J~Y 10, 1974 AT 7~'00 P. M.
Foy Ward, Chairman
Walter B. Rutter, Secretary
A1 Boeltz
Simon Ryder, Alternate
David W. Healy, Alternate
Jack Aitken, Building Dept.
J. Lester Cousins, Vice Chairman
Frank G. Lmcas
Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. He
introduced the recording secretary, building official and
members of the Board. Ne announced the special meeting was
called tonight, since they did not have a quorum present on
the regular meeting night last Momday.
The ~n~utes of Jmne 24 were read. Mr. Ryder referred to 01d
Business and stated a correction should be made in reference
to the Premer application, in that it should state 27 feet
and not 20 feet. Nr. Rutter made a motion to accept the
minutes with the correction noted, seconded by Mr. Healy.
Motion carried 5-0.
Chairman Ward announced they would now reconsider the follow-
ing application, which was tabled previously.
Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requirement to 20 ft.
rear setback to enclose existing covered patio and
add a bedroom.
Lot 1, Block 4, Sky Ranch Estates
Recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 97
Palm Beach County Records
Address: 3105 S. E. 1st Place
Applicant: Marvim and Sandra Premer
Chairman Ward advised that it was the opinion of the City
Clerk that this could be acted on even though it is non-
conforming. Mr. Ryder stated that he and Mr. Rmtter did
mot expect this matter to be considered at this meeting.
He stated that at the meeting when they considered this
application, they took action to refer Mr. Premer BaCk te
the City Attorney to get an opinion to find emt whether the
Board has the power even to act on it at all. Ne the~ re-
ferred to Ordinance 62-9, Section 14, Non-Conforming Use and
JULT 10, 1974
read Paragraph 4 where it stated non-conforming buildings
cannot be extended nor enlarged. Ne stated according to
this, the Board is not able to take any action on this.
Chairman Nard advised that the Beard req~uested Mr. Premer
to go to the City Attorney through the City ~ager. The
City Manager advised me that it is mot proper for a ¢itize~
to approach the City Attorney on these matters. Therefore,
the B~lding Department and the City Clerk contacted the
City At%orney and were advised it could be acted o~ provided
we acted on the existing non-conforming part too. Mr. Ryder
questienedu~der what authority the Board could do this and
Chairma~ Ward replied that he did not qmestion the City Attor-
ney in reference to this. He stated that Mrs. Padgett and
Mr° Barrett gave him the information that the City Attormey's
opinio~ was that this Board could act on it. Mr. Ryder re-
ferred again to the ordinance. Chairmam Ward remarked that
they had situations like this before and had granted the
Mr~ Ryder them asked if they had received any objections to
this applicatiom a~d Mr. Rutter informed ~ that they did
receive o~. Chairman Ward pointed out that the plan~ed
enclos~e ~Ould not extend a~y further. Mr. Ryder remarked
that it woul~ certainly enlarge the facility. Chair~a~ Ward
clarified that it would not go any closer to the property
Mr. Ryder quoted the ordinance again stating non-conforming
buildings or structures camnot be enlarged. Mr.
tioned if the attorney had~amended this ordinance. Mr.
Aitkem clarified that it was a mom-conforming house at the
moment and they mmst act on the first non-conformance and
then act on the application for the enclosure. The Board
must act on two things. Mr. Healy added that if Mr. Premer
wanted to take it further to court, he must bring it first
to this Board for a preliminary hearing.
Mr. Ryder pointed out that at a previous meeting, he was re-
quested to look into this matter, which he did. The original
plan that was filed and approved differed from the building
that was constructed. The survey called for 27 feet and the
buildimg was built at 20 feet, so this structure is non-
conforming, Chairman Ward pointed out that Mr. Premer was
not the original owner.
Mr. Eealy questioned if Mr. Premer was asking only to enclose
the present porch, but the structure at the present time is
non-conforming ~ecause of having only 20 ft. in the rear.
Mr. Premer stated this was correct.
~Y 1 O, 1974
Chairman Ward stated they would have to act on the non-con-
forming situation first. Mr. Rutter stated that acting on a
non-conforming building now would say they were approving it
since the bailding is there. Mr. Ryder stated he understood
they have two matters, one to decide whether it~is non-con-
forming and then act on the application. Mr. Aitken pointed
oat that they k~ew it Was nonLconforming. This is a techni-
cality to clear up Before acting on the application. You
cannot move the house and must accept it as a non-conforming
structure. Chairman. Ward added that Mr. Simon said this non-
conforming situation had to be tied in with the variance.
Mr. Rutter stated they would be approving the non-conforming
Building that was already there. Mr. Nealy added they co~d
approve the variance, kmowing that it is a non-conforming
stractare and Chairma~ Ward stated this was correct. Mr.
Ryder questioned granting the variance, k~owing it is ~on-
conforming an~ Chairma~ Ward replied: yes, bat to include
they were aware of the non-conforming sitmation in granting
or denying the varia~ceo
Mr. Nealy made a motion to approve the variance with the
understandi~ that the Board already knows of the non-con-
forming structmre existing on this property. Mr. Rutter
seconded the motio~. 'Motion carried 4-I, with Mr. Ryder
voting against.
ChairmamWard stated he received a letter fromMr. Luiz re-
questing an extension om the tabling of his applioation to
the next regular meeting, which will Be July 22. Mr. Ryder
stated he still did not k~ow how they took action on Mr.
