Foy Ward, Chairman
Alvin C. Boeltz, Vice Chairman
David W o Healy, Secretary
Vernon Thompson, Jr.
Derle Bo Bailey
Joseph Aranow
Carl Zimmerman, Alternate
Robert Gordon
Walter Rutter, Alternate
Jack Aitken,
Building Official
Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. and
introduced the members of the Board, Building Official~nd
Recording Secretary.
The Minutes of September 8, 1975 were read. Mr. Boeltz re-
ferred to Page 3, third paragraph, and stated he would like
to make a correction pertaining to ~. Scott's property which
was non-conforming in 1962. He would like it to read that he
was non-conforming by the 1962 City ordinance. Chairman Ward
referred to the next line which states it did not have to
come before the Board, but it should state: "should have
come before the Board.t,
Mr. Nealy referred to Page 1 where he was listed as absent
and requested that it should be noted that he was excused.
Chairman Ward agreed and stated it was his fault for not
announcing that he was excused as he was still on vacation.
Mr. Thompson moved that the minutes be accepted with the
necessary corrections, seconded by Mr. Boeltz. Motion car-
ried 7-0.
Parcel #1 - Relief from 25' front and rear setback require-
ments to 20~ front setback and 7' rear setback
for construction of new home.
Lot 24, Harbor Estates
Recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 98
Palm Beach County Records
Address - 819 E. South Road
Applicant - Dorothy B. Brinkman
¥~. Healy read the above applicationand informed the members
that the reason requested was that the other homes on the
OCTOBER 20, 1975
street have been granted variances. The lot is not deep
enough to build a normal sized house and meet the require-
ments. He also added that all the requirements were attached.
~s. Brinkman appeared before the Board and requested that
Mr. Clarence Clark represent her, as she intends to have him
build the house for her.
Mr. Aranow referred to the deed being dated ~ugust 20, 1975,
and Mrs. Brtk~an becoming the owner six to eight weeks ago.
He asked if she was aware of the lot being non-conforming
when she bought it? Mr. Clark replied that the house pro-
posed was a model house and she has a large family and this
is the only size to accommodate it. Mr. Aranow asked if he
told her there was a problem when she made the purchase? ~.
Clark replied that he did inform her that a variance would
be required, but all the lots have had variances granted.
Chairman Ward questioned if all the lots were shallow in
depth and Mr. Clark replied: yes. He continued that it is
a nice home, a beautiful home and won't downgrade the homes
in the area. ~i~ ' I ~ $
~, Mr. Thompson questioned the dimensionsof the pro-
posed house in square footage and Mr. Clark informed him
that the living area would be approximately 1,500 square
feet. Mr. Healy asked if Mrs. Brinkman was aware of this at
the time she purchased the lot and Mr. Clark replied: no,
Sir. Mr. Boeltz asked if all the houses were set back 20 ft.
from the street and Mr. Clark replied that it was hard to
tell with the hous~ along the street being so close. He
added that this was a hardship as far as this house on this
lot. Mr. Healy asked if there were vacant lots and M~.
Clark replied: yes, one next door, but it is the back yard
of the other house and also there is one across,the street
on the waterway.
Chairman Ward requested the secretary to read the correspon-
dence pertaining to this application. M~. Healy read a
letter from Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Gill, 844 East Drive, stating
they have no objections. He then read a letter from Mr. &
M~s. Herman Denning, 707 South Road, stating they have no
objections to this request and would consider it an asset
to the neighborhood with building on this empty lot. He
then read a letter from Mrs. M~ry N. Hanser stating she was
in favor of granting this variance. He then read a letter
from Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Pascatti stating in their opinion,
this vari~mce should be allowed as it will not interfere
with the ~xisting neighborhood and should, enhance their
property. He then read a letter from ~. & Mrs. Alfred
Jackson, 664 North Road, stating they are willing for Mrs.
Br~nkman to have a variance to build and feel she would be
an asset to the neighborhood. Chairman Ward announced that
these constituted six in favor per these letters or a total
OCTOBER 20, 1975
of eleven counting both husbands and wives. He then asked
if anyone in the audience was in favor of this application.
~. Mike Brinkman stated his name and his address as 715
South Road and that he was in favor of it,
Mrs. Thelma Denning stated her name and her address as 707
South Road and stated she was in favor of it. She added
that when she wrote the letter, she didn't think she would
be able to attend.
Chairman Ward than asked if anyone in the.audience was op-
posed to this application.
~. William Moesly~ii stated his name and his address as 802
North Road. He informed the Board that he goes along with
everything, but the 7 ft. rear setback. That would be get-
ting too close. He can go along with the front and sides.
