Minutes 04-03-23 Minutes of the Historic Resources Preservation Board Meeting Held on April 10, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall Commission Chambers 100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida Present: Barbara Ready, Chair Amanda Radigan, Director Planning and Zoning Dr. Ben Lowe Jae Eun Kim, Principal Planner Michael Wilson Craig Pinder, Planner II Thomas Ramiccio Mike Rumpf, HRPB Consultant Victor Norfus, Alternate Absent: Alexander Ranbom Bernard Wright Rhonda Sexton 1. Call to Order Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. 2. Agenda Approval Motion Mr. Ramiccio moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Approval of Minutes 3.A. Approve board minutes from March 7, 2023 Historic Resources Preservation Board meeting. Motion Mr. Ramiccio moved to approve the minutes. Dr. Lowe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Communications and Announcements 4.A. Advisory Board update from Planning & Zoning Director, Amanda Radigan — Updates regarding Advisory Boards, including the new Peak Agenda Management System, Advisory Board Annual Reports, and Volunteers for the new Visitor Center. Meeting Minutes Historic Resource Preservation Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 10, 2023 Amanda Radigan, Planning and Zoning Director, introduced herself. She stated that the City currently uses NOVUS Agenda software to publish agendas and that they are changing to PEAK Agenda software City-wide. She advised that Board Members will receive an email regarding training, which will occur in the near future. Ms. Radigan also announced that the Visitors Center is planned to go live in six months and if anyone is interested in volunteering, they should contact her or Assistant City Manager Kathryn Matos. She said that the Board will discuss this further in the future, and that the Board's activities will be included in the Visitors Center. 4.B. Website Migration — Staff will provide an update on the City's progress in merging the existing components of the original historic preservation site with the City's upgraded website, and its expansion to represent a more user-friendly and informative site. Craig Pinder, Planner II, stated that they have a working draft of the website that is live. He demonstrated how to access the site, reviewed the site's features and content, and requested feedback. Chair Ready commented that she will provide links to the Boynton Beach Historical Society and their YouTube videos. She inquired why the page is found under Business and not Residents. Jae Eun Kim, Principal Planner, stated that this is the way ITS set it up and that eventually when the City migrates to its new platform, it will be moved on the website and in other locations. Ms. Radigan noted that all of Development's Services are listed under the Business Tab. Ms. Kim said that if they share images and photos, it would be nice to have them on the website. Dr. Lowe inquired about the map and the historically significant, but not registered properties, and asked about the definition. He asked who decided if the properties were historically significant and if the Board could make suggestions. Ms. Radigan replied that on the next agenda, they will discuss developing an annual work plan and an updated survey, that they would have to budget for. She said that everything that could be historically significant could be added to the survey and then added to the website. Dr. Lowe said that he knows of some properties that are now historic and can be on the map. Dr. Lowe requested that in the future, they add links to Boynton Beach history, such as books. Ms. Radigan stated that suggestions are welcome and the members can send them to 2 Meeting Minutes Historic Resource Preservation Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 10, 2,023 her and they will review and add them. 4.C. Andrew's house at 306 SE 1st Avenue — The Board, at the March 7th meeting, moved to initiate the review of the historic Andrew's House for addition to the City's Local Registry of Historic Sites. Staff will report on this initiative to include coordination with the property owner and Historica LLC. Ms. Radigan stated that staff wanted to inform the Board that they have a contract with Warren Adams of Historica, to do the designation report for the site and that he is in touch with the owner. Bradley Miller, from Urban Design Studio, representing the property owner, stated that staff reached out to them about the idea of a designation. He stated that the same owner owns the both the north and south side properties and that they are currently working on getting the north side under construction. He said that the south parcel still has the house designated on the plan and a designation is still planned. Chair Ready stated that Dr. Lowe shared a grant opportunity through the State Historic Preservation Department, which was a matching grant of $500K and that one category was acquisition. She thought that maybe they can apply for the funds and use the funds to move the Andrews home somewhere else. Ms. Radigan agreed and stated that they should consider properties in the CRA Cottage District and that they have a few properties in the HOB. Chair Ready stated that she did not know who owns the Gables property next to the Magnuson House, and commented that it would be a great place to situate other historic properties and that it could make a nice Visitors Center. Mr. Miller stated that overall, the home was in pretty good condition. He stated that the owner may be open to having the home designated, as the owner was unsure what to do with the home. He said that he thought that a very small percentage of people even know the home is there and he pointed out the railroad is next to it, and he surmised that the vibrations do not help the home. Mr. Norfus recalled that they wanted cottages down Ocean Avenue, but when they talk about moving them, he asked where would they be relocated, or if they would be put in a central location or in a historic row. Chair Ready stated they would have to move the home to a City owned property. 