Minutes 08-11-75MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUST~NT F~TING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1975 AT 7 :~0 P. M, PRESENT Alvin C. Boeltz, Vice Chairman Vernon Thompson, Jr. Derle B. Bailey ABSENT Foy Ward, Chairman (Excused) David W. Healy, Secretary (Excused) Robert Gordon John F. White Joseph Aranow, Alternate (Excused) Jack Aitken, Bldg. Dept. Acting as Chairman, Mr. Boeltz called the meeting te order at 7:10 P. M. He announced that this was supposed to be the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Adjustment, but they must have five members present and only three members are present. Therefore, they cannot have a meeting. He added that two men were in the hospital and two men were on vaca- tion. He then announced that a special meeting would be held on August 25. A member of the audience asked why they weren't notified aud Me. Boeltz replied that the members present were not aware of not having a quorum either. A person asked how many members were on the Board and ~o Boeltz informed him there were eight. The Board was asked if they could call the missing members and Mr. Aitken informed them that the Building Department had called them prior to the meeting and he believes they reached everyone in town. Mr. Boeltz explained again the reasons for the various members not being present. A Woman asked if she would have to be present when her appli- cation was heard again, as her husband is in the hospital. Mr. Boeltz informed her that he didn't believe she would have to, as her application had been. tabled prewiously. She asked if her sister could represent her and Mr. Boeltz replied this would be permissable. Another person asked if the Board could meet before August 25, as it was quite a hardship to the people applying. Mr. Beeltz replied that he would like to, but they must be sure to have five members. A man referred to the last meeting and the Board stating they had no power and now fomrweek~ later, they cannot meet. He asked if they discussed the tabled applications? Mr. Boeltz informed them that the Board was supposed to hear from the City Attorney. Mr. Boeltz added that after reading and thinking it over, he thinks it is the Board,s duty to act o~ non-conforming pieces of property. MINUTES BOARD OF A~UST~NT PAGE HO AUGUST 11, 1975 A man asked if he could have his money ref~ded for the appli- cation? Another a~ked if the members could mail in votes? Another added that they were told to wait and now their lease will Be up on their apartment and they will have no place to go. Another added that the prices of construction keeDi~in- cremsing. Another stated that he thought the City Manager should make sure five members will be present. He added that it had been scheduled for over four Weeks now. Mr. Boeltz remarked that he thought they should request another alternate member° Mr. Bailey referred to the ordi- nance stating five members must be present and voting and he questioned who was present to enforce it? A man suggested they should proceed with the meeting with only three members. Another man pointed out that the City Council probably would not act on the recommendations and Mr. Bailey agreed they probably would be told that no action could be taken without five members. Mr. Boeltz added that they must have four votes for or against based on a seven memb~er Board. A man questioned how much the variances were discussed during the four week ~eriod a~d Mr. Thompson replied that they were not discusse~.~ He explained the requirements to have a meet- ing per the Sunshine Law. Mr. Bailey also explained how the Chairman usually met with City Officials to get further infor- mation and was u~able to do so having met with a sudden ill- ness. He also added that this created just as much a hardship on the Board members mentally, as it did financially, etc. to the applicants. A man agreed that it did cause a lot of pro- blems. A man asked if they could meet next week and ~. Thompson re- ~ied that they could if they had five members and if the City Council appointed an alternate. Another person stated that this caused a t~mendous hardship to a lot of people with having to wait. They discussed whether it had to be adver- tised again and a man pointed out that the people were pre- sent now in answer to the advertisement and would be aware of the next meeting. A person suggested proceeding with the meeting without voting, so the people would know how they stand. This was discussed by the members and they agreed it would be better to wait un- til August 25 when they would have five members. A man ob- jected stating it would cost them a lot of h~dshiD and money. Mr. Bailey stressed their position of not being able to do anything without five members. A man asked how they would know if they would have five members on August 25 and Mr. Thompson informed him that this was the first time the Board did not have a quorum. MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTmeNT PAGE THREE AUGUST 11, 1975 ~. Beeltz annommced that alltthe applicatiens weuld be tabled, since they didn't have a five member Beard te take action. He anno~ced aspecial meeting word be held em Amgust 25. M~. Thompsom made a motiem to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Boeltz. The meeting was adjeurned at 7:30 P. M.