MInutes 07-17-72MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUS~A~T MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, JULY 17, 1972 AT 5:30 P. M. PRESENT: Lester Cousins Robert Beane Jack Barrett, Acting Building Foy ~Yard Official Frank Lucas Robert Collier ABSENT: Ezeli Hester Robert Hueston !~?alter Rutter ¥~. Cousins called the meeting to order at 5:30 P. M. Ps. reel #1 - Relief from 60' lot width requirement to 50' lot width platted Lot 45, Block ~ Lake Addition Recorded in Plat Book ll, Page 71 Palm Beach County Records Address: 733 N. E. 8th Avenue Applicant: Jim H. Carter The purpose of the variance as stated on the application is to build a residence on a 50' lot. P~. Jim Carter would like the Board to grant the variance. He provided copies of a memorandum, ~Zonin~ which deo_r_iE~e.s owner of o~_oro~$valid, to each member of the Board. It is his understanding that you cannot deprive a person of the use of hie property through zoning. P~s. Emily Js.ckson spoke Lu favor of the variance. In 1951 we came down here and there were ~ houses on 8th Avenue, I on ~9th Avenue, and 4 houses in the process of being bu~ilt. Me liked it so well, we bought our lots. It was a beautiful subdivision, sidewalks, paved streets, and curbs. These people bought this property with the hope that some day they would move down here and live. She would be delighted to have a house built on this lot. She would like to see it built up. There are some beautiful homes on 50' lots. Adel Nicholar asked if this would be a single family residential type of home. }ir. Carter stated that he is not asking for approval of plans, just for a variance. 2~. Barrett stated that the zone would not allow anything except a single family residence. ~s. Nicholar asked ifa person can ask for a variance when he owns two 50' lots, can't he be told he has to build on the 100'? MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUStmENT MEETING JULY 17, 1972 It was the Board's feeling the, t he could ask for a variance if he bought two 50~ lots not one 100' lot. t~., Collier asked what the setback requ.irements are? t-lt. Barrett sta'ted 25' for the front and back and 7~' on the sides. M~. Barrett stated that all other requirements must be met. A substandard lot of record may be used for single family residence provided requirements are maintained. Mr. Beane stated that he was under the impression that it was in the code that before the Board could hear it, you had to submit plans to the Building Department. ~r. Barrett stated '~no'~. ~ir. ~.ard moved that the variance be granted provided all setback requirements are met for this particular area, seconded by Mr. Beane. Motion carried 5-0. Va~riance granted. Mr. Cousins reported that he will be absent from August 30 to September 10. Mr. Collier moved to adjourn, seconded by ~. Lucs~s. Meeting adjourned.