Foy Ward, Chairman
Frank G. Lucas
A1 Boeltz
Simon Ryder, Alternate
David W. Healy, Alternate
Prof. Sidney Schwartz, Alternate
Derle Bailey, Alternate (In Audience)
Jack Aitken, Bldg. Dept.
J. Lester Cousins, Vice Chairman
Walter B. Rutter, Secretary
Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and
introduced the recording secretary, building official and
members of the Board. He then asked bk. Lucas to act as
secretary in reading the applications. He then recognized
Councilman Strnad present and welcomed him.
The Minutes of July 22, I974 were read. Mr. Boeltz referred
to Page 1 and stated it should read Florida State Statue
176.15. He then referred to Page 2, first paragraEh, stating
it should read 176.02, Note 18, Paragraph 16. Mr. LUcas
moved to accept the Minutes with the corrections as noted by
Mr. Boeltz. Mr. Ryder seconded the motion. Motion carried
Parcel #1 - Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to 15'
rear setback to install roof over patio
Lot B, Tract 6
Golfview Harbor, 3rd Section
Recorded in Plat Book 30, Pages 119 & 120
Palm Beach County Records
Address: 2591 S. W. 14th Street
Applicants: Mr. & ~s. Peter De Gironimo
~. Lucas read the above application and advised it was re-
quested as they would, like to sit out on their patio with
rain protection and shade and put a 3" roof over the present
patio area.
Mr. Peter De Gironimo stated his name and his address as
2591S. W. 14th Street. He stated the application as read
was correct and it would just be like a carport.
AUGUST 26, t974
~. Ryder asked if there was a slab there now and Mr. De
Gironimo replied: yes. Mr. Ryder asked how long he has
been there and Mr. De Gironimo replied since June 1 and
added that it is not finished yet and is a new home, ~.
Ryder stated that one of the Board's functions is to try
to adhere to zoning whenever possible. He said he visited
the site and noticed that nobody in the immediate area has
such a porch. He questioned if he wanted a porch to begin
~with and Mr. De Gironimo replied: no, a patio was there.
He stated they just wanted a roof over it and not a perman-
ent room. Mr. Ryder stated 'that this is a fairly new area
and it was zoned hopefully that it would continue on that
basis with plenty of open air. He would not like to see
similar installations in that area, as it would defeat the
purpose of zoning.
Mr. Healy questioned what type of construction was planned
and Mr. Lucas informed him that no sketch was attached.
Chairman Ward asked if he had submitted a plan and Mr. De
Gironimo replied: no. Mr. Lucas questioned if he planned
to put up screening and ~. De Gironimo replied: no and
he also did not want an awning, but wanted a solid roof.
Chairman Ward questioned if he had made application for this
and Mr. De Gironimo replied: no, he did not, but the contrac-
tor did for the roof. ¥~. Aitken asked if he had presented
a p~an to the Building Dep~tment and ~. De Gironimo replied
that HiCraft did. Mr. Aitken stated he was not aware of this
and possibly it was submitted when he w~s on vacation. Mr.
Lucas noted that it was signed by Jack Barrett. Prof. Schwartz
inquired if there was any formal statement by the Building
Department indicating this application had been denied and
Mr. Lucas informed him that there was j~t the signature by
the Building Official. Mr. Aitken clarified that anything
brought before the Building Department that is non-conform-
ing, they suggest the applicant take it befere the Board of
Adjustment. Mr. Healy questioned if they denied a permit and
Mx. Aitken replied that they refer it to this Board. They do
deny a permit if it is non-conforming. ~. Healy questioned
if there was a plan and Mr. Lucas replied: no, only an appli-
cation has been made. Prof. Schwartz questioned if the ori-
ginal plans for this particular house indicated the slab
would be there and Mr. Aitken replied that he imagined it
did, but as long as there were no walls, the whole yard can
be concrete. ~. Lucas informed them that a 3" honey comb
roof was planned and that was all.
