Minutes 12-10-73 ~.±i~uT.=S OF T~s BOARD OF '~ · ~ AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON ~,~ FLORTD~. MONDAY DECE~ 10, ~ESENT ~,ar~ Mike Rubin, Asst. Bldg. Official m~sver Cousins Frank G. Lucas Walter B. Rutter George Ampoi ABSENT Ezell Hester Richard Gi! ~. Ec~2er~ Vice Chairman Ward called the meeting to order at 5:00 ;~.M. and introduced the m~mbe~_s of the board. The Minutes of ~ ~ ~o~emoer 26 were read. Mr. Rutter made a motion to accept the minutes as read and it was seconded by ?~ Cousins hot,on carried 5-0. Chairman Ward announced that one application had been tabled at the last meeting for Mrs. Dorothy ~mlima~_s. ~ Ampol made a motion to remove this application ~-~ ~_ om the ~aole and it was seconded by 1~, Rutter. Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Ward announced that ~ Simon had ~ ' - a ~vzse~. m~ this is a hardship case~ there is nothing we can do but consider it as such. M~. Rutter made a motion to grant the variance and it was s~~ ..... ~ by Mr. Lucas. Motion carried 5-0. Parcel ~ _ Relief from 25 ft. rear setback e r qu~r~men ~ to 23~'4~ rear setback. Lot 22, Block 6 Golf View Harbour, Sec. ;~ Recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 178 Palm Beach County Records Address. ~056 S.W ~=' ~ ~o~: Boca Estates~ Chairman Ward read the above application and stated it was requested because the lot is only ~00 ft. dee-o~ ~n~ch is not large enough for a reasonable sized house with pool. ~ba~ s~o~ his name ~ - -_~s ao.~zess as PO00 South Ocean Bird ~ z-ompano each and uhaz he was a represen- tative of'Boca Estates, !nc. He informed the Board that most of the lots are ~0% to ~05 feet and this is a small !ct. wou~m like to ma~e this house comparable to the other houses in the neighborhood~ He explained the plans further to the members and a~dem that he ~ nau been ~ ~ ou~ldmng t~is stan- dard house on lamger iots~ This is already sold too~ MINUTES Cn~.zrman Ward asked what was the rear and ~'~. Bebase rep!i Lucas asked if hJs ~.;~.~= wa~ and Mr. Bebase confirmed this jacent to this property in ~e_e was another lot. to keep the nouse~ alined ?as true. ~na.~ ....an Ward asked if the house had been s ~rted yet and Fk.. Bebase replied: no. ~. Rutter asked if the ~½ feet cou!dn~t just be absorbed and ~!~. Bebase replied: no, that he had gone over it very carefully. it was ascertained that there was nobody present in favor to this variance or in objection to it. ..... ~uz made a moolon to grant the variance and it was seconded by Mr. Lucas. Mo$ion carried 5-0. =.a_ce! ~!2 Relief from 25 f+. · -- rear setback requirement to ~ ft. rear setback. Lot 57, Laurel Hills, 2nd Addition Recorded in Plat Book 22, ~[:'age ~ Palm Beach County Records Address: 809 N.Wo 6th Avenue Applicant: Charles Daniels for ~ ' ~- ~ ~amrlane Const~mct_on ~o~ Chairman Ward read the above application and stated the lance was requested due to the ~os~zbz~zty of a 50 /ft right- of-way, which is presently 30 ft. I~. Charles Daniels stated his name and his address as 4283 Sussex Avenue, Lake Worth. He informed the Board he was try- ~ ~ the lng to get the square foo~aoe of house. A smaller house would not be good for this ~ea. Fh~. Rubin clarified that Daniels brought his plot plan in which was 74 feet, but actu- -ally he has a perfect