Minutes 11-04-74MinUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUo~_.T M£~TING Hu~LD AT ~i~Y HALL. BOYN~ON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 974 ET 7.00 P.M. P~S ENT FoyWard, Chairman J. Lester Cousins, Vice Chairman A1 Boeltz Simon~der, Alternate David W. He~y, Alternate Prof. Sidney Schwartz, Alternate Derle Bailey, Alternate ABSENT Jack Aitken, Bldg. DePt. Walter B. Rutter, Secretary Frank G. Lucas Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. and introduced the recording secretary, building official and members of the Board. He announced that Mro Ryder and Mr. Healy would take the place e~ the two absentee members. The Minutes of October 21, 1974 were read. moved for approval, seconded by Mr Ryder 5-0. .... ~Ir. Cousins Motion carried Parcel #1 - Require variance to enlarge non-conforming structure (C-1 requires 20' rear setback, existing rear setback 4.7') Lot 19, Robert Wells Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 66 Palm Beach County Records Address: 214 N. E. loth Avenue Applicant: St. Cuthbert Episcopal Chnrch by Wilmore Dames, Sr. Warden ~. Cousins read the above application and informed the mem- bers that the new addition was to be a concrete block struc- ture, 38'6'" x 30,4~. The reason requested is that the church is too small for the congregation Mr. Wilmore Dames stated his name and his address as 438 N.W. 11th AvenUe. M~. Ryder stated that he noticed in viewing the site that on either side there were apartments and there is sort of a court in front of the ch~ch building and these apartments face the court. He questione~ whether an of the h ~ · ~ Y apartment occupants ad oo~ectmons to this addition? ~. Dames replied that only one apartment on the west faced ~the court and the rest faced the street. ~. Ryder asked if this one person had any objection and Mr. Dames replied: no, this person is a layman of the church. MINUTES BOARD OF mA~UST~NT PAGE TO NOVE~ER 4, 1974 Mr. Cousins asked when this church was built and Mr. Dames informed him that it was built approximately 30 years ago. Mm. Cousins remarked that he presumed there wasn't much of. a building code then and 9. Aitken agreed. ~. Ryder ques- tioned if the apartments followed later and Mm. Dames re- plied: yes, the church is the oldest building in that vicinity. ~.~. Healy referred to parking and questioned if there would be enough room for parishioners to park if the addition was made and Mr. Dames replied: yes, and informed the Board that the pa~k~ng was noted on the plot plan. ~. Healy stated if the Building Department feels there is sufficient paring, he has no objections. Chairman Ward announced 'the arrival of Councilm~n Strnad and welcomed him. Chairman Ward asked if anyone was present in favor of this application and received no response. He then asked if any- one was present in opposition to this application and re- ceived no response. ~. Cousins then read a letter from Rev. & Mrs. Hawkins re- siding in Pascal, Washington, stating if the St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church lot was large enough to make the requested setback, it was well and they have no objections. Mr. Ryder stated they owned Lot 25 according to the list. Prof. Schwartz stated that in any event, he felt that anything contained in this letter was highly irregular, since they do not ha~,e an opportunity to cross-examine these people since they are not present. He feels it is improper evidence before this Board. ~. Cousins questioned if the lots on either side were zoned C and M~. Aitken replied: yes. ~. Healy pointed out that possibly this property may have been used for parking for these other lots. Mr. Aitken replied: no, apparently this is an individual piece of property and they certainly could not have been able to use i~. for the apartments. When the apartments were built, parking must have been provided. Chairman 'Ward added that this would, not be a problem for the church. If they weren't non-conforming, they would not even have had to appear before us.~i' They are only non-conforming in the rear setback. Mr. Ryder moved to aoorove this application, seconded by ~. Healy. Motion carri~ 5-0. A gentleman from the audience then appeared before the Board and questioned a letter he had received in reference to this application. Chairman Ward read the letter and advised him it was just a notification of this application. He then M~UTES BDARD OF ADJUST~NT PAGE ~REE ~OVE~ER 4, 1974 asked where this gentleman lived in reference to the church and he replied that he has a lot across the street, Mro Aitken added that this was just a letter to notify him of this and the gentleman replied that it was oW and that he just wanted to know What it was all about. ~' Healy moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Cousins. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 7.15