5. Old Business 5.A. Local Designation of 413 NE 12th Avenue — Request for designation of 413 NE 12th Avenue, and the addition of this c.1941, Wood-frame Vernacular, 3 Meeting Minutes Historic Resource Preservation Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 10, 2023 one-story single-family house to the City's Local Registry of Historic Sites. Applicant: Dr. Martha Meeks-Light, property owner. Motion Dr. Lowe moved to remove the item from the table. Mr. Ramiccio seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Rumpf referred back to the March 7th meeting and said that great contributions were made at the meeting, which was helpful and that the staff report contained highlights of the designation report. He stated that this home was different from other designations and it helped point to a period of events. He advised that the family owned this property since the Iate1800's and it was significant in times of segregation. He announced that staff recommends it be designated. He read into the record that this Ordinance will go before the City Commission, for official adoption, resulting in it being added to the Local Registry. He pointed out that the First Reading of the Ordinance will be on the May 16th City Commission Agenda and the Second Reading on June 6th Mr. Ramiccio asked if there was any consideration of when a homeowner proposes a designation, the Board leverage dollars to help the homeowner landscape it and improve its curb appeal or other improvements, while maintaining the overall integrity of the historic attributes. Ms. Radigan explained that as they develop the Board's work plans, which an updated will be provided at the next meeting, that these are the types of items they would like to see. She noted that funding-based requests should be added to the annual City Commission report they will provide to the City Commission, as they will have to decide on funding for certain items. Mr. Ramiccio clarified that when someone comes to the Board to designate, they should encourage improvements, and that in this instance, the property is in the CRA District. Ms. Radigan commented that the City has a small fund to help fund improvements, which she will research, as it would further the properties historical value. Mr. Rumpf explained that it was similar to the Paint Up Fix Up program. Motion Dr. Lowe moved to approve. Mr. Ramiccio seconded the motion. The motion passed 4- 0 (Mr. Norfus abstaining.) 6 New Business: 4 Meeting Minutes Historic Resource Preservation Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 10, 2023 Dr. Lowe recalled that this item was previously discussed by the Board, and said that the person who conducted the survey in 1996 at FAU, Dr. Sandra Norman, asked him about student internships with the City, as there are a few FAU students living in Boynton Beach that would like an intern in the fall. He advised that if the City can use them, they are available and that they need minimal supervision, a project, and someone to oversee. He advised that the interns are not paid, but they get collage credit. Ms. Radigan requested that they contact her. There was Board consensus to support internship opportunities. Mr. Norfus passed out information, which he reviewed and is attached to the minutes. He announced that he would like to have a park named Missionary Hope Park based on resident outreach to the homeless and downtrodden in the past He said that he thought this could be a possible future project and advised that there is a lot more history in that part of town, but unless they present it, no one will know about it. Discussion followed that this is a passive park owned by the City, but the park is fenced, locked and is likely being used by Utilities as an easement. The fence was added in the last year to keep the homeless out. Mr. Norfus also stated that the Murph house should also be designated. Ms. Radigan said that there were complaints about the park, but said she would research it further. She suggested that they could look at different options. Chair Ready advised that she would not object to naming the easement and they can make a recommendation. Mr. Ramiccio noted that when looking at the City's Parks Plan, this park is not on there. He said that it likely was an easement and then residents used it and a walkway was added, but in unused alleyways cities have to deal with undesirables, and it becomes a burden for residents and the City, especially if it is not designated. He expressed that it starts with the City reviewing it. 7. Other None. 8. Comments by members Chair Ready announced that the next Boynton Beach Historical Society program about Key West hand printed fabric is on April 27th. She stated that the meeting will be held 5 Meeting Minutes Historic Resource Preservation Board Boynton Beach, Florida April 10, 2023 via Zoom and is free to the public. 9. Public comments regarding historic preservation None. 10. Announce date of next meeting —July 10, 2023 11. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Ready adjourned the meeting at 7:35 P.M. ULULA—J, Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 6