Chairman Ward asked if anyone was present in favor of this
AUGUST 26, 1974
Mir. Howard Caravetta stated his name and his address as 2535
S. W. 14th Street. He informed the Board that he l~3es on
the same block and has a screened-in porch on the rear of
his house. ~He pointed out that Mr. De Gironimo was only
asking for ia roof. Mr. Lucas asked if he applied before
this Board ifor a variance and Mr. Caravetta replied: yes,
approximateily in March of last year. Mr. Lucas checked the
minUtes and advised that it was granted on February 5, 1973.
~. Boeltz iasked if he had been officially notified of this
present application and Mr. Caravetta replied that he didn't
think so, ~ut that he lives about six houses down. Mr.
Ryder pointed out that someone also has a swim~ng pool on
that block iand it comes about 3 ft. from the rear property
line and this is what we are trying to prevent. Chairman
Ward advised the members that Mr. Caravetta did not live in
the affected area.
Chairman ward ascertained that there was nobody else present
in favor of this application, nobody present in objection and
no writteniobjections had been received.
Mr. Lucs~ moved to approve this application. Chairm~Ward
announced the motion died for lack of a second. He then took
a vote of these opposed to granting this application and he
stated he.Would remain neutral. The vote was 4-1, with Mr.
Lucas vo~ngt~ to grant the variance. Chairman Ward announced
the application was denied with the vote of 4-1.
Parcel #2 - Relief from 60! frontage requirement to 50'
frontage platted - for single family residence
Lake Boynton Estates - Plat #1
Lot 1, Block 7
Recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 32
Palm Beach County Records
Address: 702 West Ocean' Ave.
Applicant: Anthony Stallone
Mr. Lucas read the above application and advised the reason
for the request was that no additional frontage was available
and the lot is 50 x 120 ft., zoned R-1. He then read a state-
ment appointing Lambert Agency to represent Mr. Stallone. M~,.
Ryder questioned if a survey was attached and Mr. Lucas re-
plied: no, just a plot plan. Mr. Ryder remarked that he had
not seen anything, the block is vacant. Chairman ~ard showed
Mr. Ryder the completed application and Mr. Healy noted that
just a subdivision plot plan was attached.
AUGUST 26, 1974
Mrs. Ronalds stated her name and that she was from Lambert
Agency representing ~'~. Stallone and Mr. Leonhart, who would
like to buy this lot. She informed the Board that they had
contacted the owner of the adjoining lot and he will neither
buy nor sell and this lot is left with nothing to do with it.
The buyer is willing to design a house to fit this lot.
Mr. Lucas asked how long Mr. Stallone had owned this lot and
~h~s. Ronalds informed him that he purchased it April 6, 1972.
~. Lucas stated that the ordinance was changed in 1962. ~s.
Ronalds then asked what they should do in a case like this?
Many people own these sized lots and cannot do anything with
them even though they are paying taxes. Do you have people
in the area that must pay taxes worthlessly? ~. Boeltz in-
formed her that they can't stop people from building, ~if it
was plotted before 1962. If this 50 ft. lot is on record,
it is pretty hard to stop a person from building a house as
long as all setbac~ are met.
Mr. Ryder stated that in the past, this Board has looked
kindly on having these lots approved for a home. However,
it was very' hard for him to reach a judgement though, as
there are no other homes on that block. He would like to
table this until they could get additional information.
~r. Lucas noted that Mr. Stallone owns Lets 17 and 19 on the
same block. Mrs. Ronalds replied that these lots were not on
the same block.
Chairman Ward stated he did not believe it would be wise for
a survey to be submitted with the additional cost to the pros-
pective buyer, since the lot is plotted. Mr. Ryder stated he
would like to know where it was located on the block. Chair-
man ~ard said it was shown on the map that he did not care to
look at previously. Mrs. Ronalds pointed out that the lot to
the west is owned by Mr. Keyslack ~nd he will not se~l or b~y
and the other side h~s also been sold.
