Minutes 01-22-73~\~INUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTME~ MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, JANUARY 22, 1993 AT 5:30 P. PRESENT: Ezell Hester Foy Ward Frank Lucas ~!alter Rutter Lester Cousins George ~upol, Alternate Robert Ne~s] ~ilding Inspector ABSENTa Richard Rohan Ward Sturges Mr. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:30 P. ~. ~. Rutter moved that the minutes of January 15 be adopted as written, seconded by~ir. Lucas. Motion carried 5-0. Parcel ??l - Relief from 20' rear setback resuirement to 8' at rear setback line Lots 13 and 14, Block 5 Boozers Park Recorded in Plat Book ll, Page 57 Palm Beach County Records A.ddress - ~16 S. Seacrest Blvd. Applicants~ Donald C. and Jacquelyn I. Lm~oert ~o La~ert explained that he would like the variance so that he can build an addition on to an apartment building. He can place it on the lot to get the building permit but it would be close to the property on the east. Placing this addition on the north side would require this variance. He feels this would be better for everybody in the neighborhood. ~fr. Cousins stated that the rear appears to be on the.'east~ Why is the variance requested on the north~ ~r. Lambert stated that he was under the impression that the rear is to the north. ~a~. Ness stated that this %~as ok'd by ~r. Barrett. i~o lots are fronting on S.E. 4 Avenue, that is v?hy he got the rear as being to the no~bh. Robert Griffith represented the estate of Alan Po~?ell, deceased and his ~idm'4 ~s. P~ell, lots 15, l~, 17 and ~. ~O' of lot 18. The estate objects to this as it would interfere with D~s. Powell's light, air and wind. Additional objection to the variance is that it would create ~uore density in the area. ~WrINUTES BOARD OF ADJUST~ENT D~ETING JANUARY 22~ 1973 Mr. Ness pointed out that ~2 Zone allows up to 8 units per building. Victoria Castello~ 406 S~ Seacrest~ objected because it would impair her air and li~htl and materially diminish the value of her property. He would have to build with a 32' setback because there is an 80' right of way. Plans he is going to submit would have to conform, what he is going to build is nonconforming. Ness stated that there is an 80' dedicated right of way but you ca'muot make h~nmove the existing building. ~. L~mbert stated that this plan would be farther away from the neighbors than th~ plan that was approved by the Building Department. We will be 2' father from the property line than ~rs. Castello is. This building will be 8' from the property line and she is only He did not object when she asked for a variance. The lots were platted to face south but the house is facing the west. ,~Jm. Robinson~ purchaser of the property, drew a sketch of this plan and an altez~ate plS_u on the Board. Ken Hall asked if the alternate plan has more units. ~. R~oinson stated that h~is going to put as many units in as he can. Hall stated that the parking would limit the number of units all~w~ed~ Robinson then stated it would be ~ to 8 units. After further discussion~ t~_r. Rutter moved that the request be denied, seconded by 1~@. Cousins. ~.~otion failed 2-3. Variance denied. The varis~nce cannot be granted u~uless there is 4 votes in favor of the request. Parcel ~2 ~ Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to I5' rear setback Lot. 44, Boynton Isles Recorded in Plat Book 25, Page Palm Beach County Records Address ~ 955 Isle Road Applicant-. ~2[bin ~t. Kozm%~o~vslc~ Mr. Xozik~ki stated he would like the variance so that he can build a single family ~-elling on this lot. The application requests a rear setback of 15' but he ~a~ould now like ~o~re~es~ ~etback of ~0'~ If he does not ~e~ the~variau~~ot build a house on this lot. Albert %¥ehrell stated' ~hat even though he is 200' a~y it would effect ~,f~NUTES BOARD OF ADJUST~,~NT k~ETING JANUARY 22, 1973 btm because of the view dorm the canal° He also pointed out that B~yutou isle has deed restrictions as well as municipal restrictions. He is objecting to it a little bit less since ~. Kozikowski has reduced the request. ~e have tried to keep this area as nice as possible. He re~isters au objection until he can~see what can b~ done. D. Willisms stated that he recently purchased his home. He feels that the setback should be adheared to or it will get out of hand. He bought this house because of the nice view of the intracoastal, if you give it to one you have to give it to others. Several letters of objection were received. ~Er. lozik~¢ski stated that he was not aware of the deed restrictions when he pur~hasec this property° It was suggested that since ~Y~. Kozikowski did not ~ma~ about the restrictions that he submit a plan to Col Wehrell and the other people with ~0jectious and then let the Board ~ne~ what they think about it. ~. Hester stated that if -ch_s is tab].e-'ihe would like to make sure that notices are sent out when the rehearing crones up, ~m~. Rutter moved that ]~. Kozikc~ski submit his plans to Col. ~ehrell so that he can conform to the deed restrictions and then come back to the Board and have the City Clerk notify all property ~mers of the reheariug~ seconded by ~,~. Ward. ~,{otion carried 5-0. Re~uest of St ~mdrews Co~p. ~ On ~.~tr. ~¥ard moved that the St. Andrews parcel be taken off the table, seconded by ~Ar. Cousins, ~,~otion carried 5.~O. Joseph Keeley of Scot snd Dickensou, represented St. Andrews Corp. He explained that the request is to place gate houses on AL~ on the east side and the west side for security purposes. A variance is need to install these houses within 5 or lO feet of the right of way. ~ue Board revie~ed the plan, The question was raised with regard to A~ being widened in the -£~ture. ~. Keet~y stated that they are prepared to move the gate houses if this occurred. There will be approximately 25' from the pavin~ to the right of way line. ~.~NUTES BC~RD OF ADJUST~i\~ i~ETING JANUARY 22, 197J ~. Lucas feels ~t would back traffic up on Al.~ because it would be too close to the road. It ~?as pointed out that everyone will not be goiug and coming at ~. ~tuttem moved that the request be granted, seconded by ~ro Cousius. ~,{otion carried 4~1. ~. Lucas voted "no". Variance granted. ~,~o Cousius moved to adj--, seconded by k~r. Rmtter. ~eeting adjourr~ed o