Foy W~d, Chairman Jack Barrett, Bldg. Official
J. Lester Cousins~ Vice Chairman -
Walter B. Rutter, Secretary
A1 Boeltz
Simon Ryder, Alternate
Frank G. Lucas
Ezell Hester, t ~
A1 erna~e
Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and
introduced the Members of the Board, the Building Official
and the Recording Secretary.
The Minutes of March 11, 1974 were read. Mr. Rutter made a
motion to accept the minutes as read and it was seconded by
~. Boeltz. Motion carried 5-0.
Parcel #1 - Relief from 70 ft. lot width requirement to
50 ft. lot width platted.
Lots 90 and 91, Lakeside Gardens
Recorded in Plat Book 8~ Page 57
Palm Beach County Records
2612 Lake Drive
Merlin M. & Charlotte Z. Dunn
Single family residence in accordance
with all City zoning requirements.
~. Rutter read the above application. He then read a letter
received from M~~. & ~s. Dunn appealling to the Board with
several reasons for granting this pe~itiono They also made
reference to other variances granted in t~s s~eao Copies
of letters were attached written at the time of purchase in
1964 in reference to building being permitted at that time.
Chairman Ward announced a letter had been received from ~w. &
~rs. Dunn stating that M~s. Hood would represent them.
Edith G. Nood stated her name and that she represented Coast-
line Realty and also lived across the street from this prop~
Mr. Boeltz questioned how many 50 ft. lots were in this s~ea.
Mrs. Hood reolied that this is the last one. There is a 50
ft. lot next~door~ but he will not sell. There are four 50
ft. lots there. ~&r. Dunn's property is in the middle with
this 50 ft. lot on one side and a house on a 50 ft. lot on
the other side°
Mr° Ryder questioned whether this application should go be-
fore the Zoning Board and Mr° Barrett replied that the Zoning
Board would not consider this, as 50 ft. lots are not even
included in the zoning~
~L~RCH 25~ 1974
lv~. Rutter pointed out that Mrs. Hood's client was well
aware that the ordinance was put through in 1962 and this
was purchased in 1964. Many people go ahead and buy being
well aware of it and just hope they can build. We are also
aware that they have paid taxes in good faith.
Mr. Ryder added that if we were dealing with the original
owners that owned the property before the ordinance, it would
be a hardship. MY own feeling is that it is not an obliga-
tion of the Board to so drastically change the zoning. I
think the Zoning Board is the only one that could properly
change this and the whole block would have to be done. I
don,t think the Board of Adjustment shoUld dO this. There
are several non-conforming uses there a~eady and this would
just add to it.
Mr. Barrett stated the Zoning Board has nothing to do with
this at all. In your duties, it is stated that any substan-
dard lot should be considered by this Bosmd. This man has
a single family residence lot and if you expect him to Day
t~xes on it and not be able to build, it just is not ri~.
If it is a platted 50 ft. lot on record, it is up to this
Board to consider it. Only if an adjoining property is avail-
able~ should it be considered further. This one lot was pur-
chased to build a home.
~s. Hood informed the Board that she lived across the street
and has a 75 ft. lot. I Pmow that in the area there are at
i ~
eas~ half the homes built on 50 ft. lots. Mr. Rutter ques-
tioned again whether there was additional property he could
purchase and ~s. Hood replied: no and I attempted to se~l
this lot to the adjoining property owners and they did not
want to buy additional prooerty. Chairman~ard stated that
all setbacks would have'to'be met. The only question~.~is
whether he can b~uild on a 50 ft. lot. Why did he apply to
the City in 19647 ~mso Hood replied that he was planning to
retire then, but his plans changed.
Mr. Rutter then read a letter received from Mrs. L. J. Kopf
of 260] Lake Drive objecting to this application.
Chairman Ward recessed the meeting while the Building Offi-
cial went to get the Ordinance in reference to 50 ft. sub-
standard lots on record. Mr. Barrett returned and read the
Ordin~mce referring to substandard lots on record. When a
lot or parcel of land does not conform, but was a lot on
record ~ud recorded, such parcel.may be used for a single
family dwelling in any zoning, provided it is heard by the
Board of AdjUstment in each individual case. He also read
another part ~ '~
r~errl.~g to replatting of these parcels if
held for more than three years and adjoining land can. be
~ ± hUJ TES
M~RCH 25, t974
Mr. Rutter then read a letter frOm Mrs. William K. Kupferle
of 2600 Lake Drive stating that she objected to the granting
of a arlance for the next door n ignbor. I feel strongly
V ' eo
that the values would decrease ifsmaller houses were per-
mitted, I trust you will see fit to de~ this request for
a variance. Chairman Ward added that this letter was read
at a previous meeting when ~M. Dunn was present a~ud he said
he talked to N~s. Kupferle and she was in favor of it; how-
ever, since then, ~ talked to her and she was opposed to it.
Chairman Ward asked if N~. D~mn planned to use this property
for his own use and Mrs ~Hood replied: no, it is for sale.
They can't use it now. 'Mro Barrett pointed out that i~ was
the Board's prerogative to tie the variance to the present
owner~ however, if these people decide not to build, you
will just ~
· ~ave another appeal.
