Minutes 07-16-73MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTmeNT ~ETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORID_&, MONDAY, JULY 16, t973 AT 5:30 P.M. Present: Foy Ward Frank G. Lucas Walter B. Rutter George Ampol Gil M. Eckert Jack Barrett, Building Official Absent: Ezetl Hester J. Lester Cousins Richard Rohan M~. Ward called the meeting to order at 5:3.0 P.M. and intro- duced the members of the Board. The members had not received any minutes for approval, so there were none to be read. M~. Ampol made a motion to discuss the following petition tabled at the last meeting on July 9 since the applicant was not present then. I~. Rutter seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Parcel #1 - Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requirement to 20 ft. rear setback to build single family home. Lots 24 and 25, Block 5 Lake Boynton Estates Plat I Recorded in Plat Book t3, Page 32 Palm Beach County Records Address: 118 N.W. 7th Street Applicant: John P. Niebel M~. Niebel stated his name and his address as 5t7 Industrial Avenue, Boynton Beach. He stated that the lot is for a house that has been sold and to be built according to plans approved by the F.H.A. He further informed the Board that an applica- tion was put in several months ago, but was turned down be- cause of no sewerage~ but now sewers are in. Mm. Lucas asked ~. Niebel if the deed was recorded in his name, as the Board had been notified as of last Monday that it was not recorded by Palm Beach County and questioned if he had a deed. Mr. Niebel replied that he did own the land, but that his lawyer had the deed. ~. Lucas asked if the house was to be built according to a standard p!sn. Mr. Niebel replied: Yes, on a corner lot with 25 ft. in front and side. He plans four houses to go in this area and all will be aligned. ~. Lucas asked if the house could be condensed? ~. Niebel replied that the whole set of plans would have to be changed and it would have to go through F.H.A. again too. If it were changed, the carport would have to be brought back behind MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING PAGE TWO JULY t6, 1973 the bathroom window. ~. Rutter said he had no objections as long as he had title to the property and M~. Niebel said he would get proof of ownership. ~. Ward stated that M~s. Johnson who previously owned this property was present at last week's meeting and claimed she still owned these lots. Mr. Niebe! stated that she was not referring to these two lots, but to four others for which he paid for today. He further stated he had bought these two lots six months ago, but they were originally recorded in his daughter's name. ~. Ward asked if there was any further discussion on this application. Mr. Mario Camardella stated his name and his address as 363 West Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach. He questioned the type of houses that were ~o be built as he lives nearby and was in- terested in improvement of the neighborhood. ~. Barrett informed him that the builder would have to conform to all requirements of the building code and ~. Niebel added that the houses planned were approximately 1,425 sq. feet and would sell for approximately $30,000. ~. Rutter made a motion to grant the variance subject to proof of ownership of land given to the Chairman, ~. 'Ward. It was seconded by Mr. Eckert and all voted in favor. M~. Barrett asked the Board that when proof of ownership was submitted by Mr. Niebe! for the Board to please'notify his department, as a permit will not be issued until notifica- tion is received. Parcel #1 - Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requirement to 15 ft. rear setback to construct screen enclo- sure. Lot 18, Block 22, Golf View Harbour Sec. 2 Recorded in Plat Book 27, Page 47 Palm Beach County Records Address: 2555 S.W. 14th Street Applicant: John J. Rorke ~.~. Rorke stated his name and his address as 2555 S.W. 14th Street, Boynton Beach. He stated that he asked for this variance to screen in his existing patio with screen on three sides and a door. The sliding door at the rear of his house now leaks causing ruin to the carpeting. ~. Lucas asked if the back of his house was on a canal. ~. Rorke replied: No, the back of his property adjoins proper- ty where townhouses are being built. He added that the builder had not screened in the patio originally as he was too busy and he had to move in by June 1. M~. Ward informed MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTmeNT MEETING PAGE THREE JULY 16, 1973 MX. Rorke that this same builder has done this before and left it up to the owner to get a variance. ~. Rutter added that if he just wanted to put up an awning that no variance would be required and agreed with Mr. Ward that requests for screen enclosures had happened so many times. He further stated that it was unfortunate for Mr. Rorke to be in this ~osition and that this should have been constructed prior to change of ownership. ~. Rorke agreed and added that he was very disappointed. The actual construction of this enclosure and hurricane protection was discussed further by the Board members and Mr. Rorke. The members and Mw. Rorke then discussed the construction of his present sliding glass doors and the cause of leakage. They reached the con- clusion since Mr. Rorke had only lived in this house one month and had experienced such leakage through the glass doors that improper installation must be at fault. Mr. Barrett suggested that he contact the door installer and builder regarding correct installation. He also added that an awn- lng would serve the same purpose as a screened-in porch, plus take the heat off the doors. ~. Rutter stated that he had no objections, but that the Board was concerned about the people in Boynton Beach, how the city looks, and that they work closely with the building department. We try to advise people as far as protecting their property. Mr. Rutter then made a motion to grant this variance and it was seconded by ~. Ampol. Three voted in favor and two were opposed. Mr. Ward stated that the request was denied and suggested that Mr. Rorke contact the builder to have the door repaired properly. Chairman Ward stated that ~r. Eckert had suggested changing the Board's meeting time to 5:00 P.M. Ail the members agreed. Mr. Eckert made a motion to change the time for this Board's meetings from 5:~0 to 5:00 P.M. M~. Lucas added that the City Clerk should be notified. M~. Rutter seconded the motion and all voted in favor. It was then announced that the Board's next meeting would be August 27. The Board then discussed having regular meet- ings just twice a month. Mm. Barrett added that this would possibly require an amendment to the charter and suggested that this be done through procedure with reference to the charter. Mr. Ampol made a motion to adjourn the meeting. ~. Rutter seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned 6:~5 P.M.