Minutes 07-24-72MIh~JTES OF THE BOARD OF A~JUsTMENT MEETING ~LD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH' FLORIDA, JULY £4, 1972 AT 5:30 P. M. PRESE~: LeSber Cousins Foy '~a rd Robert Beane Fr~.nk Luc~s J~ck Barrett, Acting Build~ Official ABSENT: Ezell Hester Robert Hueston ~lter Rutter Robert Collier Cousins c~lled the meeting to order ~t 5:31 P. M. Parcel#1 - Relief from 6' side setback requirement to 0 setback now existing Lots 20, ~l and 22, Block 5 L~ke Addition Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71 Palm Be~ch County Records Address: 614 N. E. 8th Avenue Applicant: Forrest R. Hangge As stated on the applicztion, there is not enough setback on the northeast line of the west building which w~s zlreadybuilt when purchased in 1963. It is adjacent to the city alley we use and take c~re of. Only wish to improve the 5 units with extra sp~ce being put to better use. ~. Hangge explained that he is not adding new units but improving some of the others. He ~,ill be adding kitchens to numbers 2 and 3 and adding living rooms to numbers 8, 16, ~nd 17. There will be no new units. A letter w~s received from George and Agnes Riley d~ted July 15 in objection to the request. Also a letter was received from Charles M. Goodsell with no objection to the request. ~o Beane moved that the request be granted, seconded byMr. Lucas. Motion carried 4-0. Variance granted. A_p~rov~l of Minutes ~. W~rd moved that the minutes of July 17 be approved as written, seconded by Mr. Lucas. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Cous~i~s~ corrected the time he will be on v~cs~tion. He v~ll be gone from August 30 to September 15. -1- MINWJTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT _~ETING JULY 2~, 1972 Mr. l~ard suggested getting with Gene Moore and get this summary outline explained a little. According to this, there was no hardship in this case we just heard° ~!r. Beane stated that a special meeting could be called with Gene Moore but it should be when all the members 5~cluding the alternates are present. F~ Ward moved that the minutes of this meeting be sent to Gene Moore with the idea in mind that as soon as the full Board is available a meeting will be scheduled to clarify some of these points, seconded by ~. Beane. Motion carried .4-0. N~. Beane moved to adjourn, seconded by N~. Ward. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. -2-