to the Board of ldjustment.
Chairman Aranow suggested comparing further the two Boards,
since ~.~. Howell was present. As he told the City Council
today~ he thinks l~. Howell is competent, knows his job and
will see that a competent job is done. From his own inter-
pretation, he feels the same as I~. Ward that this new Board
of Appeals will not take anything away from this Board. Mu~.
Rutter asked if this Board turned down an applicant, could
they go to the Board of Appeals? M~~. Howell replied that
under State law, they have to have a Board of Appeals in
reference to code violations. He still must clarify just
what comes before each Board. He then told about his
perience as a builder and how applications for variances
were handled by different cities.
Mm. Rutter asked if these cases would be sub, ct to any fines
and M~. Howell reo!ied that they must willingly violate the
code. The one with the roof is in vio!ation~ as no permit
was issued. Normally, they would charge a double fee because
he did it without a permit. However, the first one is owned
by an elderly lady and these things should be corrected and
she should be charged for a permit. He doesn't know where
they can get the authority to do this. ~. Kohl suggested
going through this Board. He imagines this Board would have
the authority. Chairman Aranow replied there was no question
that this Board has the authority, but he believes it should
be brought before this Board in the form of an application.
J~J~UARY 12, 1 976
~. Thompson told about a single family dwelling hooking to
the sewage illegally and how when it was purchased by a new
person, they were charged for a permit. Chairman Are~ow
questioned by whose authority this was done.
Chairman Aranow then referred to the copy of the code apply-
ing to the Board of Adjustment. He referred to a paragraph
not applying to the Board of Adjustment stating in case any
building or structure is erected, maintained~ etc., in viola-
tion~ the City can go into court and make sure it is stopped.
This is the authority given to the Bu£1dln~ Department to make
sure ordinances are enforced. Under the circumstances, he
thought the information they could gather with M~. Howell
here would be beneficial to them. They must act on how they
are going to answer this letter. The code must be enforced
in every manner.
M~. Bailey referred to Mr. Howel!'s letter and clarified that
he wanted permission to change the billing and charge them
for the extra sewer connection. Mr. Howell agreed and also
to bring the property to the code for safety, *~k~. Bailey
asked if they had applied for a permit and ?~. Howell in-
formed him that the lady was waiting for them to tell her
what to do. Mr. Bailey referred to inspectors being able
to cite violations and require they be corrected according
to the code. Mr. Howell informed him this was a thin line
and sometimes the grandfather clause takes care of it. He
explained further and pointed out where c/o's have been is-
sued~ he really didn't know what to say or what the Building
Department could do aoou~ it
~r. Bailey asked if they hooked up to the sewer without a
sewer permit ~ad ?~. Howell informed him that they hooked up
as a single family residence, but once this is cls~ified,
they will be charged as a duplex. Mm~. Bailey stated in his
opinion, he couldn't see where they can make any decision at
all. Today, it is a single family~ but when they take a
permit for the sewer, it will be a duplex. ~. Howell ex-
plained that he wanted it brought up to code and he must be
given authority by a Board. He told about the case in court
now, which is similar and does not comply. ~. Bailey asked
if he thought the lady was going to argue about this and Mr.
Howell replied: no. Mr. Bailey remarked that if she was
going to argue, it would be different. He thinks once she
applies for a permit, she automatically becomes a duplex.
~. Howell referred to the other case with the roofs in vio-
lation and also explained how an extra sink was installed
and an extra apartment could easily be added. He also told
how they have written a letter to him advising that they know
of this situation and will check on it. Mr. Rutter remarked
that he thought this would be up to the Board of Ap~ealso
JANUARY 12, 1976
~. Bailey made a motion that it is the opinion of this Board
that once a permit is taken out for a sewer, that it is
treated as any other ~roject. Chairman Aranow asked what
would happen if no ap~!ication was made and Mr. Bailey re-
plied that he didn't think it had anything to do with it.
Chairman Aranow clarified that he was saying to throw this
back in the hands of the Building Department. I~. Bailey
said that evidently they want an opinion. His motion is in
the opinion of the Board of Adjustment, that this case should
be treated the same as any other - should be treated as a
duplex. Chairman Aranow ascertained there was no second to
this motion.
M~. Thompson made a motion to have this Board treat this appli~
cant the same as any other with having the person appear be-
fore the Board in t_.~ proper procedure. M~. Gordon seconded
the motion. Under discussion, ~. Bailey stated he didn't
see why an application would be necessary. Chairman Aranow
replied that he didn't see how anybody could appear before
this Board without an application. Mr. Bailey asked what
they would appear for and Chairman Aranow replied that they
wouldn't !~mow until they get the application. Mr. Bailey
pointed out that the owner didn't want this~ but the Bui!dir~
Department does. Chairman Aranow clarified that he thought
the Building Department wants %o know whether they want to
~.te_ta=n this or not and ~ney will entertain this when they
get an application, the same as anybody else does. Motion
carried 7~0.
