Minutes 10-16-72r:IINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADDUSTF~ENT rIIEETI.NG HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, OCTOBER 16, 1972 At 5:30 p.~.o PRESENT: mr. Ezeit Hester mr. Foy Ward ~r. Robert Beane mro Lester Cousins mro Frank Lutes ~ro Walter Rutter, Alternmte Robert Ness, Building Inspector ABSENT: mr. Robert Hueston mr. Hester Galled the meeting to order at 5:30 Po ~.. minutes of September !8, 1972, September 25, and October 2, 1972 mm. Lutes moved that the minete'e of the above listed, be approved, seconded by mr. Cousins. ~otion carried 5-0. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Eugene F. & Belle E. D~vis Parcel Relief from 60~ lot midth requirement ~ to 50~ lot midth platted ~ Lot 212~ Laurel Hills~ 4 Add~n Recorded in Plat 8ook 23, Page 142 Palm Beach County Records ~Address: 1215 No ~. 7th Court Applicant: Eugene F. & Belle ED Davis A letter was received from ED F. Davis stating that Larry Giddens mould represent him° mro Giddens explained that ~r. Davis request the right to build on this 50' lot mhich he has omned sinc~ 1954. ~ro Heater pointed out that in 1962-the city changed the requirement from a 50' lot to a 60~ lot. The Ordinance states that if it is a lot of record and the Board miehes to grant a variance to build mithin the setback requirements it can do eD. He read a portion of the ordianoe. People mith objections came formardo ~rs. ~i!~ia~, Philadelphia, omns property on N. ~o 8th Street end mould like to know if ~r. Davis is the original omner when the g~ound mas subdivided? ~r. Hester stated that he does not know when the ground was subdivided but ~r. Davis has omned the property since 1954. ~rs. Williams stated that she is the original owner of her propprt~ then asked how big a house they want to build on this lot. mro Hester stated that it is not the function of the Board ~b decide on the size of the house. The building Department will make sure it is mithin the setbeckso -1- MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OCTOBER 16~ 1972 Mrs. Williams stated that this section has larg9 and loveIy homes and she would hate to see e small house go in there° objects to the request, She Ac Barma__n~ !306 N. W. 8th Street, stated that it would not be good for the community to build e house on a 50'~lot. None of the houses ere built on that emal! of a lot. They are a!l 75~ or better. He is against the variance. mrs. RaZ EStl~s,1301 N. We 7th Ct., is very much opposed to the request. These pmople mere not recommending any body just buy one 50t lot. She bought 3 then mdded another one later. She is very much opposed to it~ Mrs. Lucas~ stated they must have something in mind when they changed the law to 60' That people are getting to close together, Be should try to preserve the space around us._ She is not concerned with the size of the house but with the space. Mr. Hester pointed out that these people have been paying taxes on this property for 17 years. ~hether they choose to buy more land is up to them. if ~he~ had just bought the lot they would know they had to have 60~' but they have owned it since 195~. G.eorg. e Peters. owns propmrty at 1314 N. ~. 8th Ct. and his son in law owns property at 1320 N. We 8th Ct. Ha. asked how the notices are sent out. If you live in Laurel Hills you should receive Mr. Hester'stated that everyone within 300' of the variance receive a notice, According to this lam~ if you do not cmn property mithin 300~ you cannot ~bject to the request. M~s. ~argaret Houser~ 1202 N. We 7th Cto.stated that since thes~ people bought this lot t7 years ago she does not object to it because she feels they have e might to build on it if it was pruehased bsfore the ordinance. She asked that tha Board not g~ant variances to people in the future who have recently purchased the property° ~. Carpanetli represented the owner of lot 217. He does not object to the request and he asked that the ~oard grant this man a variance on lot 212 so that lot 217 can get a varianoeo If he has to~ he will get the varianoeo ~ro Beane moved that the variance for Mr. Davis be granted~ seconded by Mr. Ward. mr. Ward would like it known that this man's threats doss not have anything to do with his vote. Motion carried 5-0. Variance granted. -2- MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OCTOBER 16, 1972 ~LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Rol~nd &'Florence Forelund Perce! ~2 Relief from 25t rear setback requirement to 13' rear setback Lot 4~ Block 24~ Go!fvisw Harbour Estated 2nd Sac. Recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 46 & 47 Palm Beach County Records Address: 1330 So W. 25th Way Applicant: Roland L. & Florence Ro Fors!und Mr. Forslund, 1750 High Point Terrace East, De!ray~ explained that he mould like to have a screen porch added on his house mhile it is still under construction. He stated that his wife has a sinus condition and is aggraO~d by cold. He has air conditioning and she likes to spend time out in the Fresh air. Her fair comp!extion she canno~ be ou~ in the sen very !ong~ ~m the bugs and mosquitos are a problem. There mere no objections. Mr. ~ard pointed out that the 13~ included the easement. Mr. Lucas moved that the request be g~anted~ seconded by ~r. Beane. ~otion carried 5-0. Variance granted. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Richard ~arx Parcel Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to 20~ rear setback Lot 15~ Venetian Isles Recorded in Plat Book 24~ Page 231 Palm Beach County Records Address: 15 Venice Driv~ Applicant~ Richard po marx Mr. Mar×, 634 Ocean Inlet Drive explained that he would lika a variance to build a house that mill be oompatib!e with the neighborhood. Maynard !~ertz, 27 Gondola Ct. spoke in favor of the request. The rear setback is to keep neighbors far enough apert. Along the canal we don~t have this problem° Cousins moved that the request be granted, seconded by ~mrdo ~otion carried 5-0. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Richard marx Relief from 25' rear sstback requirement to !B' r~ setback ~ith MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OCTOBER 16~ 1972 parcel ~4 (cont.) Lot 31 Coquina Cove Recorded in Plat Book 24~ page 14 Palm Beach County Records Address: 654 Ocean inlet Drive App!ioant~ Richard P. Marx mro Mar× explained that he mould like to build a Florida room on the back of his house. Only m small portion of the room mill be close to the canal. No objectors mere present but letter mare received from: Phi!!ip ~. ~arrigan~ 706 Ocean Inlet Drive Donald Bagley Ralph Edmard Cousins moved that the request be granted, seconded by mr. Lucas. notion carried 5-0. Ward moved to adjourn~ seconded by mr. Beane. ~eeting adjourned° Mr. Ezeli' Hest'ar,-~hairm~'~ .....