Mr. Anthony Stallone then appeared before the Board and stated
his name and that he asked Mrs. Ronalds to represent him, as
hs did not think he would be able to be present at this meet-
ing. He advised that he had talked to Mrs. Padgett and she
informed him that all the lots were 50 x 120 ft. on the whole
block. Cur~s were put in years ago also. Mrs. Padgett ad-
vised him to apply for a variance, so it could be built on.
~. Lucas questioned if the buyer would take two of his other
lots on the next street and ~. Stallone clarified that he
owned four 25 ft. lots on Ocean Ave. They are 25 ft. lots
and there are four lots, but what would I do with this 50 ft.
AUGUST 26, 1974
lot? He did not know why this man wanted to buy this parti-
cular lot. Mr. Lucas asked if they were all 50 ft. lots and
which lots he owned and Mm. Stallone informed him that he
o~ns seven lots in a row, 13 thru 19. Mr. Ryder remarked
that these other lots could possibly be sold individually and
~. Stallone replied that somebody would not apply for seven
variances and he was under the opinion that since he owned
adjoining lots, he must put them together to meet the require-
PTof. Schwartz questioned if this subsequent p~mchaser of this
lot planned to build a home on it and Mr. Stallone replied:
yes, that he was ma~uing this application so he could sell
this lot. Mrs. Ronalds added that she had the contract with
her. Prof. Schwartz questioned if when he purchased this lot,
was he aware of the ordinance that he could not build on it
and Mr. Stallone replied: no. Prof. Schwartz questioned if
when he purchased th~selots approximately two years ago, had
he inquired about building on the lots and Mrs. Ronalds stated
that when he purchased this property, it was all from an es-
tate. Mr. Stallone added that it was all one package with
the lots separated like this. Mr. Ryder remarked that if he
had referred to the ordinance that he would have discovered
this. Mr. Stallone stated they possibly believed since it
was plotted before the ordinance, it was buildable. If he
had adjoining lots, he would gladly sell it~together. He
has had two separate real estate agencies try to purchase the
adjoining property. He thought possibly it would be considered.,
since additional ground could net be purchased. Mr. Ryder
stated they have gotten the story very often from applicants
that property is not available and it turns out it is.
~. Lucas read Boynton Beach Code 3112 regarding substandard
lots ~n record. ~r. Stallone stated that this goes back to
what was said in the begiaming that sinc~e it was platted prior
to 1962, you could build on it.
Chairman Ward thanked Mrs. Ronalds and. ~. Stallone. He then
asked if anyone was present in favor of this application and
received no reply. He then asked if anyone was present in
opposition to this application and the following people appeared
before the Board:
~. John P. Kneib~ stated his name and his address as 517
Industrial .avenue. He advised that he was a contractor and
had to buy six lots in order to build homes in that area.
He questioned if 702 West Ocean Ave. was a corner lot and Mr.
Aitken showed him on the map where it was located.
AUGUST 26 , 1974
Mr. Victor Cooks stated his name and his address as 654 West
Ocean Avenue and that he objected.
Firs. Dorothy McKendricks stated her name and her address as
West Ocean Avenue. She informed the Board that she objected
since all the lots are larger in that area. ~. Boeltz
pointed outlthat Mr. Stallone was unable to purchase a.ddi-
tional ground. Mss. McEendricks questioned what weald happen
with~the other 50 ft. lots in the area and added that it would
also make adifference according to the size of the house
planned. Mr. Boeltz replied that he must meet setbacks. Chair-
man Ward referred to the Code statinghe was allowed to build,
if additional property is not available. Mr. Boeltz pointed
out that this was plotted before 1962, but if it was plotted
now, he would have to buy additional land.