~M. Rutter made a motion to grant the variance providing
setback requirements are met. ~Mo Cousins seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5~0~
Parcel #2 - Relief from 75 ft. lot width requirement to 50 ft. lot width platted.
Relief from 7500 sq. ft. requirement to
62 o ft,
Lot 2~ Block 6, Bowers Park
Recorded in Plat Book 1 ~, Page 57
Palm Beach County Records
Address: 234 S.E. 3rd Avenue
Applicant: Richard Jo Dek~r
Use~ Duplex
Mr. Rutter read the above application.
N~. Richard J. Dekker stated his name and his address as 21
Sahal Island Drive, Ocean Ridge. He informed the Bos~d he
is interested in purchasing this. property and bu~lGing a
duplex for rental. The street is all apartments and duplexes.
The adjacent lot is not for sale. It does not meet the re-
quirements of the new code, but did meet the old one. The
woman who owns it is a widow and since her husband died, she
has no way of getting here and does not plan to move here
now. The sale is subject to approval of this variance,
ChairmanWard questioned why he did not submit a certified
survey with this application. Mr. Dekker replied that he
investigated the cost of surveying and it is around $200.
if ! buy it, t would have it surveyed. I was reluCtant to
spend this money on a lot ~ was not sure I could buy.
i~JRCH 25 ~ 1974
~. Barrett pointed out that R-2 Zoning does allow a single
family residence on a 50 ft. lo~, but this request is for a
duplex. ~. Dekker replied that the street was all duplexes
with several large ~partments. It would not be donducive for
one single family home in the area along the railroad.
Chairman Ward pointed out that there must be a hardship in-
volved. Where a hardship is created by the applicant's own
acts, it is not considered a hardship.
M~. Cousins questioned whether someone would buy it for a
single family residence and Mr. Dekker replied that he would
be reluctant to buy it with it being surrounded by apartments
and next to the railroad. M~. Ryder stated that the Board
had a.s'mmzls~' ~ case and only allowed a single family residence
and he felt the same now° Mr. Dekker agreed, but with all
these larger apartments around it, it just would not be ad-
visable ~
. ~. Bs~rett pointed out that in the old R-2 Zoning,
it allowed 8 units and this is why the ~partments are in the
Chairman Ward ascertaznem' ~ that there wasn't anybody present
in favor to this application nor i~objection to this aopli-
cation. -
Mr. Ryder made a motion that the petition be denied and it
was seconded by ~'.~. Boeltz. Motion carried 4-~,
-~ ' ~ with ~.
Cousins voting against.
~. Rutter read a letter addressed to Foy Ws~d from the City
Manager in reference to Ezell Hester objecting to the minutes
listing hi~ as absent. ~o Hester believes that an alternate
must be called to attend a meeting in the absence of a regu-
lar member' He also disagrees with certain minutes ~ ' · ·
to notice of his absences.
~. Rutter then read Mr. Ward's reply to ~ir. Eohl. He assured
him this could be cleared up if M~. Hester attended a meeting.
Prior to this year, it stated that a member missing three
meetings would be replaced and this would apply as well to
the alternates. I am sure this would be the guideline for
this year. I saw M~. Hester prior to the organizational meet-
ing and he stated he would not attend, in the past, I hs~e
reEarded M~. Hester as a good Board Member and since he was
Chairman, i am sure he is aware that meetings could not have
been held if alternates were not present. Most alternates
s~e present and listen in.
Chairman ~'"~ ~
~r~ read the February 25 Minutes where it stated
M~. Lucas asked that another member be appointed to the Board.
The request was for one more alternate and that the City
Co~cil had been notified of ~. Hester's three absences.
~L~CH 25~ 1974
Mr. Cousins made a motion that in reference to the Minutes
of February 25, that the entire conversation Chairman Ward
mentioned in reference to Mr. Hester be deleted, since he
objected to it. Also, a copy of these minutes are to be
sent to Mro Frank Kohl, City Manager. Mr. Rutter seconded
the motion~ ~der discuss~on~ M~. Barrett said he thought
the ruling was if you missed three meetings in a row~ you
would be replaced and the Board must request a replacement
recommendation from the City Co~cil. ~ R~der referred
to Chairman ~ard's reply about ml'ternates sitting in and
asked why they couldn't take part in the deliberations and
not vote. This w~ it makes it sass for an alternate to
stay ~way. I always check the site and ~oning. Chairman
Ward r~plied that he didn't think anything was inferred
that an alternate should not attend a meeting. ~. Barrett
suggested that they check the Roberts Rules of Order which
states an a~ernate cannot take oarto ~iotlon c~ried 4-0,
with Chairman ~ard not~ voting.
~¢r. Rutter made a motion that the City Council be notified
of ~. Hester's absences and a reco~mendation be made for a
replacement. ~m. Cousins seconded the motion. Under dis-
cussion, Mr. Ryder stated that he did not think the Council
was s3~;are of this vacancy. ~¢r. Barrett stated that the
Cou~cilmembers get a copy of all the Boards' meetings. I
would like to suggest that the Chairman write a letter or
memo to the City Manager requesting that this be placed on
the Council's agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
~@. Ryder made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by
Mr. Cousins. Meeting properly adjourned at 7:45