Minutes 07-09-73MiN=dTES OF THE BO~_~D OF AD0tlSTMENT MEETING HELD AT .CITY HALL BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, ?.ONDAY~ OI/LY 9, 1973 AT 5:30 P.M. PP~SENT Foy Ward Frank G Lucas Gil M Eckert George Ampol Walter B. Rutter Mike Rubin, Building Inspector ABSENT Ezell Hester J Lester Cousins Richard Rohan Mr. Ward called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. and introduced the members of theBoard. June 18, 1973 minutes. Motion made by Mr. Rutter and seconded by Mr. Ampol minutes be approved as .written. Motion carried 5-0. Parcel $1 - Relief from 25 ft rear setback requirement To 20 ft. rear setback to build a single family home Lots 24 & 25~ Block 5 Lake Boynton Estates Plat I Recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 32 Palm Beach County Records Address: 118 N. W. 7th St Applicant: John P. Niche! Mr. Ward read the above application and asked if Mr. Niebel was present. Mr. Johnson came forward, and Mr. Ward asked if he was representing Mr. Niebel in any form, to which he replied he ~as not. Mr. Johnson asked if Mr. Niebe! was going to build on the lots, and Mr. Ward said yes. Mr. Johnson replied that Pc thought Mr. Niebe! should be present this evening. Mr. Ward explained that the property was owned by someone else, not John Niebel. Mr. Rutter moved that the application be tabled until the next meeting, when Mr. Niebel should be present. Seconded by Mr. Eckert. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Much discussion followed in regard to absenteeism within the Bcard - ! - MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING JULY 97 1973 NEW BUSINESS (CONT'D) The Board discussed the possibility of meeting only on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Motion made by Mr. Ampol, that it is advisable that the Board of Adjustment be called on meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, If there are any grievances or vari~mees~ they be held on those two nights. Seconded by Mr. Lueas. Motion passed 5-0. Mr. Niebel arrived late and was told by Mr, Ward that his subject was brought up and was tabled until next Monday because no one was present inkhis behalf. Motion made and seconded meeting be adjourned. Carried 5-0.