His back yard is 15 ft. If Mrs. Brinkman getsher variance
for 7 ft. and someone else builds on the opposite side, there
will be only 14 ft. between the houses. Chairman Ward asked
if there was someone in the rear now and Mr. Mosel~y replied
that there was. Chairman Ward questioned if that house only
had 7 ft. and ~. Moseley replied that it would put the houses
awful close together. He added that the alley should be kept
open with water and power lines going through it.
Mr. Van Merkel stated his name and his address as 716 North
Road. He informed the Board that his father, Henry Merkel,
Jr., owns this lot, but is out of state. He asked if the
Board had received a letter from him and ~. Healy replied
that they had not. Mr. Merkel asked if he could speak on
his father's behalf and the members agreed. He stated that
they also do not object to the front, but the rear variance
is unrealistic. If someone else wanted to get a variance to
add onto their present house, it would leave a 14 ft. corri-
dor. This wouldn,t leave enough room for the utilities to
get their equipment in for repairs. Not having seen the
plans, he assumes they are not talking about a screened
porch being 7 ft. from the property line.
Mr. Clark showed and explained the plans. Mr. Ara~o'w noted
that a 3 ft. easement was shown and Mr. Aitken informed them
that it was 6 ft., with 3 ft. on each side. The members dis-
cussed the easement and how the proposed house would be within
4 ft. of it.
F~. Merkel continued that Mr. Blark hadpointed out that the
side setbacks were 22 ft., rather than the minimum. It seems
to him that they could put more of the house on the side and
it would be like the houses there. He added that half of
the width of the house in the back is a sc.reened porch and
he does not think that would cut off air and would not be as
detrimental as having a solid house so close.
OCTOBER 20, 1975
Chairman Ward suggested moving the house. ~. Merkel stated
he did not object to 12 or 15 ft. setback from the rear line.
He thinks most of the houses in there are that. Chairman
Ward asked if there was any chance to get this and Mr. Clark
replied that he would have to re-design the plan, He added
that in checking the area, he found some houses going to
within 3 ft. of the line. Chairman Ward suggested possibly
moving it sideways and ~. Clark replied: no, they are talk-
ing about making the house wider. Mr. Healy asked what the
setback ~$ the house to the west was and Mr. Clark replied
that it was approximately 25 ft. in theffront, but he did
not measure it. Mr. Bailey questioned the rear setback and
Mr. Clark informed him that it was probably 15 ft. as far
as he could tell. ~. Mees~l~i~ added that the majority of
the homes had 15 ft. in the rear.
Chairma~Ward then requested Mr. Healy to read the written
objections. He read a letter from Mr. & M~s. Philip Horne,
815 South Road, stating they felt the consideration should
have bee~ taken. ~efore the purchase of the lot regardi~ the
size house that could be erected. They feel this house will
obstruct light and view from their house and will decrease
property values. He then read a letter from Mrs. Mildred J.
K~imi~!, Rev. J. Bradley and ~s. Elaine Y~r~!~~ stating they
own Lots 11, 12 and 25, all adjoining Lot ~4. They urge
that this request for variance be refused. They feel it will
add to an appearance of congestion. They feelstrongly that
the sum result would be to decrease the appearance of Harbor
Estates and decrease property values. Chairman Ward referred
to the letter from Mr. & Mrs. Horne and stated it was his
understanding that ~. Horne was not living there. ~.
Moas~ly!~- agreed, but added that he did own the property.
Chairman Ward announced there was a total of eight written
in opposition and eleven written in favor.
~. Aranow made a motion that the variauce be granted. Mr.
Bailey seconded for the sake of discussion~. Under discussion,
Mr. Bailey referred to this property being zoned R-1AA and
having met all the requirements as far as lot size and house
size; however, on the plot plan, it shows the house still
does not conform even if the lot was the other way, because
it is 53 ft. too long. He appreciates Mr. Moe~s!y~ concern
of congestion with the houses being back to back at 14 ft.
This~could set a precedent. As an example, one of the neigh-
bors might desire to increase the size of the living area and
it would be brought out that it was granted to Lot 24 and
they should not be denied. He visited this area ~ud saw it
was a hodge-pod~and not conforming, but it ~s a shame it
was started this way. His personal feeling is if the house
~ould be altered 3 ft. in the rear, he would seriously con-
sider voting for the variance.
OCTOBER 20, 1975
Mr. Thompson stated that he favors the 20 ft. front, but
could not in good faith favor the 7 ft. rear. Other houses
are 15 ft. and to set this back to 7 ft. is just unreal. He
would be in favor if it were 15 ft. in the rear and 20 ft. in
the front. Mr. Bailey added that the reasoning behind drop-
ping the 3 ft. in the rear is, in his mind, justified by say-
ing if the lot were 80 ft. deep~d 100 ft. wide, it would
conform. Ne doesn't think it would be a hardship in the
case of a 53 ft. house.
