Minutes 05-12-75M ~TES
BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MO~)A¥ ~ MAY 12, 1975 ~~T 7:30 P. M.
Foy Ward, Chairman
Alvin C. Boeltz, Vice Chairman
Robert Gordon
Vernon Thompson, Jr.
Derle B. Bailey, Alternate
John F. White, Alternate
Joseph Aranow, Alternate
Jack Aitken, Bldg. Dept.
David ~. Healy, Secretary (Excused)
Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. He
introduced the members of the Board, Building Official,.Re-
cording Secretary, and alternate members present in the audi-
ence. He announced that Mr. Healy was excused tonight for
the purpose of attending a funeral and Mr. Bailey would take
his place as Secretary. He welcomed the attendance of Council-
man. Strnad.
The minutes of April 14, 1975 were read. Mr. Thompson made
a motion to approve the minutes as read, seconded by
Gordon. Motion carried 5-0.
OLD ~- T
Chairman ~ard announced they would have to take the James M.
Harvey application off the table, as it has been withdrawn.
Mr. Bailey moved that the application for Mr. Harvey be taken
from the table, seconded by ~- Thompson. Motion carried 5-0.
In reference to this application, Chairman ~ard read a message
from ~s. Padgett referring to a r~sunderst~ding between the
City and ?~. Harvey. She stated she regretted the misunder-
standing with M~. Harvey thinking the City Clerk's office f~-
nished a survey.
Chairman W~rd then read his reply to this me~age acknowledging
receipt ~d stating the Bo~d of Adjustment was aw~e that the
Cm y does not supply surveys and also regretted this misunder-
s tan~ng~.
Chairman Ward then. requested the Vice Chairman to read part
of the zoning code ou61ining the duties and powers of the
Board of Ad!justment. Mr. Boeltz read from the zoning code
and then clarified that it must be prove~ there is a real
~_Y 12, 1975
hardship involved or a unique piece of property involved
and these are the only reasons for gran2ing a variance.
Parcel #1 -Lot 22, Dewey Heights
Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 193
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from fenc~ height
requirement to permit in-
stallation of 4 ft. chain
link. fence
Address - 2898 S. E. 1st Court
Applicant - A. L. McGregor
~M. Bailey read the above application and stated the reason
for this request was that ~. McGregor has fruit trees planted
on this lot and they are beginning to bear fruit. As soon as
fruit appears, children in the neighborhood take stic~ and
beat the fruit off the trees.
Chairman Ward stated that in reference to this particular
application, there was some doubt among City Officials and.
the City Manager whether this Board could act on fences, but
they did not get it resolved. He met with Mr. Kohl this
morning and they called the City Attorney and he advised as
long as it was advertised and scheduled~ they must hear the
case, but a hardship must be prove~.
Mr. A. L. McGregor appeared before the Board and. stated his
name and his address as 2~9~ S. E. 1st Court. He informed
the Board that he has a vacant lot facing Ist Court and has
it planted in fruit trees. They are 2½ years old and are
bearing fruit now. There are 10 to t5 kids in>the neighbor-
hood and they take sticks and knock it off. When he bought
the lot 15 years ago, there were no children in the area,
only retired people. In reference to a 4 ft. fence on this
particular street, it is not a thru street and only a short
street. There would only be 12 families coming off of 1st
Mr. Boeltz asked the Building Official if this. was considered
a corner lot and Mr. Aitken replied that it was. Mr. Boeltz
referred to the ordinance stating along rear lines it could
go as high as 6 ft., 4 ft. not on cor~er, hut only to 3 ft.
on the corner. Mr. McGregor replied that a 3 ft. fence would
not keep the kids out. ~. Boeltz informed him that it was
law being an ordinance and the police should take care of it.
He then asked if there were other 4 ft. fences on any corners
in that area and Mr. McGregor replied that there were plenty
of hedges Over 4 ft. ~. Boeltz stated that it would be al-
most impossible for them to grant a variance. Mr. McGregor
MAY 12, 1975
asked what he should do with his fruit trees and Mr. Boeltz
suggested that he called the police to have the children
arrested. He added that this was a~corner and it was a
safety factor to have a 3 ft. height on a corner. ~.
McGregor pointed out that you could see through a chain
link fence. Mr. Boeltz replied that he didn't see why he
should have a special privilege when nobody else could. ~.
McGregor replied that he was just asking for something to
protect his property and he didn't consider it a privilege.