lot. A 50 ft. ~ ~ s~r~et comes up to the lot and then it goes down to 30 ft. This is just in case the city wants to go back to a 50 ft. right-of-way. The front yard will be real large in a ~=~ ~h~ future for ~rm~ to allow in + ~ a 50 ft r' ~ · mgh~-ox-way. He explained to the members further by using the plans. Chairman Ward asked what was on the property in the resm and Mr Daniels -~ · rep~em that a new structure was under construction on it. Mm. Cousins asked if there was a lot next to this property and Mm. Daniels replied: yes. i~. Rubln added that this application was based on the assumption that the street will be widened~ He must get verification from the street department or engi- neering department that this streev would not be widened. ~'m. Rutter stated if 'b ~ ~ ~ ~ v~e ~!g~t-o~-w~y was not increased, then the house would set way back and IYg~. Daniels replied: no, it w~!z aline with the house ¥~ w '' ne~_~ door. ~. ~uvver asked if it would affect the existing lots there and Dani~els replied that they were 50 ft. lots. Mr. Lucas PA~ THREE DEC=I~.pzR 10, 1973 asked the size o£ the house and Mr. Daniels re,:lied: 28' by 52' and he showed the Board a survey of the ~:~u. ~hau he ~.aa plenty of room to build the house and }~. Daniels agreed~ but that he had to c~,.s=d~r ~ne right~ of~we~ and he also wanted to follow the contour ~e the ex~st- ~g b~ Chairman Ward a~c~rtamned that nobody was nresent in favor to the application and then the following appSared before the Board ~n ~-~.~.~ to the a~p!_~cat!on: I~. Harold Werger stated his name and that he owned Lot next door. He informed the Board he ~ ~ ~ s~ ~ ~houg~t M~. Daniels n~u±~ conform to the regulations now set uTo There won't be ~r ~ ~ -~ ~ ~. ~.,uca room ~et~eem t~e houses. He wants to turn the house around and the houses ,~m go v~' a~ different ways, I don~t th~nk t~ ' w~aened~' 0n the next street, --- nay street is going to be ~ ~' all the ~ ' ' ~ oac~. only 25 ~eet and there are other nouseo are set ' ~- streets the same way. w-~ Robert lcourse stated his name anm his ad~ess as 815 N.W. oth Avenue. Mr. Daniels is asking for a small back yard, which would be ~ dust too close. Mm. C. S. S,e~.~a.rt sta~eu his name and his address as 824 N.W. &+b Avenue ~e also ' ~ ~ ~ __ ~. ~'-~ - ~- ~n~or.neo. the Board that he ~d not ~' '-~ the street would be wide,,ed T also don't ~ ~ ' unmn~ ..... ,h~n:{ the house will be out of line. if they do widen the street to 50 feet, the rest will have to give up property, so why should we conform one house so he will not have to lose pro~oerty when the rest of us ~]~ b .... ~ PP. Rutter - ~ made a motio~ to ta. ble this until we get concrete ~n~or~atmon from the engineering depsa~tment on the future of this street. Mr Ampol seconded the motion }~. Rutter ~~ exolained that it would be tabled until ~ ~ '~ · ~ mr. Danl~!s got a letter from the engineer~ug d~ ~ ~ it is going to be ~ ~ -~- ~.ar~en~ stating whether cnangem and only if the street will be widened, will it be necessary for him to reappear before us again. There has been no variance ~- -~ ~ oranuem~ because ~h ,~e main problem is the setback of the lot. After checking with the eno~ne~g de~., +~ a, ar~,ent a~ you find out this will ~ ~* ~ .... ~o~ be done, ~nen you can go ahead and build; otherwise you must