Minutes 02-05-73M~{UTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUST~ENT i~£ETING HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ FEBRUARY 5,~ 1973 ~,T 5:50 P. M. PRESENT: Ezetl Heater Foy Ward W~lter Rutter Lester Cousins Frank Lucas George ~poi~ Alternate ABSENT: Richard Rohan ~ - ~ ~ A it= rn~ te Jack Barrett~ Deputy Building Of f icia ! Mr. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:30 P. M. _Ap..provst. 9f Minutes Minutes - December I1, ].972 l~{inutes - January 22~ 1973 Mr o Rutter moved that the minutes of December. tl and January 22 be approved as %~ritten~ seconded by Mr. Cousins. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Hester stated that a letter of resignation has been received from Ward Sturges. Parcel ~:! - Relief from 25~ rear setback requiremen~ to i8~ rear setback Lot i6~ Block 22 Goifview Harbour Estates,~. 2nd Sec. Recorded in Plat Book 27~ Pages 46 & 47 Palm ~3each County Records Address· 2535 S.W, 14th Street Applicant: Alphonse and Norma Caravetta Mr, Caravetta explained that he would like a variance so that he can have a screen roof and patio put on his house, He has trouble with his legs and back and the screen porch would help him rather then being in the air conditioning all the time. Mr, Cousins asked how many feet there is from the rear lot line to the building, Mr. Barrett answered that the~e is 30~ in the rear and Mr. CaraVetta is asking for a 7~ variance from the 25~ requirement. Mrs. Caravetta stated that they have no intention of late~ closing in the porch. The~e were no objectoPs p~esent. -1- ~OARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~,,~ETING FE~RUARY 5~ 1973 Mr. Rutter moved ~that the request be granted~ seconded by Mr. Lucas. },[otion carried 4-1. Mr. Cousins voted ~no~'. Variance granted. ~[r., Lucas moved to adjourn~ seconded by ~[r. Cousins. Meeting adjourned. -2-