Mr. Thompson questioned if he really felt by adding just
another foot would stop the kids from getting through and
Mr. McGregor replied: yes, kids would have trouble climbing
over a $ ft. high fence, but could jump over a 3 ft. high
fence. Mr. Gordon pointed out that it didn't state anything
about children jumping over a fence~ just beating the trees
with sticks. He added that he already has a fence on two
sides. ~. McGregor agreed and stated that the fence on the
two sides kept them out. Mr. Bailey referred to the sketch
and a 4 ft. fence on the north lot line going to the west
lot line. He also referred to the plot showing 3½ lots down
the street and questioned if there were any houses on the
adjacent lots. Mr. McGregor looked at the plat and explained
where he had a two car garage on Lot 22 and showed where his
house was located and where other houses were located. He
added that he had passed a petition around to property owners
within 300 feet and nobody objected and he had submitted this
to the Board. He also stated that it was now platted as one
lot and his house~.was located on Lot 12 in Seacrest Estates.
~. Bailey stated he could see where if this was fenced with
a 4 ft. fence, it would encourage houses on the adjoining
lots to do the same. P~. McGregor informed him that there
were 4 ft. fences up on those lots already. He added that
on the lot directly west of Ist Court was a 4 ft. high fence.
~. Bailey stated he didn,t get to look at this particular
piece of property and questioned if anyone could confirm this.
Chairman Ward replied that he didn't notice when visiting the
site. ~. Boeltz questioned if other cormer properties could
have 4 ft. high fences and Mr. Aitken replied: not on the
corner. ~. Bailey stated he thought the ordinance with 3
ft. high fence is justified in this case.
Chairman Ward asked if anyone present was in favor of this
application and received no response. He then asked if there
was anyone opposed and received no response. He added that
they must consider in all cases that there is not a self-
created hardship.
~A~. Boeltz made a motion to deny the variance, seconded by
Mr. Bailey. Motion carried 5-0. Variance denied.
MAY 12, 1975
Parcel #2 - Lot 23, Block 12, Golf View Harbour 2nd Sec.
Recorded in Plat Book 27, Page 46
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 8 ft. rear setback
requirement to erect screen
enclosure of pool 6 ft. from
rear lot line
Address - 1311S. W. 27th Place
Applicant - Ted F. Sorg
Mr. Bailey read the above application and advised the reason
requested was to eliminate damage to existing patio ~uud to use
existing patio with pool.
Chairman Ward informed the Board that at the present time,
this is a non-confOrming piece of property. He asked the
date of the survey and Mr. Bailey informed him it-was dated
12/22/69. Chairman Ward informed them that the screened
porch projects out approximately 2½ feet further than the
survey shows. The members checked the plan. Chairman ~ard
stated that the porch shown on the plan and plot sketch pro-
jects out, which is not shown.
~. Ted F. Sorg stated his name audLhis address as 1311S.
27th Place. Mr. Sorg informed the Board that the builder
stated a variance had to be obtained when it was 'built.
Chairman Ward stated he had mentioned this and he checked it,
but could not find any record of a variance being granted.
~. Sorg questioned if it could have been done without getting
a variance and Chairman Ward replied that it could have.
Sorg stated he knew nothing about a variance nor easement
and this only came up now when he applied. Chairman Ward
informed him that since it was a non-conforming property,
the Board could not act on it. He could keep the property
up, but could not add to it. ~. Sorg questioned why his
neighbor was able to build a pool 6 ft. from the property
line and Chairman Ward stated this was brought to ~heir atten-
tion and the um~dmng Official checked it. He stated again
that the Board would not be able to act on this, but the
members could ask questions.
Mm. Boeltz read Ordimance 163.225 applying to ~onfor~ng
properties and also Ordinance 163.23 (d) in rezerence to
non-conforming uses. Mr. Sorg questioned if a pool without
the screen would be inviolation and Chairman Ward replied
that this would be a question the Building Department would
have to answer. He stated that since the property was non-
conforming, they were not even really supposed to discuss
it. They have no authority to act on it whatsoever.
Sorg questioned where he could go from here? Chairman Ward
inf6rmed him that the law stated they could not act on a
~t~Y 12, 1975
non-conforming piece of property and just must consider the
request as applied for. He suggested that he could go to
circuit court. Mx. Bailey suggested he re-apply with the
person he made the application with for a pool and possibly
this may be a hardship since he did not know it was non-
conforming' ~."Th. ompson added that if he stayed within the
setbacks, he could build a pool. Chairman Ward stated that
it read he, could not add to nor increase a non-conforming
s'tructure.~ Mr. Aitken added that the B~lding Department
aould not issue a permit on any non-conforming building.
Parcel #3 - Lot 9, Block 16, Golf View Harbour 2nd Sec.