Mrs. John Kaeibel stated her name and questioned if one man
in this town was allowed to build on a 50 ft. lot, what would
happen to everyone else who has a 50 ft. lot? Mr. Lucas
informed her that they mast go by the Code whick states if
they have a 50 ft. lot plotted before 1962, they are able to
build. Mrs, Kneibel stated she was referring to everyone in
the City of Boynton Beach. If this is so, this even goes up
into colored town and if they find out, you are going to have
a problem on your hands. Mr. Lucas informed her that it is a
rule and it is up to the City Council to change it. mMr.
Healy questioned if this lot was sold to an individual, would
he only build this one home and ~. Lucas informed him he
could put this stipulation in the motion. ~s. Kneibel con-
tinued that there were lots right down from this one that
they refused to buy because they could not build on them.
Mr. Lucas stated that her situation was different. Chairman
Ward questioned the size of their lots and Mrs. Kneibel re-
plied they were 60 x 80 ft. and 60 x 120 ft.
Mr. Healy questioned if the ~uyer of this lot understood he
has to build a 1,000 square ft. house on it and ~s. Ronalds
replied that the buyer wa~ aware of this. Chairman Ward
pointed out that he could stipulate this in the motion.
~. Healy continued that he didn't think it would be fair to
deny any man the right to build on his land, as long as he
complies with the code. He didn't believe they had the
power to deny the man to build, but it would be up to the
Building Department to deny if he didn't conform. Mr. Ryder
stated his feeling was that this code was meant to apply in
populated areas where the owner could not do anything with
it, but he didn't agree that it should be enforced in vacant
areas such as this.
AUGUST 26, 1974
Mm~. Healy stated if the party who is going to purchase this
lot understands this and they will comply with the building
regulations.to build a house in compliance with the Building
Department, lhe moved for the approval of this application.
Mr. Boeltz Seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1, with ~.
Ryder voting against.
Parcel #3 - Variance to expand a non-conforming use by reason
of a dwelling on a non-conforming 50 ft. lot.
All setbacks are conforming.
Boynton Heights
Lo'ts 40 & 41, Block. 4
Recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 64
Palm Beach County Records
Address: 115 N. W. 1st Avenue
Applicants: Joseph D. & Nina S. Boles
Mr. Lucas read the above application s. nd informed the Board
it was requested as the present dwelling has no facility for
storage, washing machine, dryer, lawn equipment, etc. They
would like to add a utility room and screened porch per the
sketch attached.
Mr. Joseph~D. Boles stated his name and his address as 115
N. W. 1st Avenue. He informed the Board that he was hard of
hearing andlrequested that his daughter-in-law, ~Ms. Betty
Boles, be allowed to represent him.
~[rs. Betty Boles stated her name and her address as 145 S. E.
9th Avenue. Mr. Lucas asked when this was purchased and Mrs.
Boles replied in June, I973. ~. Lucas questioned the age o£
the house and I~s. Boles informed him that it was 20 years
old. Mr. Lucas stated that when it was built, it was in con-
formance with the zoning at that time. He then asked if they
had 75 ft. in the back and Mrs. Boles replied: yes.
Chairman Ward thanked them both and then ascertained that
there was nobody present in favor to this application, nobody
present in opposition and no written objections had been re-
~. Ryder made a motion to approve the application,~seconded
by Mr. Healy. Motion carried 5-0.
Prof. Schwartz stated he was a new member on this Board and
would like ~o make some suggestions. First, he felt it was
extremely difficult to pass judgement in these matters with-
out each member having a copy of all papers. He suggested
AUGUST 26, t 974
that the Chairman insist that at least photostatic copies of
each application be made, so each member can review it con-
veniently without looking over someone else's shoulder.
Second, he believed the Building Department is necessary for
this Board and believes they should make some notations in
reference to these applications as to why they are before
this Board. Third, he asked the Chairman to ask the City of
Boynton Beach to purchase one Florida State Statute, so they
could refer to it at th~semeetings and also each member should
get a copy of the ordinances.
