Minutes 07-31-72MINUTES OF TH~ BOA.RD OF ADJUS!TV~NT ~TtNG k~LD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY SI, 1972 at 5:30 Present Mr. Ezell HeSter Mr. F. Ward ~4r. Ri Beane Mr. F. Lucas ABS~T Mr. Lester Cousins Mr. Waiter Rutter Mr. Robert Hueston Mr. Robert Ness, Building Inspector ~. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Approval of Minutes July 10, 1972 Mr. ~Vard moved that the minutes of July 10thbe accepted as written, seconded by Mr. Lucas. Motion carried 4-0. Parcel # 1 Relief from 25' rear setbacks required in front and back to 18' setbacks front and back , lot 21, Block 2, Lake Eden Subdivision, Recorded in Plat Book 29, Page $3, Palm Beach County Records Address: 906 S. W. 36th Court Applicant: Mr. and Mres Fred L. Beede The purpose of the variance, as stated on the appl.ication, is to be able to place the house on the lot properly. Mrs. Patricia Beede explained that to set the home properly on the lot she would need a change in setbacks, otherwise there would be a tremendous empty space. Mr.or four months.Ward asked Mrs. Beede how long she has owned the property. She stated about three Mrs. Beede stated that they have tried several ways with the architect and this is the only way it can be done. Mr. Ness stated that it will not work putting the house strai~ht on the lot. She will not be obstructing the view of any oft he other houses. No objections were received by m~it and there were no objectors present. Variance~' Beanegranted.moved that the request be granted, seconded by ~. Ward. Motion carried 4-0. Board of Adjustment 7-31-72 Parcel 2 Relief from 6G' lot width requirement to 50' ~cidth platted lots 33 and 34, Block 6 Boynton Heights Recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 64 Palm Beach County Records Address: 305 and 307 WestiOceanAvenue Applicant: William Elam The purpose of the variance is to build on a fifty foot lot. He wishes to build a single family residence and there is no property available on either side. Mr. Elam stated-that the lot is only fifty foot and the requirement is sixty foot. Mr. Elam had taken photographs of the area and presented them to the Board forreview. Mr. Elam stated that the house is to cost $29,000, two bedroom, two bath. The construction will only enhance the value of any house around it. He respectfully requested that the variance be grmnted. The Board reviewed the architectual drawing and blueprint of the Mr. Elam explained that he is purchasing this property subject to the varimnce being granted. Mrs. Daily has owned this property for many years and needs themoney. Mr. Hester read the letter from Mrs. Daily authorizing Mr. Elam to apply for a varimnce. Mr. Elam stated that he will meet all the setback requirements and zoning regulations. Mr. Thomas Summers objected to the request. He lives across the street from this property. When he built his~me, he owned three lots and had to buy another ten feet to build his home. He stated that he has documents from five of the residents that object to the variance, Mr. Serio, Mr. Senior, Mr. Teck, Mr. Shook and himself. Letters of objection werereceived from the the Westbooks mud from Mrs. Gladys Teck. ~k. Hester read the ruling on the substandard lot of record. Mr. Beane asked if this should be deferred until the Board talks to the City Attorney -on these guidelines.- Considerable discussion followed as to the interpretation of the City Attorney's summary of powers. Mr. Ward moved that the variance be denied, seconded by Hr. Lucas. Motion carried 3-1. Mr. Hester voted "no". Variance denied. Mr. Beane moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lucas. Meeting adjourned. Mr. E. Hester, Chairman