Recorded in Plat Book 27, Page ~7
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 25 ft. rear setback
requirement to 20 ft. rear setback
to permit construction of house
with pool
Address - 1164 S. W. 24th Avenue
Applicant - Aaron Brodsky
I~. Bailey read the above application and advised the reasons
requested were: property purchased specifically to build four
bedroom house with pool, to keep personnel working, and to
save as many trees as possible. Also, this lot was the only
lot and he must build this four bedroom house or will be out
the money spent on the lot. Houses ha~e been buil~ on other
Mr. Aaron Brodsky stated his name ~ad his address as t164 S. W.
24th Avenue. Chairman Ward questioned when he purchased this
lot and Mr. Bro~kj replied: approximately three weeks ago.
Chairman Ward asked if he could have had plans drawn to fit
this lot and ~. Brodsky replied that he wanted a four bed-
room house and didn't want to take out trees. Chairman Ward
informed him that there must be a unique hardship and not a
self-created hardship. ~. Brodsky informed him that he
bou~htthe lot for $12,000 approximately 3½ weeks ago with the
intent to build, a four bedroom house. He paid an architect
to m~e certain changes and paid $600. If he cannot build
this house, he will have to sell this lot and doesn't believe
he can. He wants to build a beautiful home with nice surround-
Mr. Boeltz stated he didn't think this Board had the authority
to grant a variance for a personal hardship self-created. Mr..
Brodsky questioned how he created it and ~. Boeltz replied
by not having a big enough lot for his house. M~. Brodsky
informed him that before signing the final contracts, he
checked the adjacent lots owned by another developer and he
stated he got variances on all the lots. Mr. Boeltz asked
PA~z SY~f
~¥ 12, i975
if there were other lots in this area that were given var-
iances and ~r. Jerry Hardy informed him that Lots 8 thru 14
were granted variances to Snow Construction and also Lots
21 thru 23 were all empty lots with variances granted for
the same reason. Mr. Boeltz stated he thought this should
be checked if all these variances were granted. Chairman
Ward stated they must consider each case individually and
not make more ~stakes if some have 'been made in the past.
They must ailways find whether there is a hardship and if it
is unavoidaible.
M~. Gordon asked if the rear of the property was on the
water and ~. Brodsky replied: yes. Mr. Thompson clarified
then that i2 would not infringe on another property and Mr.
Brodsky agreed.
Chairman'~ard asked if anyone present was in favor of this
application!and received no response. He then asked if
anyone opposed this application and received no response.
He added that none had been received in writing.
Mr. Thompson made a motion to grant the variance, seconded
by Mr GordOn. The vote was 2-3, with ~
· ~. Boeltz~ ~. Bailey
and Chairman Ward voting against. Variance denied.
~. Bro~ stated this meant he could mot start to build as
he intendedand there were six or seven people wor~sing for
him that he must leave go. He doesn't think this is very
fair. He bought it with the intention since everyone else
in the neighborhood, got a variance. He thin~ it is very,
very unfair!and is hard on him. He requested that they
please reconsider it. Chairman Ward informed him that the
Board had aCted. Mr. Brodsky replied that he must get rid
of the lot now.
Parcel #4 - Lot 21 ~ Block 23, Golf View Harbour 2nd Sec.
Recorded in Plat Book 27, Page 47
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 25 ft. side setback
requirement to 20 ft. side setback
to permit construction of house
with pool.
Address - 2535 S. W. 12th Street
Applicant - Vernon Thompson, Jr.
~. Thompson disqualified himself from the Board and Mr
~n~te took his ~place.
~tr. Bailey read the above application and stated the reason
for the request was tnat~ the house as designed will not fit
on the lot. To re-design it would make the house architec-
turally m~ pressmng. It is a corner lot and will not infringe
~-~Y 12, 1975
on other properties. It is also an odd-shaped lot. Chair-
man Ward asked the date of the survey and Mr. Bailey informed
him it was dated April 8, 1975.
M~. Vernon Thompson, Jr. stated his name and his address as
208 N. E. loth Avenue. He informed the Bo~d that he has
made this request because there is not a 90~ angle in the
lot. The house they have designed will not fit. They have
turned it, cut it, etc. and it is almost impossible to put
a three bedroom house on this lot because of the shape. He
showed a drawing of the planned house. He added that the
variance he is as~ng for is not 5 ft. all the way. The
house will be in line with the other houses. Only on the
corner will it be the full 5 ft. He gave plans to the Board
~. Boeitz pointed out there were four corners there and ques-
tioned if none of these would fit this house ~ud Mr. Thompson
replied that he only owned the one lot. Mr. Boeltz stated
that this would be a privilege and not a hardship and ~.
Thompson disagreed and stated this was a hardship.
White requested that Mr. Boeltz read the ordinance pertain-
ing to unique shaped lots. Mr. Boeltz read the ordinance
again and Mr. White and ~. Gordon noted it wasn't the same
as he read previously. The recording secretary read her
notes and pointed out Mr. White was referring to Mr. Boeltz's
remarks after he read the ordinance previously.
