BEACH, FLORIDA, JANU~2~Y 15, 1973 AT 5:30 P.
Ezell Hester
Fey Ward
Lester Cousins
Frank Lucas
Walter Rutt er
Richard Rohan, Alternate
~ard Sturgis~ Alternate
GeerEe ~npol~ Alternate
~. Heater col!ed -the meeting to order at 5~0 P. ~.
~Jh~. fenpot could not attend the meetin~ because he had to fly north
due to a death in th~
]~Jir. Ward moved that the Lainutes of December 18 be approved as
written~ seconded by ~,{r. C~usins. ~,iotion carried 5~0.
~. Hester thanked the members of the Board for th~ir~'support during
the past year.
_¥Ir ~ Ceusins moved to appoint ~. Heater Chairman, seconded by ~r.
~ard. l~iotion carried unanimously.
~r Lueaa ~oved to appoint ~ ·
· ~.. ~lard as Vice Chairman, seconded by ~.~
Ruttero ~.~otion carried unanimously°
~o Mard moved to appoint }gr. Cousins as Secretary, seconded by~.
Lucas. Hotion unanimously carried.
The Board requested that a letter be drafted .and sent to the City
Council requesting that Betty Tmnpkins remain as secretary to take
~dnutes for the Beard inasmuch as the Council voted not to have a
City Employee take minutes of any Board meetings.
_~,~[r. Hester stated that the Beard should get a letter to Council
asking what v~e can do about these 50' lots of record that are
lots of record and there is nothing we can do about it. ~ere ~ere
lots .an ]rd that we brought back for discussion and approved the
vari~ce. Smueone came in and wanted to kn~ why they were not told
to appear again. In his opinion the Beard had hoard both sides and
~me~ v~'hat they had %o say. Thez'~ 'wa~ 'ac need for another ~h].ic
J~2fJARY 15~ 1973
~',~. Ward stated that we had the su~mmary outline that Gene
said was not officialj: but he said he ¥~ould make a ruling and we
never heard from him. He went to the building department and was
given a s~n~tmry outline that was said to be official~ it was almost
identical to the one Gene Hoore said was not official. ~/e should
find out if it is the right one.
~3h~. Heater stated that he does not see h~v you can penalize a person
that has ~zned the property before the ordinance was passed.
ordinance should only affect the persons purchasing 50' lots after
~[r. %7<~rd stated that in Boca the filing fee for the B,:~rd of Adjustment
is enough that the Board can request the City Attorney to sit in on
the meetings if necessary.
:'~fr. Hester stated that this has been requested before.
!t,~r. Cousins asked how marly 50' lots there are in the City.
~.~r. Hester an~ered that there are many.
~'~. Lucas stated that many developers buy up these lots to build
}~r. Ward stated that when they buy these lots they are creating
a hardship.
_%{r. Hester ~gested getting the sm~uary outline fr.m_u the Building
Department and ask~that' ~?~. Simon interpret it so that we will be
on the right path.
~-~r. Lucas brought up the item of 5' and 10' setbacks for back p~ches
and 6' for pools then put uprights and screens.
~. Cousins stated that it is up to the City Council to make the
1 83~ S.
~..,~r. Lucas asked if the Board can make a request to the City Council
to change it.
~fr. ~gard stated that ]\~. Simon would be able to tell us what we
can ask for.
~¥,~. Hester stated that each case is left up to the disgression of
the Board members.
Irk~. ¥9'ard stated that the decision depends on the individual case.
lWro Hester stated that each case should be individual that is why
we should go out and look at each parcel.
JA~rUA/{Y 1~, 1973
The Board went on record as requesting the City Attorney to meet
with the Board to review the smummary outline. Kn~ring that Mr.
Simon is ~ery busy, they went on record at this time.
.~.~. ~lard moved to adjourn~ seconded by ~.,~r. Lucas.
Meeting adjourned.