Minutes 06-05-72~'~kIFfES OF THE BOARD OF nAD~JST~ MEETING HELD AT CITY FJILL, BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA, ~©NDAY, JUNE 5, 1972, AT 5:30 P.M. PRESENT ~r. E. Hester iVtr. F. ~iard Mr. R. Beane Mr. L. Cousins Mr. F. Lucas Alternate Mr. W. Rutter, Alternate ~. R. Hueston, absent Mr. Hester called, the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Approval of minutes FR. ROBERTN~ESS, BUILDING INSPECTOR ~. Cousins moved that th~ minu[es of May 1S be apprbved 'as written, seconded by Mr.: Beane. ~4otion carried 5-0. ~ Parcel # 1 Relief from 60' lot .~width requirement to 50' lot width existing Lot 155, Ridgewood Hills Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 250 Palm Beach County Records Address: 719 N. W. 4 Street Applicant: Charles W. Daniels ~4r. Daniels, 4283 Sussex Avenue, Lake Worth explained that he wants to buiId a single family residential structure on a S0' lot, lots on both sides are occupied there is no property available. Mr. W%rd asked if he would meet all other requirements. Mr. Daniels stated that he would. Mr. Hester stated that he would not vote on this because he o~,.ns property in the area. Mr. Lucas asked if he proposed to live here. ~. Daniels statedno, it is for' sale. He did'notknowthe restriction on the lot when he purchased it. Mr. Bill Barton, 725 N. W. 4th Street, objected to the variance. He stated that Mr. Charles Boyd ~ned this property and got a variance. In April of 1970, ~r. Boyd asked about purchasing the property. In contacting him about four months ago, Mr. Mr. Boyd stated he had sold the property about thirty days before. It was sold to Mr. Jack Poorbaugh. At the time he was asking $2,000 for the property. Mr. Barton stated they are trying to keep up their neighborhood and it w~uld not be fair to put a house on a 50' lot. We have pride in our neighborhood. He asked the Board to turn the v-ari~nce down. Mr. Cousins asked if all the other lots are larger than 50' lets. Mr. Barton stated that most of them are at least ?S~ lots. -- 2 - Board of Adjustment Meeting 6-5-72 Mr. John Stephens stated he was there when-Mr.-Boyd re~ueste~ a v~riancg in 1970. Mr. Bill Barton said he was. going to try to buy the property. The property was sold for $1,700.00 He knew at.the time you could not build on 50' lots. Mr. Stephens is totally against this variance. He is trying to have a nice community. -He could get a petition to prove ~everyone in the area would be against it. He hopes that the variance is denied. He stated that his lot is 100 x i20. Mrs. Betty Stephens stated that this is her second home. She came here because she could not get any other place. Because she was black she was t~mned down~ She wants a better p!ace for her daughter. He is n6t building this house for himself, he is going to sell i~. She asked .that the variance be denied~. Mr. Austin, N. W. 4 Street stated that .for the benefit of the conmmmity and for those people that value their property and want it to increase in value, this type of thing should not be atlowed to happen. He is against having a house built that does not meet regulations. If you don't have an adequate lot there isl not adequate space for the house. Mr. Austin stated his lot is 83 × 123. Another gentlemen from the audience stated he just-moved over to Ridgewood Hills to try to get ~zay from "dumps". He would not want a house built on a'50' lot. It would not be fair. He would not want to see a small house built. Mr. Ness asked Mr. Daniels if he has tried to purchase property on either side. Mr. Daniels stated '~No" he has not. He stated that this will be a four bedroom 2 bath with a carport, 1500 square feet. Mr. Hester stated that the Board is not concerned with the size of the house but with whether or not we will allow a house to be built on a 50' lot of record. ~. Mr. Lucas stated Mr. Daniels was negligent in not finding out the requirements when he purchased the property. Mr. D~niels has owned the lot about forty-five days. He stated he was not told of the restrictinns. Mr. Lucas moved that the request be denied, seconded by Mr. Igard. Vote was 2-2-1. Mr. Cousins and Mr. Beane voted "no". Mr. Hester abstained. In order for a variance to be granted it requires a vote of four affirmative. · A·,vote of 2-2 means a denial Parcel # 2 Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to 6' rear setback, to allow storage shed to be built at rear of property Lot 54, Crestview Recorded in Plat Book 23, page 154 PaLm Beach County Records Address: 2310 S. E. ist St. Applicant: Elmo G. Eltiott Board of Adjustment Meeting 6-5-72 Mr. E~mo Ettiott 2310 S. E. 1st Street would like to build this shed at the bac2< of his lot 6'-0 from rear lot line, not in the middle. Building would be l0 × 10, about 6' high. F~. Cousins moved to gra~t the variance, seconded by Mr. Bea~e. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Beane moved to'adjourn, seconded by Mr. Cousins. Meeting adjourned. E. Hester, ~nairman