Minutes 10-30-72MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MOP, DAY, OCTOBER 30, 1972 AT 5:30 P. M. PRESENT: Ezett Hester Foy Ward Robert Beane Lester Cousins Frank Lucas Walter Rutter, Alternate Robert Ness, Building Inspector ABSENT: Robert Hueston Robert Collier, Alternate Mr. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:30 P, M. Parcel ~,-1 - Relief from ~5' rear setback requirement to 7' rear setback Relief from 7½' side setbsck requirement to 6½' side setb~ck To ~llow tool shed to be put at rear of property Lot 4, Block 9, Golfview H~rbour #l Recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 178 Palm Bes, ch County Records Address: 10~6 $. ~. 27th Place Applicant: Josef Ettl ~. Ettl stated he would like to put a. tool shed on the rear of the lot. He does not h~ve a g~.rage and he hs~s no place to store tools. He hs~s only lived here about 3 months. It is a nice place with ~ hedge and shode trees, It would look better th~n putting it right in the middle of the y~rd. Mr. ~ard asked ~'~. Ettl wh~t size tool shed he plains to have? M~, Ettl stated that he would like about s~n 8' by 10' shed bec~nse the sl~,b is already there is 12' by Mr. Cousins felt that this size would be too big. He asked ~. Ettl how smmll he would s~ccept~. ~. Ettl did not want it s~ny sm~ller th~n a 7' by 9'. ~. Hester pointed out that the type of building has to be ~pproved by the Building Dep~rtment. ~r. Ettl ststed that he h~d in mind a prefabricated metal bu~lddng. Mr. Ness sts~ted that Mr. Ettl is willing to go along with one -1- 2JLINUTES BOARD OF ADJUST~T I~TING OCTOBER. 30, 1972 No one was present in opposition to the request. Pir. Ward moved tl~.t the request be granted with the stipulation that it be an spproved t~pe utility shed and the size not exceed lO ' by 12 ', seconded by Mr. Beane. Motion carried 5-0. Variance granted. P~rcel ~/~2 - Relief from 60' lot width requirement to 50' lot ~M_dth platted Lot 16, Lanehart's S/D, Lot 3 Recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 39 Palm Beach County Records Address: 311 N.E. 15th Avenue Applicant: David Andre~ David Andrews, lll5 N. W. ~th Street, ~sked for the variance to build on a 50' lot. He would like to build a house for himself because the area is a little more peaceful than his present neighborhood. Mr. Hester asked !~r. Andrews if he knew he had to h~ve a 60' lot to build on when he bought this property in ~rch? Mr. Andre~m stated that he did not tin, ow this at the time ~r. ~ard asked Mr. Andrews if all other requirements are going to be met? Mr. Andrews stated yes. Mr. ~nadrews st~ted that he tried to buy the 50' lot on the other side but could not. No one was present in opposition to the request. ~. Ward moved that the request be granted, seconded by ~r. Cousins. Motion carried 5-0. Variance granted. Parcel ~5 - Relief from ~5 rear setback requirement to 20' rear setback, to screen existing patio Lot 2~, Block 2&, Golfview Hsrbour, 2nd Sec. Recorded .in Plat Book ~27, Pages ~6 and ~7 Palm Beach County Records Address~ 1551 S. ~.~. 26th Avenue Applicant: ~lnor Coz~oor~tion Paul Herrig represented Milnor Corporation. He stated t~ab the ~'6':' recess in.t~e rear would nob provide enough depth for the screen patio. Mr. !~ard questioned what the h~rdship is? }/ir. Herrig stated that the ~'6~ recess would not give ranch room° ~I~3TES BOARD OF ADJUST~'~.h~ ~ETING OCTOBER 30, 1972 Mr. Beane moved that the request be granted, seconded by ~. Lucs~s. Motion carried &-l. Variance granted. ~. ~ard voted ~lno". Mr. Cousins moved to adjourn, seconded by ~. !~ard. ~le eting adjourned. Ezeli Hester, Chs~irman