Minutes 12-11-72MINUTES OF THE BO~.RD OF .~DJUSTM~NT M~'~.,;,T±NG.}ELD ~T CII~Z H?'LL, BOYNTON BE~-CH, F~D?.~ D~:C~:.MB~R tl, 1972 ~T 5:30 P. M. F~SENT:. EzeI1 Hester ~bert Beane Foy J,'.3~.~ Frank Lucas Leste~ Cousins Walte~ Rutter~ A!te~nate ABSENT: ~bert Coiliem ~bePt Hues:on Robert Ness, Building Inspector Witlism Galeazzi, Building OffiCial Mr. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:50 P. M, .of.__ .M~i__nu_t_es - Noye~e_? 2_. _ 0_, 1972 Mr. CouSins moved to approve the minutes of November 20 as written, seconded by Mr. Lucas. Motion carried 5-0. Pa~cet ~1 - Relief from 25~ setback requirement from N.E. 22nd ~ve. to 13'~ to allow the construction of an enclosed stairwell to service a partially constructed 4 story building (Greenridge Building) ~ddress: 2~00 N.E. 1st Lane Shown on ~mended Plat of BoyntonRidge Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 28 Palm Beach County Records ~ppticant- Daniel J. O'Brien, O'Brien, Suiter & O' Brien, Inc. Representing Village Royale, Inc. Mr. O' Brien showed members of the Board a photograph of a building with this type of stairwell that is presently located in Village Royale. Mr. Cousins asked how this situation came about. Mr. O~ Brien ans,,,mred that the building was layed out and was up to the 2nd floor when it was discovered that the stai~.~ell was completely neglected. Mr. Ward pointed out that if the stairwell was open it would not have to stay within the 25~ setback. The roof on it makes it a violation. No one else spoke in favor of the request~ Those people objecting to the request then came fo~-~ard. -1- M!-NLITES BODRD OF gDJUSTMENT i)ECEIvfBER 1i~ 197 2 George SchiRedanz, 2112 N.E. 1st ~3ay, objected to the variance. He stated that the sales office map does not show this building. He thinks it is ridiculous to have this building stick out in the middle of nowhere. ~e~e v~eme 62 people from Village Royale p~esent in objection to the ~equest. Others in Village Royale object but could not come to the meeting. Mr. O~Brien stated that all the County needs for the right of way is 80' and it is available so the might of w~y should not enter into it. Bill Galeazzi, Building Official read a letter he had written to the City Manager. He stated that Village Royale took it upon themselves to move the building which they did not think was wrong as long as they did not change the overall density. The Building Department found out about this and stopped the work. M~. O~Brien stated that %~en they found out they went through the Planning & Zoning Board and the City Council for a new site plan approval. Councilman Dave Roberts stated that this did come before Council but it ~vas not propemly submitted. He suggested that the Board look into it furthem. Mr~ O~Brien stated that they are talking about two different things. Site plan approval has nothing to do with this variance. The Planning g Zoning Board has approved the Site Plan~ apparent~v it has not gone to Council yet. Mr. Beane moved that the Variance be denied, seconded by M~. Lucas. Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Ward voted ~no~. Variance denied. Mr. Cousins moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Beane. Meeting adjourned. -3- MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DEC~MB~,R ii, 1972 Mr. Hester read a letter of objection from Mary Nunneker, 2222 N.E. 1st Way. Douglas Crawford represented Village Royale residents. He stated that they object to this variance. He asked who gave authority to proceed with the building in the first place. Mr. Hester stated thaf this is not the function of the Board. The Board listens to the vamiance but as far as why the building is there~ the BOard has nothing to do with it. ~. Crawford then stated that the engineer employed by the City should catch these things before they happen. They object to the variance and dont think it should be §~anted. Harry LeForte, Village Royale asked why the Building Permit was issued. Mr. Hester answered that the Board has nothing to do with the Building Pe~aits, it is up to the Building Department. Mr. LeFort stated that when any building does not meet the Standard somebody is at fuait. It seems unusual that the building would be started then come in requesting a variance. Mm. Hester Stated that it has happened before. }~ McGinley, 2102 N.E. 1st Way, asked what is to keep them from a'sking for a variance of 50~ as long as it does not have a roof on it. Mr. Hester stated that the City Fathers pass the ordinances in the City. Mr. Ness read rzom the Zoning Rules, Sec 12D(3) Robert Henderson stated that he has owned property for many years on the corner of Seacrest and 22 ~venue, lots ! & ~6~ Block 28. If he built on that property he would expect to abide by the zoning laws and setback requirements. Just because a company comes in there and decides to make a mistake for no reason, why should they be given a variance. George Kimk~ 2222 N.E. 1st Way, stated that 22nd Avenue is going to be widened and it will be right up to the stall, el!. This problem can be solved if the developer would spend a little ext~'a money. -2-