come back before this Board Motion ~ s ' · ~arr_ed = ~--0, Parcel ~!3 - Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requirement to 15 ft. ~- setback. Lot 5~ L~ Manor Isles Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 21t Palm Beach County Records MINUTES BOARD OF ,ADJUST~JENT ~:~*:r~ PAGE FODL~ DECE},~ER i 0 ~ 1 973 A .aress: 6~2 R~viera Drive Applicant: Joseph J. Webb Chairman Ward read the above application and stated it was requested for the ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~r~ose a~o a screened~im porch with permanent roof~ M.r~ uos~ph J. Webb stated his name and his address as Riviera Drive~ Boy. ton Beach. He showed the Boamd a blue- print and - ~ exp_,amned the nature of the h~use. The house is built on several angles. This is just an ~guiar variamce. Zf we wemt by the setback~ we would only have about ~eet out the back door r would like to -~ ~ - ' ~ i~U ~ on a i 6 wmde porch. I bought uh~s house withouz ~ ' ~ ........ ~ that it did not have s -, w'~w~ '~ a~equate room in the back. P~. Lucas ~uestioned wh - · d h -- · _en he aa.. boug_~t the house and }~. Web:b ~e~!iea he had setv~emenv mn September, 1 973, but it was built in ~ Mr. Rutter asked how close he was to the apartments in the rear and Mr. Webb r~-~ x~ ~xp~ned the ~a~: ~ feet and he ~ plans fzmther to the Board. He nointed out where he could only come out the Florida room d$or or ~h~ ~ugn the to the r~.~.r, o Chamrman w~-~ _~ ~,~-~ asked if anyo~.,e was present in favor to this -~:~.~ the following -~ -,, ~ S A. Richards ~ ~ ~ - · s~a~e~,. _~ls name and his address as 6~ Snug Harbor Drive. He info~med the Board. that his property would be affected, the ~nost~ as i am ' ' ~ ~ . ~ign~ in ~ne rear oz Webb and Z have no objections whatsoever to this. ~ ~ .~rd ~ou~t~=~ned that nobody was present in · ~ ~-' ~ ~ ..... but annoumced he had ~eceived two w-~e+~ objections. One was from _nonaas Eovaichek~ a dent of Snug Harbor~ which stated he ~' o~3ected to the g~ant- ing of this v~,~ M.D. requesting that they please stsj within the required regulations ~ - M~. Cousins 4 motion that the va.riance be granted and maue a it was seconded by Mr. Rutter. Motion carried ~-0. Parcel ~.x~:, ~ .. to 60 fit. frontage~ Lot ~5~ Block ~ Chapel Hill Recorded in Plat Book 2~ Page Palm Beach County ~ecords ~d~ess: 825 Canal Drive Applicant: Erminio ~. Giu!iano for ~. & Mrs. Frederick Hachenberg BOARD 973 Chairman Wa~d ~ ~a~ the above application, -~. Ermmnmo P, Giuliamo statad '-'n~s name and his address as · ,,or~h Federal Highway, Boca Raton He informed ~he ~ha ~ Mr 8~ , .... ~ws HachenbePg ' a . n~,d bought vh_s lot and were not :~za, e of ~ pPob!em with a .... a~ed lot. formed Mr ~.~ ]' ~ol ++ - _ ~.~L~. Luc as in- -. L=lu-lano that there were deed restrictions in Chapel Hill and these must be checked~ even if the vs~iance o~u., .~ ~m~ano ag~eed~, but asked how a problem could arise with a ]9iatted lot? Mr. Lucas infformed him that the Zonina ~- ~ -~ ~oa~m in ~96a changed all the zoning Boynt on Beach He d ' . a .den if the previous owners ~,anved %o build~ this would be considered a hardship 7orovided no ~r~.=n~.. could be bought. Mr. Giuliano stated there were houses on both sm~.es; ~ner~ore, isn't this lot ~y good? Mr, Lucas -~ ~- ~ i~o~n~ed out that these would still be deed tions, ~r, G~u.