Minutes 06-18-73MIRW0TES OF ~iE BOARD OF ADJUSTmeNT ~ETING HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ MONDAY~ JGEE 18~ 1973 AT 5:30 P~M. PRE SEI~: Foy Ward j. LesterC°Usins Frank G. iy~cas George Ampol Gil M. Eckert I¢~ke Rubin ABSE~: Ezel! Hester Walter B, Rutter Richard Rohan ~ Ward called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. and introduced the members. The minutes of June 1! were read~ ~ Cousins made a motion to accept the minutes and it was seconded by M~, Eckert~ All voted in favor and the motion vms carried 5-0~ ~r. ~azd read the following application: Parcel~l - Relief from 60 ft~ l~t ~dth requirement to 53.45 ft~ width platted Lot 44~ North Ridge Estates, Recorded in Plat Book 25~ Page 144 Palm Beach County Records Address: !26 South Atlsmtic Drive Applicant: Thomas A, Conner~ Jr, Use ~ To build duplex M~. G~ Banfi stated his name cud address as 226 N.E.5th Court~ Boynton Beach~ He stated he was representing M~. Conner s~d was an associate of Hank Thompson Rea!tor~ ~. Lucas asked if the sale was continguent on getting the variance and Mr~ Banfi replied: Yes~ M~o Banfi stated that the lots on eachside were built on and occ~s~ied and no addi- tional ground could be ~rchased~ ~ R~bin informed everyone that this lot cannot be used for a duplex~ only a single family residence, because of the size of the lot. ~.~ Ward asked if there were any people in opposition to this appli- cation and the following appeared before the Board: ~. Patrick Dragon stated his name and address as ll9 South Atlantic Drive~ He reminded the Board they had previously turned do~m an application for a duplex on a lot adjoining his which was 60 f't~ He informed the Board there were two buildings on this street with five apartments each and the street was previously quiet before they were built. There should only be single family homes like the original people MII~KtTES BOARD OF ~2)JUSTI~YJ~ MEETING PAGE TWO JUNE 18~ 1973 there, Mm-. Lucas informed him that the apartments had more than one lot, ~. R~oin stated that 4500 sq. ft. is required per unit or a duplex must have 9000 sq. ft. P~. Lucas referred to the previous application on July l0 for a duplex on another lot in the same area which had been denied~ M~, Rylander stated his name and address as 122 A~thur Court, He stated he was against anything other than a single residence and that they have had do~ble the muount of traffic with the apartments~ Mr. Hudson stated his name smd address as 127 Arthur Court, He told 'the Board he had nothing against a single family home~ but did not want a duplex, 1~o J~ius Wilberman stated his name smd ad~ress as 112 South Atlantic Drive~ He just stated that he was against a duplex° ~. Fedd~r stated his name and address as 117 South Atlantic Drive~ He informed the Board that he was against a duplex~ as he has three children amd the traffic has increased on the street since the apartments were built. M~ Peacock stated his name and address as 128 South Atlantic Drive~ He stated he was opposed to a duplex, lcms. Gloria Walsh stated her n~ne and address as 124 Arthur Court~ She informed the Board that she was not against a single dwelling~ but the lot was too small for a duplex. Miles Fitzpinna stated his name and address as t23 South Atlmutic Drive~ He just stated that he was opposed to a duplex, ~M. Ward asked if there v~ere smy people in favor of this application and the following appeared before the Board: ~. Robert Abbott stated his ns~e and that he was the prospec- tive purchaser. He stated that he made a proposal o~ this lot because it was zoned multiple~ He informed the Board amd people in opposition that the duplex would be beside the five unit apartment and would be a buffer between that and the single house. Mr~ Ward sts~ed that the Board had received eight objections and one in favor to this application° Mr. Eckert made a motion to deny the application and it was seconded by Mr, Ampol, All voted in favor, Ward asked if there was any ftuwther business and vacations by the follov~ng ~¢ere reqDested to be shown on the record: MII~JTES BOARD OF ADJ-JS~/k1T ~ETING PAGE TH/tEE JUNE 18, 1973 Mr. Cousins will be absent for the months of July~ August, and September. ~ Lucas will not be here on July 23~ 30, August 6 and lB. Ms o Ampol will be absent from August 6 to about August 28. Mm. Cousins made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by M~. Lucas. All voted in favor. Meeting adjourned 6:00 P.M.