Mr. Clark asked what the side setbacks would be on an 80 ft.
house smd Mr. Bailey informed him it was 7½ ft. on the side.
He added that he was talking about the depth of the house
being 53 ft. Mr. Boeltz corrected him that the side setbacks
were 10 ft. in R-1AA. i~. Healy stated that this had been
changed and Mr. Aitken added that it was only under consider-
ation for a change.
Chairman Ward stated that it was no reflection on the Build-
ing inspector, but it is entirely possible if this came up
before the executive branch of the department, it would have
been granted. Mr. Thompson questioned if he meant 7 ft. in
the rear and Chairman Ward repli~ yes, on non-conforming
lots. Mr. Healy stated if it was granted by the Building
Department and the Board found out about it, he is sure they
could have put a stop on it.
Mr. Healy continued that he agreed with the other gentleman,
that 7 ft. setback in the rear is really not enough. If you
take a 7 ft. setback for a building line, you can put a porch
out there. If the porch is 6 ft., you just leave 1 ft. He
thinks he would be in favor of the front setback~ but not the
rear, Mr. Clark informed him that he would have to have a
permit to build a porch and Mr. Healy replied that he meant
a patio and this would bring you so much closer to the house
in the rear.
Mr. Zimmerman stated he was a little worried about the uti-
lities in the 3 ft. easement. He thinks that is a very
narrow easement and there is no need to crowd too small of
an easement. Chairman Ward remarked that'trucks very rarely
travel the easements. Mr. Zimmerman questioned if there was
ar~v chance of the electrical being ~uried in the future and
Chairman Ward replied that if it was buried, the trenching
machine is small. Mr. Healy added that they would still have
6 ft. and the average truck would make it.
~. Boeltz asked if it was possible to change this house and
Mr. Clark replied that it was always possible to change any
house. This is just laid out for a nice beautiful home. ~.
Boeltz stated that the only trouble was that it didn't fit
the lot. Chairman Ward informed him if there was a chance
OCTOBER 20, 1975
he could change it, there is a po~hibility to have this
tabled or they can go ahead and take a vote. Mr. Clark
questioned if this meant he had to re-apply next month and
Chairman Ward replied that he would not have to re-apply,
but it would automatically be before the Board. I~M. Bailey
pointed out that the lot was not going to conform to anything
designed for it with the 80 ft. depth. He suggested possibly
working out an amendment to the variance tonight. He sug-
gested possibly amending the motion to accept the rear set-
back at 10 ft. instead of 7 ft. Chairman. Ward pointed out
that the plan would still have to be altered. ~M. Healy
stated that he didn't think they had the power to do this,
but he must re-apply. Also, the residents would have to be
notified. The only way they could approve this would be to
approve the 20 ft. variance in the front with 25 ft. in the
remr without notification. Mr. Bailey disagreed stating he
thought they could give a variance with amendments and have
done it before. He doesn't see where this is different.
Either they can make the amendment, ask ~. Clark for some
suggestion, or go ahead and vote yes or
At this time, Mr. Clark and ~'~s. Brinkman discussed the possi-
bilities of changing the plan. Mr. Clark informed the Board
that if it came down to being turned downmOn this variance,
he could re-design the house for the 3 ft. Chairman Ward re-
plied that he just explained that they could go this route.
However, by tabling it, he would save the $50 fee to re-apply.
Mr. Bailey asked if he had some kind of suggestion to amend
this to and Mr. Clark replied that 10 ft. would be the mini-
mum and he would just have to widen the house on the sides~
and re-design it. ~. Bailey stated that this didn't mean
he was going to get the 10 ft. setback; don't feel if you
alter it bF 3 ft., it will go through. ~. Clark stated he
would take a chance on it not being passed that way.
Mr. Bailey amended the motion to grant the variance for a 20
ft. front setback and 10 ft. rear setback. M~. Aranow stated
he was satisfied. Under discussion, ~. Aranow referred to
F~. Thompson indicating he had a suggestion to make and ~.
Thompson stated he would just like to withdr~w his suggestion
for 15 ft.
M~. Healy statedhhe would like to place a restriction that no
further construction be placed at the rear of the building,
such as a patio, porch, or any other type of construction.
