Minutes 11-06-72¥~N3TES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTmeNT MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MO~U]AY, NOV~2~BER 6, 1972 AT 5:30 P. M. PRESENT: Ezetl Hester Foy Ward Robert Beane Fran.k Lucas Lester Cousins Robert Ness, Building InspectOr AB~.NTt Walter Rutter, AlternP.te Robert Collier, Alternate Robert Hueston ~. Hester called the meeting to order ~.t 5~30 P. M. Minutes - October 16, 197? Minutes - October 30, 1972 Mr. Cousins moved t~t the ndnu~es of Octobe~ t6 and October 30 be approved ~s written, s~conded byMr. Lucas. l~otion c~rri~ed Parcel ~'l - Relief from 60' lot width requirement to 50' lot width platted Lot 195, L~urel Hills, &th Addition Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page Palm Beach County Records Address: 1206 N. ~. 7th Ct. Applicant: Joseph E. S~llow Fm. Swallow stated that he is the original owner of this property and it was purchased prior to the 60' requirement. He would like to build a single family home. He bought the lot 20 years ago. George Peters objected to the request. He represents his son- in-law and daughter, ~. & Mrs. Jack Lulof, of 1323 N.W. 8th Ct. He asked why the n~il in BoyntonBeach takes 5 days to errive. Mr. Hester stated that the mail is not the concern of this Board,~ and suggested that he go to the Post Office. Mr. Peters further st~..ted that there are beautiful homes in the area and no one should be rble to build on a 50' lot. It would only cheapen the neighborhood. All they could put up is cr~cker boxes. Mr. %~ard pointed out that if this lot was 100' he could build the same size house that he is going to put on this 50' lot. MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUST~k~ ~,EETING NOVE~ 6, 1972 Mr. Hester st~ted that Mr. Swallow owned this property before 1962 when the requirement ch~nged and h~s been poying taxes all these years. Mr. Peters strongly objected ,to the request. Fred Camp, 1320 N.W. 8th Ct. stated that he has lived in Ls~urel Hills for 18 yes, rs. In J~,nuary he v~nted to buy the 55½' lot ~cross from him. He v~s told he could not build on this lot~ Then in April the lot ~s sold to a man from Ft. L~uderd~le and a house was put up. He never received ~ny notice of this. He could not build on this yet they let this nm.n come in from Ft. Lauderdale and build a house. ~r. Hester stated that if you wanted to buy it, you could not build on it, not being 60' in R-1 ~one, but he does not know the c~ se. Mr. Ness told ~. Camp to co~e to the Building Department s~nd he will go over the records with him. ~r. C~mp was not objecting to this request. Letters of objection were received from the following property I. Nick M~ybow 2. i~rian a.nd G~.il Fankhouser 3. Mr. & ~,~rs. J~mes Smith ~',.Ir. Peters stated that the 300' re~dius does not t~ke in ranch territory-. Mr. Hester stated that he was in error, any one in the area cen be he~rd, it is a Public Hearing. }~r. Bes~ne moved that the request be grs~nted~ seconded by ~lro Cousins. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Ward moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lucas. Motion c~.rried. }{eeting adjourned. Ezell Hester, Chairman -2-