~m~no asked what he could, tell the people? ~, Lucas reolied that if he ~out a shovel . Chapel '' ~ ~ Ha!_ could ~ ~ in: the people - oe~ a court injunction based on the deed restrictions ~ ~',-~ would be the Dmgaest headache. Giuiiano asked if he couldn,t get the v~iamce based on get- ting t~e deed r= e-~ ~- , . ~ .:=..., e ...... · Lucas replied: possibly, but the deed. restrictions would still have to be considered. We have had other cases where peo~oie in ~ ~ ~==ape ! Hill have objected to anything out of line wit~ the deed re- strictions. You must check with the majority of the home owners in Chauei Hill. Mm. Giuliano ..... ~. do whatever ~- -o '~ ~ ~~ +~,~ he would ~'~ · & ~ms H~chenb~r~. Couidn't a variance be Eranted subject %o the a~proval of ~ne ~eoule -~ Hill? Mr. L~.c=~ re~otied that +~ ~ it. ~5~ Giuiiano then asLem what action would be +~k~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ne~ would consider there weren't any a~ed restrictions. ~m. Lucas replied ~hat then the Board would pro~ab!y ~' ~ '~ to ~avlse nli~:~ t~y to buy addi- tional property. ~ G~n~-~ ..... ~u responded t~at would be impos- sible. !,/~. ~utter stated that the deed res;~, . ~ -~ - ~ ~c t~o~s didn ' t influence this Board~ we are concerned with zoning. Many peoDle have been confronted with t~~ ' ~s based on the size of the pmoperty and it should_ be ~ ~ ~ b~+~:~ m~cas co~t~ed +~ = ..... - ~oumm try to ,. o~u ne people to agree. T~y to show us that vlaere is no other !smd available on either side, even 5 om ~0 feet. ~ Giu!iano replied that he would ~o .h~s~ ~ -- couidn~t understand why this ~=~ but ~ti~ ] ~c~ep~d as a platted lot ,Usually when something !ik~ is dOne~ it states t ~ , - ~] h~ lots piavted ae~e- o~_y would be ~ee~.~ If '- ~ r the zoning change ......... =~. I can get a statement =~u~ the peo~!e of Chapel Hill '~ ' - ~nav they-~ accept tams varianc~ I w~ do it. ~' .... ~' Chairman -~ - ' amounc~a that no written , ~ o~ had De~ received and in objection to t MINUTES Chairman ~? ~ ,a_d asked when they purchased the lot and Mr, Giuliano replied: this year, }~h~ Cousins asked if bmo~ the house could be moved back and }~ Giuliano r~plied ~,a~e ~o p~oblem with going ' ~ each. M~. i~ubin pointed out that the arc is made 2~ feet from the street line with a diagonal house~ This can be counted as a 60 ft. G~u~ ~n showed. ~' ~ lot. Mr ........ ~n~ members the D~ and ~o~~ he had p!e~ty of room a~d also that it , -+ .~' -¢~ouze still ~eep in con~o~.~ with the ~ · ~o~ses. Mr. I~ still ~ -~ ~u~as s~.~ that he would na~,e to get the 'permission from the p=op~e ~-~ ChaDe! ~ and check the dee~. -¢ ..... 4 .... ~ -- - - u~r~c~mons. },~ Giuliano replied that he ,,~,~,,~ ~ dCf-lnitel ' ' ' .......... y take ~ ,~rouect his ~ ..... e of this to 'f clients. ~"~. Ampo! added 'that they were just advising to co~v~cu the e~= of gha-oel Hill so he d~d~t get stop?ed by them~~''~'~ ~ - ~ }~. Putter made a motion that the variance be granted with the st~,,u ~'~ it ~,-~ the ~}-~i,~smon that be ¢,pp~oved by building depart- ment and it was seconded by Mr. ~mpo' c - ~ ~' ........ ±. ?~ovion arr~em 5-0. Mr Putter m.,~ ~,otion .... ~.c~ a . that the meeting be adjourned and it was seconded by ~* ~ ....... n Meeting ad4 ...... = ...... ,~,u~. ~u~-~ 6:00 p.v