Chairman Ward advised him that he could get copy of the ordi-
nances from the City Clerk. This also applies to the State
Statutes. He stated that as for the other recommendations,
the Chair refuses, but he could put it in writing to go be-
fore the Council.
Mr. Ryder stated that he thought they were left with the re-
quest that each member be provided with a copy of the appli-
cation° He then questioned if this went before the Council.
Chairman Ward advised that somebody had to authorize this and
it is a lot of work for the City Clerk. .Prof. Schwartz stated
that the a~plicant should be made to do this. Chairman Ward
informed h~m that all the applicant supplied is the applica-
tion. Mr. Ryder stated that these copies should be made at
the expense of the pe~t~ioner. If the Chairman feels we have
to go to the Council, let's do it! Chairman Ward stated he
didn't think this Board has the power to request the peti-
tioner to do anything° Mr. Ryder remarked that it would be
kind of useless for them to come before the Board and the
Board wouldn't know what they were talking about. Mr. Ryder
continued Shat he did~'~t choose for it to go to the City
Council, but will move in that direction to apply to the City
Council that petitions of this kind with sufficient informa-
tion be given to each member including surveys, applications,
etc. Mr. Aitken stated that he was under the assumption that
each member did get a copy of this and Mr. Ryder informed him
that they only received a copy of the agenda. Mr. Lucas
stated he felt it should be requested through the City Mana-
ger. Chairman Ward stated they were here to serve at the
pleasure of the City Council and did not feel they should
set regulations. Mr. Ryder stated he felt M~. Lucas' sug-
gestion was a good one and amended his motion that they
should go through the City Manager.
Mr. Ryder then made the motion for this Board to approve a
request made to the City Manager that it be authorized that
the City be required to provide each member of the Board of
Adjustment sufficient copies of surveys~ accompaning data
deemed necess~y, etc. in connection with petitions brought
before the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Healy seconded the mo-
tion, staving he thought they should get all information.
AUGUST 26, 1974
Mm. Aitken then informed Prof. Schwartz that he was present
as a substitute for Mr. B8~rett and his instructions were to
answer specific questions and not make comment. Prof.
Schwartz replied that the Building Department, by way of a
memo, should notehow they feel after reviewing an applica-
tion. Mr. Aitken informed him that the Building Department
goes by the comments made by this Board.
Chairman Ward questioned if the members felt it was s. atisfac-
tory to have these minutes take the regular course and let
that give notice to the City Manager. He added that he would
like to appoint ~. Ryder to D~$sent this to the City Manager.
M~. Ryder replied that as soon as he received a copy of the
minutes, he would make an appointment with the City Manager.
~. Derle Bailey then introduced himself to the Board and
informed the members he was appointed as an alternate member
last Tuesday night to this Board. He then stated he was con-
fused as to his position as an alternate member. Chairman
Ward stated they were happy to have him. Mr. Lucas stated
he was to attend every meeting. He pointed out that he was
allowed to sit on the Board and question, but was not allowed
to vote. Chairman Ward clarified that they were technically
under order to have the alternate members sit on the Board.
Previously, alternates sat in the audience until called.
We are happy to have you with us. In the absence of a regu- ·
lar member, you would sit in and vote. Mr. Lucas added that
in the absence of a regular member though, the alternates
that proceeded him would be called first. The three gentle-
men on the left are all alternates. You are the fourth al-
ternate and it is rather remote that you will ha~e a vote,
but you are invited to sit on the Board ~ud question. Chair-
man Ward ad~ed that they planned to meet with the City Attor-
ney and clarify this procedure. As soon as the regular mem-
bers return, we have an appointment with the City Attorney
to straighten out these procedures. The members discussed
further the actual duties and position of alternate members.
Mr. Lucas made a motion to adjourn, seconded by M~. Boeltz.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:o5 P. ~.