~. Aranow consented. M~. Bailey stated he felt they would
have to apply for a variance to do this. Mr. Healy replied
that it wasn't necessary for a patio.
lcm. Healy moved that this restriction be placed on the variance
if granted, seconded by Mr. Boeltz. Mr. Zimmerman questioned
if this restriction ~ould be policed or would be within the
confines of the Building Department. ~. Aitken suggested
OCTOBER 20, 1975
rephrasing the restriction as they can pour a patio or the
whole yard full of concrete, but no structure. Mr. Healy
suggested stating covered patio. 'Mr. Aitken informed him
that they would have to get a permit for anything they do.
Mr. Bailey added that they would h~ve to come before the
Board of Adjustment again and he felt the restriction was
unnecessary. He continued that if they denied these people
the right to construct a patio, it w~s not right. Mr. Healy
stated again that he meant a struct~e with a roof and added
that they have six objections~ which should be considered.
Chairman Ward asked if Mrs. Brinkman and Mr. Clark were sat-
isfied. Mrs. Brinkman re.plied that the screened area is in
the house and she wouldn't ask for any more.
Chairman Ward asked for a vote on the amendment, which was
to change the rear setback from 7 ft. to 10 ft. Amendments_
Chairman Ward then requested a roll call vote on the motion.
Mrs. Kruse conducted a roll call vote as follows:
Mr. Aranow - Aye
~. Zimmerman - Aye
~ir. Boeltz - Aye
~. Healy - Aye
Mr. Thompson - Aye
M~. Bailey - Aje
Chairman Ward - Aye
Motion carried 7-0.
Parcel#2 - Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to
17.9' rear setback to construct garage.
South 30' Lot 10 & North45.02' Lot 11, Block 13,
Rolling Green Ridge, Seacrest Addition
Recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 22
Palm Beach County Records
Address - 3201 Orange Street
Applicants - Herbert L. Odell & Jane R. Odell
Mr. Heaty read the above application. Mr. Bailey questioned
the zoning and the members checked the map and noted it was
Mr. Herbert 0dell stated his name and his address as 3201
Orange Street. The members looked at the plans. Mr. Odell
presented a petition to the Board signed by people not object-
ing. They discussed the location. Mr. Healy pointed out that
he presently had a carport and questioned why he was not com-
pleting the carport? ~. Odell informed him that both he and
his wife have a car. He doesn't want to enclose the carport,
OCTOBER 20, 1 975
as it will cut off their ventilation. Also, he is a carpen-
ter and needs the garage for storage. ~. Healy asked if
other homes in the area had a reduced setback and Mr. Odell
replied that the one directly behind him came to about the
same, one two lots south is closer to the line, and one on
Seacrest is as close. M~. Thompson asked what kind of struc-
ture was planned and M~. Odell replied: concrete. Mr.
Thompson asked how close the house behind him was
Odell informed him it was approximately the same distance
from the line as his house, but their extension goes back
approximately 17 to 18 ft. of the line. Mr. Healy referred
to an easement being there and ~. Thompson noted it was 6
ft. Mr. Healy clarified that he would have 1t ft. instead
of 17 ft. Mr. Bailey asked if he purchased the house since
1962 and Mr. Odell replied: yes.
Chairman Ward asked if this would be usedfor storage and Mr.
Odell replied: yes, and parking his car. Chairman Ward ques-
tioned if it would be used for living quarters and ~. Odell
replied: no. i~m. Healy suggested placing a restriction that
it be used for a garage and not living purposes. He continued
that he mentioned this because there is a carport there al-
ready and with a room in the back of the carport, it could be
used in the future for living quarters. ~. Odell replied
that this suited him fine.
Chairman Ward asked if anyone present was in favor of this
application and received no response. He then asked if any-
one present was opposed and received no response.
~. Healy then read the petition submitted signed by eight
people stating they had no objection to this variance. He
added that they also had a notice signed by John McChandler.
He stated there were nine people in favor. Mr. Boeltz
checked the names on the list.
Mr. Healy made a motion to approve this application with the
restriction that it be used for a garage only and not living
quarters. ~. Aranow seconded the motion. Under discussion,
~. Thompson stated he disagreed mwith the-restriction because
if they grant the variance to build and if his family does
increase, why can't this be turned into a bedroom? Mr. Boeltz
replied that he could not do this. Mr. Aranow pointed out
that even with the restriction, it didn't prevent them from
coming back stating their family required it and requesting
that the restriction be lifted. Actually, the restriction
means before changing the occupancy of it, they must come
back and apply. Motion carried 7-0.
Chairman ~ard informed him that he would return his plan to
the City Clerk.
Mr..Aranow moved to adjourn,· seconded by Mr. Boeltz. Motion
~ar~ied 7-0 and the meeting was Droperly adjourned at 8'15