Minutes 08-28-72NF~,~b~fEo 0P ~ BOA2d} OF AtDIISti.~E,~T ~,:~ING
AUGUST 28, 1972 at 5:30' P.M,
Mr. E. Hester
~r. F. Ward
~/ir. R. Beane
Mr. W. Rutter
~lr. F. Lucas
Mr. William Galeazzi~ Building Official
Ym~. J~ W Barrette. Peout3~ Bui!dLug Of,_~cm.~
Mr~ L. Cousins
~Mr. R. i~aeston
9Ir. Hester called t~he meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
Mr. Ward moved that the mn~ces of Aug33st 14th be accepted as writtep~ seconded by
_ Mr. Rutter.. Motion~ carried 5-0. ~ _
Parcel # i
Relief from 25' rear setback requirement
to !0' rear setback, Lots 25,25, and 27 less
N. 10~ of Lot 27, BloCk 11, Caapei Hill
Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page I!1
Palm Be.adc Cotmty Records
Address: 3220 Chapel Hill Blvd.
~qoplic~t: Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Larridk
The request is to build a storage bu~io_zng among *dae existing foilage. ~ne house is
on a cul-de-sac and the lot is pie~shaped~
Dr. Larrick explained that the lots are at the end of a cut-de-sac on a canal. He
is asking for a 10' setbac~k beca~mse of the pie shsme of the iots.
/~nere were no objections.
Mr. Beane moved that the request be grmnted~ seconded by Mr. Ward. Motion c~rried 5-0.
Parcel # 2
Relief from 20' rear setback existing to 9.1' rear
setback~ Lot 49, Block 19, Gold'Jew Harbour, 2nd sec.
Recorded Ln Plat Book 27, Rage 47, Palm Beach County
Address: 1370 S~ W. 2~ Avenue
~®piicant: Art~ur E. Turk
The reofuest is to build a screen room with aluminum roof to cover mu open patio not
us'able due to insects, sunlight and raja.
Turk erpiained that when his ho-.use was being built, he told the builder he would
like to have a s~en horde with a!umin~ roof at a later ~ate. The ccm~crete was
poured. At dee ~me Mr~ Michaels said we would need a varimnce but we wo~dd not
have to mruda of a problem because we s~re. on a ~a~ ~ee o'd~.er c~ homes hs~e
screen roo~.
Mr. Ward ~ked if ~e concrete was poured at the t~e of o~iginai co~traction
i~pected? ~. ~rk staged "yes".
A .letter w~ read from Mm~:~ A. D. ~d Mrs. Jewel ~estbrook stati~.g their objection to
~e request~
Mr. Ward moved ~at ~e vari~ce be grated pro~ded all co~s are c~iied
seconded by ~ Bede. Motion ca~ied 5-0.
Parcel ~ 3 P~tief from 25~ fron~ setback requirement
to 24~6" f~nt setback, Lot 12~ Bto~ 9,
Gol~iew Ha~our~ 1st Sec. Recorded ~ _1~ Book
26, Page '178~ Pa~ BeaCh Cowry Records
Ad~ress~ !077 SJ W. 28
~plic~t: ~ne WilI~!e Co~oration ( R~ B~on)
Mr. B~m~ton stated ~en th~y went for the title suD~ey~ they 8~scovered
other proble~ ~
There were no objections.
A letter was received from Peninsular Properties wit/a no objections to the request.
Mr. Beane moved that the request be granted seconded by Mr. Lucas. Motion carried
A letter was received from Mm. Charles Dsmlie!s .... '~'~ , '
~eques~.~.~ that ~ae Board reconsider
its decision and allm~ him to b~iid on a fifty (50~) lot.
Mr. Ward moved to rehear ~r. Daniels case, seconded by Mr. Bemue. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Hester stated that at ~he previous ~eeting we tried to show t~hat there was nothing
to prohibit Mr. Daniels from building on the lot as long as he came within the setback.
Mr.. Hester is abstaiDing becat~e he o~ns property L~ ~he area.
Mr. Ward pointed out that there is no property available on either side.
Mm. Lucas feels that the other people, the objectors, should be present.
out that Mm~ Ds~miels had only o~med the proper~z for 45 days~
He pointed
Mr. Beane moved that th~ request be gr~m~ted~ seconded by ~r. Ward~ Request denied
by a vote of 2-2-1. ~-@. ~utter and ~. Lucas voted "no". ~ Hester abstained.
Meeting adj ourned~
Mm. B. Hesfier, Chairms_u