Minutes 08-14-72MIN~dTES OF TF~ BOARD OF .~d3oVJS~4KNT MEETING F~LB AUGUST 14, 1972 at 5:30 P.M. CITY HALL, BOYNTON BF2~H~ PLOR!DA P~S~T Mr. F. Ward k~r. B. Hester Mr. R. Bemne Mr. R. Collier, Alternate Mr. F. Lucas Mr. J~ W. Barrett~ Acting ~ailding Official ABSENT Mr. R. Hues ton Mr. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Mr. Hester stated to the ~Voard that he had a letter signed by Mr. Elam smd Mrs. Daty regarding t~he decision of the Board on July 31, with regard to their request, Mr. Hester asked their pleasure regarding this matter. Board stated that they would listen to Mrs, Da!y's attoraey. Mr. Hester then proceeded with the first caseon the Agenda. Parcel ! Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to 20~ rear setback Lot 6~ Block 14, Golf~iew Harbour 2nd Section Recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 46 & 47 Palm Beach Co~gnty Records Address: 1135 S. W. 25 Avenue Applicant: Snow Construction Inc~ Mr. Greenman, 1010 N. W. 4th Street, Boca Raton, appeared for Snow Construction in regard to the varimnce. He stated that the 5' variance was needed because the lot wss shallow- due to the cul-de-sac. Mr. Hester asked if other lots on that street had been granted a variance and Mr. Greenman stated "no" but that this lot due to the odd 'shape was only 100' deep, Mr. Beane stated +~hat variances had been granted only a few weeks ago on some lots in that area. Mr. Beane made motion to grant varismce, Mr. Collier seconded it, all voted aye. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Hester then proceeded to bring up the matter of Mms. Daly's request~ tZaat had been denied. Mr. Reed, representing the present title holder of the property-, Mrs. F. Daly, spoke to the Board. regarding this denial. Mr. Reed stated that Mrs. Daly has ~ned this property for thirty (30) years and this is a unique hardship as she has no opportunity to expand this piece of property, and should have been granted on this cause, He also said 5'Irs. Daly would suffer damage for which she could not be reim.~ursed. Board of Adjustment Meetin§ 8-14-72 ~. Ward stated that a copy of Sunmary ~atline of Powers had been sent to the members of the Board and~that a copy had been given to ~-. Moore for his decision as to matter ~of Mrs~ Daly's request. _As of this meeting nothi~ug had been forth comi_r~g~ Mr. Ward stated that he had asked at the last meeting to have this matter tabled ~until a decision came from Mro Moore thereby avoiding this type of hearing. Mr. Hester stated that he thought that according to Ordinsmce 62-9 that the Board had the power to decide this matter~ mud r~o Objectors would ianfluence him one way or another. Mr. Summers came to the podimm representing the objectors of the last meeting~ Seeing tl~at the meeting was called at the last minute all of the objectors were out of town with the exception of Mr. Stammers. He stated that.~he probsb!y was being selfish, but that when he had a lot of t2~at sort, he was forced to purchase extra propert5~ to comply with the Ordinmnce~ He understood that Mrs. Daiy had a hardship due to the fact that there was no way of expanding this lot but ifMr~ Elam would go to the neighbors and shc~¢ what was going to be built that many of the objections would be withdra~ ~nd as he had seen them mud had no objectior~ to what was being plar~ed. Mr. Ward again stated that if this matter had been tabled at the last meeting~ it would have been mumh simpler and nothing illegal would be made by the Board~ in their decision. Mr. Beane made motion to grmut the varia~ce. Mr. Lucas seconded it~ Mr~Beane voted aye, ~. Collier, aye, Mr~ Hester aye, Mr. Lucas aye, Mr. Ward nay. Vote 4-1 Motion carried. Mr. Ward e~cplained that he voted no due to lack of decision from Mr. Moore regarding Sunrmary of Powers of t2ae Board~ Mr. Hester stated he voted aye due to the fact that pmver is granted to t2~e Board in Ordinance 62-9 to grant a variance on sub-standard lot of record. Mr. Sun~r~ers stated t~_at he thought this illegal, as the matter had been resolved at previous meeting and that this was a new- hearing and should have been advertised before Board made decision~ Stated ~aat maybe he was wrong but this was his thought on the matter. Mr. Beane made motion to adjourn~ Mr. Lucas seconded all voted in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Mr. Ezell Hester, Chairman