M~. Thompson explained that he started off with 25 feet, but
the lot cuts him off. As it stands now, it would be almost
impossible to put a three bedroom house on this lot. Chair-
man Ward asked if he could purchase additional property and
Mr. Thompson replied that it would be a hardship with cost-
lng ,8,000. Mr. Boeltz suggested that he could possibly buy
a few feet. Chairman Ward asked if he knew this condition
existed when he purchased the property and Mr. Thompson re-
plied that he knew the dimensions of the lot. ~. White
referred to the Board granting a variance previously on a
similarly shaped lot ~n the intercoastal and ~. Boeltz
agreed, but added this was moved to accommodate parking.
Mr. Boeltz stated he understood this hardship, but he was
concerned they were going ~ r~au into the same trouble with
the other lots. M~. Thompson stated he couldn't change the
shape of his lot and the other lots were not odd-shaped.
He added that his house would be lined uo with the other
houses. -
Chairman Ward asked if anyone was present in favor of this
application and received no response. He then asked if anyone
was present in opposition to this application and received no
response. He added that none had been received in writing.
MAY 12, 1975
Mr. Gordon made a motion to grant the variance, seconded by
M~. White. Underddisc~sion, Mr. Bailey stated he could see
where-this was a definite hardship on this lot with the type
of house planned, since this house is not going to be out of
line as proposed but would be out of line sitting on the
existing zoning. He thinks it would create a hardship not to
grant a variance and also a hardship on the neighborhood to
keep it in the existing zoning. Chairman Ward stated they
~ust keep in mind whether this hardship is self-created. ~.
Bailey stated it was a unique situation with this sized lot.
If the house was moved ~ack 5 feet, it would be out of line
with the rest of the houses and would be depressing to the
rest of the neighborhood, it is a nice neighborhood and not
shacks. Chairman Ward stated that they must go by the law.
The Planning & Zoning Board and Community Appearance Board
take care Of the neighborhood in the respects he is consider-
ing. Mr. Bailey stated he could see the neighborhood was
nice ~ith ~lready being zoned R-1A~. He definitely sees it
is a hardship. ~is opinion of the hardship is that the type
of house he wants to build there is definitely the type of
house warranted to the neighborhood. If this house is cut
down in ~ize, it would be fairly small for that neighborhood.
Chairman '~rd questione~ if it would come within the s~uare
footage requirements if it w~s cut down and ~. Bailey-replied
that ~is main objection in cutting it down 5 feet would make
it out of line with the rest of the houses. The vote on the
mot~ on was ~-2~ with Mr~ Boeltz and Chairman ~d voting
against. V~ianc e denied.
To clarify this vote, Chairman ~ard read a letter from Mayor
Roberts stating that four votes were required to pass a
~. ~hite stated he thought it was an injustice for any Board
to grant a variance for one and not another. He stated they
were showing discrimination. ~. Thompson stated as Board
members, they were accountable for their actions. He re~erred
to three weeks ago when a variance was granted for ~0 to 15
feet off an odd-shaped lot due to hardship to an owner with
this type of house and for the same reason applied for.
Chairman Ward stated if the granting of this previous vari-
ance was not in order, it does not mean it must keep going
on and on. Mr. ~hite stated that it shows the inconsistence
of the people who voted tonight. Mr. Boe!tz pointed out that
there was vacant adjoining property on this one and M~.i Gordon
informed him that the previous one had three lots vacant
a~ound him.
Mr. White questioned how the ~Iternates were elected to
serve when a permanent member was not present and ~. Boeltz
informed him on the basis of seniority.
M_&¥ t2, 1975
M~. McGregor appeared before the Board again and questioned
how the fence at 2nd a~d Seacrest got there, which is 6 to
8 feet high~ ~. Aitken replied that he was unfamiliar
with it and questioned if he was referring to the one around
the school~ Mr. McGregor replied: yes. M~. Aitken replied
that he personally had no k~owledge of it. Chairman Ward
informed h~m that it was his understanding that the City In-
spector coald not inspect any part of school property an~
Mr. Aitken! agreed. Mr. McGregor remarked that some ordi-
nances should be changed.
Mr. Thompson questioned if his application could come before
the Board again? Chairman Ward stated, this was correct, but
suggested ithat he c~.eck with the City Attorney or City Clerk
for the procedure to refile. ~hen the new zoning goes into
effect, afiter a variance is denied there is a period of one
year befora it can be re-heard; 'but right now, he believes
there is nio time limit. However, you must check whether it
has to be re-advertised. ~r. Thompson replied that he would
check and also possibly put in a lawsuit.
Mr. Baileymade a motion to adjourn, seconded by ~@. Gordon.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjoined at
8:10 P. M.~