Chairman Aranow ~ ~. ~
a~ded that Howell requested a copy of
these minutes to cover this and Mr. Ward informed him that
the Board's Secretary should handle this and explained.
Mr. Bailey referred to discussing previously whether it would
be necessary for the Building Official or his representative
to be present at the Board's meetings° Chairman Aranow read
Section lC, Subdivision 2 of the code pertaining to this.
He questioned whether his attendance should be a requirement.
He added that he has stated in the past that in the absence
of a Building Official, he will not vote on any matter be-
cause he feels he is not cualified. He wants to know if it
is compulsory for a representative to be here. Mr. Howell
replied that the way it reads, he would say no~ because it
states may. Chairman Aranow referred to it stating ~may
answer questions and give evidence". He certainly may not
answer questions and give evidence if he is not here. ~.
Howell stated that he wants to work with the Board. if they
want him or a representative to come, he will be sure they
have one~ Chairman Aranow stated that they are respectfully
requesting this. ~. Ward asked if it was definitely required,
because they almost did not have a meeting tonight on account
JANUARY 12, 1 976
of this. Chairman Aranow agreed that they should get a full
and complete answer. As long as ?~. Howell has stated that
he or a representative will be at the meetings, he would sug-
gest that the Secretary write a letter to the City Manager
and ask him to get an interpretation of the meaning of this
whether the Building Department must have a representative
here or not. If, in the interpretation of the City Manager
or City Attorney~ they say there is no compulsion to have ~,
Building Departme~t representative here~ they should ask the
City Manager to have the City Attorney prepare a law that he
must be present at every meeting. Mr. Thompson asked whether
they had the right to request his presen~e~!and Chairman Aranow
replied that they have requested it and Mr. Howell has agreed.
This should be cleared up though. He added that ~. Howell
has a tremendous job in interpreting a code which is replete
with statements of this type.
Mr. Ampol referred to having served on the Board previously
and they requested the City Attorney to be present at certain
meetings before they took any action. Chairman Aranow replied
that he didn't think they had the authority to request this.
Mr. Ward agreed that they must go through administrative
Mr. ~ard asked if ~. Howell did not come, would they have a
meeting? Chairman Aranow referred to Mr. Howell stating that
either he or a representative would be here. ~. Ward re-
marked that they should know whether to meet if a representa-
tive is not here. Chairman Aranow stated that they must have
the interpretation from the City Attorney or the City Manager
of the law. In the meantime, they will operate on Mr. Howel!'s
good will.
Mr. Kurtz stated he thought if this Board was going to request
anybody~ it should be done by vo~e. That sentence should be
changed making it mandatory. They want the Building Official
and any other official whenever it is deemed necessary. Chair-
man Aranow explained how they possibly could be denied from
calling once.he City .Attorney to be present. The members dis-
cussed it further and agreed the Building Department repre-
sentative's presence was mandatory.
Mr. Rutter asked again if they would have a meeting if the
representative did not come and this was discussed at length.
It was brought out how they needed information from a Build-
ing Department representative, needed to protect themselves,
etc. Chairman Aranow suggested they could make a motion to
this effect~ but he would prefer to go to the City Manager~
City Council or City Attorney and have this answered in
writing. He told about his previous experience with the
~ ~ ~v ~ 976
JA~IU~. ~ 2,
~. Boeltz requested M_~. Howe!l's opinion and M~. Howell re-
plied if the Board thinks he should be here, he will be here
because they are making decisions pertaining to code,~build-
ing, etc. He also apologized for being late for tonight's
meeting, but thought it was at 7:30 ?. M. Chairman Aranow
added that he thought M~. Howell should be the one to decide
whether he or a representative should be here. He referred
to matters tonight having had enough information. He thinks
he should be able to decide whom he wants to send to these
meetings. He doesn't think the Board should encroach upon
his right to do this. His time is fully taken care of. He
has enough to do in ~4 hours~ without ~ ~ ~'
~o~y~ng about the
meetings at night. He believes he should send a sepresenta-
rive. The members discussed this further and still stressed
that he or a representative should be present. Mr. Howell
informed the Board that he was sure he could be present at
the Board's meetings and if he cannot attend~ he will be
sure they have a qualified man.
~. Ampo! moved to adjourn~ seconded by Mr. Thompson. Motion
carried 7~0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:00
P. M~