Minutes 12-17-73i~.±~UTsS OF T~ BOARD OF ADJUST~,~N'T }.~ETi}~G HELD AT CI~v HALLs BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, ..... ~ER ~7, ~973 AT 5.00 ~.M. PRs $~ ~ T Poy TM ~ ~ ~_~ Vice Chairman ~.~al~er B. Rutter George Ampo! ~ k Gil M. sc.~ert }~ke Rubin ~ Asst. Building ~BSE~T ~z ±_ ~ester, Chairman oe ~ *^~ Cousins, ~ cretary Frank G. Lucas R~cnara Rohan Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. and introduced the secretary and members of the Board. The Minutes of December ~0 were read. Mr. Rutter made a motion that the Minutes of December ~0 be accepted as read. It was seco~ed by ~. Eckert. ~o~mon carried 4~0. Parcel~,~-~ ~ ~x_s~mng non-conforming dwelling requires. variance to permit construction of a 2-car garage. Lots ~43 and ~44, Block B Boynton Hills Recorded in Plat Book #4, Page 5~ F~a!m Beach County Records Address: 112 N.W. 5th Avenue Applicant: Rocia D. Butts Chairman Vfard read the above application and informed the u ' ~a~_~g ~irs. ~os~a the request was made since ?~_oq~ was ~ '~'~ Butts present home and she purchased this older home, but it is too small to accomodate all her furniture and she needed additional storage. ~rs. Rocia D. Butts stated her name and her ad~=e~o as N.¥V. 2nd Avenue. She informed the Board she bought this ~ - ~a.r. asked if property and plans to move there. Chairman ~ -d the garage wom!m be on the same ~roper~y and M~s. Butts ~eo~ed: yes~ the two lots have been used as one lot. I just .... ~ ~ ~.a~, to ou~ a garage to go to the house for ray car and ~ s~or~ge. I don't want to leave my car out~ as !don't think_~ is s~.~e.~ M~. Rutter asked: if these lots became one, would it solve the problem? ?~s. Butts replied: yes~ ~ ~ b=en ~ nas one lot eor zn years but not legally. Rutter then asked what was non-conforming? M~ Rubin re- ..plied ~ho~ the front~ rear a~_m~ side yards were smaller t~an · ~- for? required. There is a shed there, wna~ do you use ~t Mm~s. Butts replied that machinery is being stored in the h~NUT~sS BOARD OF AD~JUST.~NT ~ETI~TG PAGE ~!0 DW~W~ ~? ~ 973 shed for Mr'. Butts, while he is sick. Mr. Rutter asked if the new building would be on the other lot? Mm. Rubin s~ate~. they could, consider this as one lot and describe it as such. The new garage will be ~2 feet from the existing house accord- ing to the ordinance with front~ back and side yards conform- ing to the code. The variance would be on the existing struc- ture. You cannot put a garage on a lot without a residence, so we must consider this as one lot. I can take care of it on the building permit stating that it is one lot. ~. Rutter clarified that now instead of having two iots, you will have one parcel of land described as such. Chairman Ward noted that the plan showed it could be changed into an apartment. ~s. Butts replied that she put in another bath- room because the one there was so small. I have no inten- tion of using it as an apartment. Chairman Ward stated that it must be stipulated that it ~ ~ ~.nno~ be used as an aps~tment. i~k~s. Butts replied that they could stipulate that~ as she had no intentions of renting it. Chairman Ward ascertained that nobody was present either in favor to or in opposition to this request and also ~ no ~r~t~en ~etters had been received. ~L~o Ampoi made a motion that M~s. Butts be given the variance ..... ~e stipulation that it be described as one lot and strictly used for storage and not a residence, i~r. Eckert seconded the motion Wotion car~ed 4-0. ~. Rutter made a motion '~ ' ~ _~ vna5 the meeting be adj~'~urnem~ and ~+ was seconded by t~. Ampol. Meeting adjourned 5:15 P.M.