Minutes 06-26-72MI5 ~t~NS_~S OF TF~ BO.~ID OF ADJTTS%~f 5~ETING F~LD' AT CITY F._A~SL, 5:30 J~ne 2~> 1972, Boynton Beach, Florida PP~S~7 Mr. E. Hes ter Mr. R. Beane ~@. F. Lucas Mr. L. Cousins ABS~f Robert Ness, Building Inspector Mr. F. ~ard ~ ~. R. Hueston ~es=er called the meeting to order at S:50 P.M. Ap~roval~ of Minutes - jtm~.e t2 ~ 197~. ~ Mr. Bemne moved ~at ~e ~nutes of Jmne !2th be accepted as w~itten seconded by Mr~ Cousin. Motion carried 4-0~ Parce~ ~ 1 Relief from Y5' lot wid~ requirement to Y2.34' lot wid~ platted, Lot 2Y, Cres~iew, Recorded ~ Plat Book 23, Page tS4, Pa~ Bea~ Co~ Recor~ Address: 2227 S. E. 3 Street Apptic~t: Da~ Cre~m~ Ym. Cre~m~ w~ts to build a duplex on ~is lot wi~ y~, frontage. ~e lot w~ pure,ed primarily became of the ~tti-f~ly pe~t. ~'zoneCre~m~was R~'S~ s~tated tha~ he ~d not ~derst~d ~at it had to be Y5' bec~e the ~. Co~ins ~ked if all other requirements wilt be met. Mr. Creasm~ stated that he mee~ ali o~er setbacks ~d r~uirements. Mr.~iedBe~e4_0.moved ~at the request be ~ted, seconded by Mr. Co~i~.. Motion Mr. Cousins moved to adjourn, seconded 'by Mr_. Lucas. Motion carried. l~¢~eeting adj ourned~ ~ "~2ze!l Hester, Chairmmn