Laiz's application at the last~meeting. How do we de~y an
application a~d then follow by tabling it? Mr. Nealy stated
the motion to de, was 3-1 and Mr. ~der stated that the
motion to de~ did not~ get a second. Mr. ~tter clarified
that the motion was withdrawn and then tabled. C~irman
Ward stated that.the motion to approve it was withdrawn.
Mr. Ryder stated the motion to de~ was not seconded, the
motion to approve went down 3-1 and then the motio~ to table
it was made. He theaght it was turned down and then fomnd
out it was tabled.
Chairman W~d advised that the 3 vote situation was dimcussed
with M~. Eimo~ a~d he felt the applicant shomld be entitled
to a five member Board. We have requested additional alter-
~ates, so we would have a full board. Mr. Nealy stated he
believed the same procedare should be used to de~ as to
grant. Mr. Ryder stated he didn't b~ the opinion of the
City Attorney, as very often the City Council only has fo~r
members a~d they don't table a~ item on that accoant. Ne
stated he would~,t go by that. Chairman Ward replied that
J~Y 10, 1974
he did net ask for this opinion from Mr. Simon and if Mr.
Ryder didn,ti~ believe it, he could check himself.~ Mr. Ryder
referred to the last City Council meeting when there were
only four members and stated what they did wms legal~amd
binding. Mr. Nealy stated that the Beard of AdJmstment should
have a full membership. Mr. Ryder replied that if they had a
quormm, prem~mably everything is legal. Ne stated he still
did not .b~ it and that they should not hold a session unless
there were five members. The matter sheuld~,t ~ brought uD
at all and Mr. Aitkem pointed out that was the reason they
tabled i~.i.~ Chairmam Ward stated again that'it was the City
Attorney,s opimion that they should have a five member board.
Mr. Rutter added they should be able te depend on the City
Attormey,s advice. ~. Ryder stated they would have had the
correct number of DooDle if Mr. Ward had not excused himself
because of involvememt and that is where they got fouled up.
Chairmam Ward advised that several times they had meetings
with Mr. Moore to get an opinion for the summ~y eutlime, but
never did getone. ~t m~ be advisable te sit down with the
City Co,oil to discuss our actions in reference to 50 ft.
lots, etc. Mr. Rutter stated he agreed and in reference to
the 1962 ordinance regarding 50 ft. lots, it is a tough situ-
ation to deny some applications with the hardships involved.
However, we are not just a "yes~' Board as some think. Mr.
Ryder agreed that they had gene along well with the problems
of the 50 ft. lots.
Mr. Ryder then referred to variances being requested for rear
encroachments and enclosures. There are many new areas where
people have requested variances a~d they could have foreseen
this when p~chasing. Mr. Rutter stated that he usually took
a look at the property involved and if he felt it would net
~e a disorderly looking struct~e, etc. and there were ne
ob. jections, he usually agreed to go along with the variance.
Nowever, if the rear of the house would leek ugly with porches
sticking cut, he did not agree with granting the variamce.
He stated he judged to the best of his ability a~d tried to
use cemmem sense. The applicants apparently we~ldm,t apply
if they didn't feel there was a need. The records will show
we have denied ma~. Mr. Ryder stated he was s~e they womld
agree that whem people bmy a house, they should Be aware that
they cannot build on 10~ of the lot. ~heY should be aware~
that there are restrictions.
Chairman Ward referred to Leismreville stating the homes were
very mice, but so close. As far as circulation of ~r, they
are very close. Mr. Rutter referred to how mmsightly houses
were with a pass-throughwindow and glass sliding doors with
nothing en the outside. Mr. Ryder remarked that many were
J~LY 10, 1974
like that and they didn't want porches or Florida rooms.
There is nothing unusual about it. Mr. Rutter replied they
were unsightly ia comparison to ones with porches, etc.
~. Healy stated they should try to get a summary as to what
they could do if they were again~uck with four members.
Mr. Ryder stated he thought it would be advisable not to even
consider the matter. Y~. Healy stated he would move to ask
the Chairman to get this information from the City Attorney
or any Co~cil member or anyone with authority to give it to
us to agree upon it as a committee. Get this in writing from
the City Co, oil and particularly in the case where we are
in a quorum, but are hindered with a four member vote. Chair-
man Ward advised him that they have tried and tried to get
this. We have sent written requests and reguested meetings
with the City Attorney and he only came once to a meeting.
Mr. Rutter stated he resented anyone saying this Board was
just an approval board. We actually do consider all cases.
He thought they applied themselves to the best of their
a~ility. Ne tried to judge with. the best commo~ sense. Mr.
Ryder stated that what they need are more specific guidelines
and to what extent the Board can operate. Mr. Nealy stated
he was concerned and was definitely convinced that Mr. Ryder
wo~ld vote against anyone applying with a non-conforming
structmre. If it is non-conforming, do we really have to
review it and do we have the right to pass anything if it
is non-conforming? Also~, what should we do ia the case of
having only four members? Mr. Ryder stated apparently they
were advised that even if it is non-conforming, we can act,
eve~ though the ordinance states otherwise.
Chairman Ward stated he wo~d do his best to get an opinion
from the City Attorney in reference to both items.
Mr. Nealy made a motion to have the Chairma~ contact the City
Attorney in reference to guidelines on non-conforming use and
also members to constitute a quorum. Mr. Rutter seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Ryder made a motion to adjourn, seconde~ by Mr. Boeltz.
Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
7:40 P. M.
7/8/74 - No Quorum
Special Meeting called for 7/10/74