Minutes 04-17-72MINUTES OF T~ BOARD OF ADJUSI~T MEETING HELD APRIL 17, 19 72, CiR~f H~LL, S: 30 P.M. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESF~\~f Mr. R. Beane Mr. E. Hester Mr. L. Cousins, Alternate Mr. F. Lucas Mr. W. Rutter, Alternate Mr. Robert Ness, B~milding Inspector ABSENT Mr. F. Ward Mr. R. Rues'ton Mr. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. A~ there had been no meeti~4 for several weeks al! mim~tes had been approved to date. No. old business. Parcel # 1 Relief from 60~ lotwidth requirement to 50~ lot width p!gt'ted, lot 217, Laurel Hills~ 4thAdd'n. Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 142 Palm Be~chCom~tyRecords Address: 1113 N. Applicant: Larry t. Gidden, Agent for George A. Aro Mr. Larry T. Gidden, Agent for ~4r. George Aro presented his case. His client wished to purchase the lot and would like relief from the sixty foot requirement for lot width. There were objectors present, Mr. Hamilton of 1202 N. W. 7 Ct., Mr. George Peters, Mr. William Richardson 1103 N~ Wo 7 Ct~ They stated that v~hen they buil~ they bought bzo lots so that they would have plenty of room and as Mr. Aro is not the present o~er and there are vacant property'next to this lot that by granting the variance it would set a precedent for other builders to come in and request variance on other fifty foot lots. Mr. Bemne made a motion to deny the request for a variance, seconded by Mr. -Motion carried 4-!. Parcel # 2 Relief from 60~ lot width requirement, to 50~ lot width platted, Lot 38, Laurel Hills, 2ndAdd~n Recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 1, Palm Beach County Records Address: 616 N. W. 7 Ct. Applicant: Milford M. and Elizabe~chManning Board of Adj us tmmnt 4-17- 72 Mr. and Mrs. Manning were present. They stated 'that they would like to build a house on this lot for their daughter and they have ~med the lot since 1954 before the present zoning Ordinance was in effect. There were no objectors to the request. Mr. Cousins made-~ the motion to approve Motion carried Parcel # 3 the requast~ seco~ded by Mr. Rutter. Relief from 60' lot width requirement to S0' lot width platted, Lot 140, Laurel Hills 3rd Add'ri. Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 126 Palm Beach County Records Address: 719 N. W. 7 St. Applicant: Donald H. Faulkner Mr. Donald H. Faulkner was present for his case. ~ ~ much disc~3ssion re~ar~in~ this request as Mr. Faulkner had bou~ht this There lot only one year ago and should have zoning regulatior~ were thac the lot had ¢o be si×fy feet in width~ There were no objectors present. Mr. Cousins made a motion to approve the request. I~r. Hester stepped dora from chai~aauship and had Mr. Beton sit in as Chairman~ ~r. Hester seconded the motion~ Mr. Beane abstained. Vote 3-1 with 1 abstaining. Request not granted as a 4-1 vote is needed. Mr. Cousins, Mr. Lucas, ~. Hester voted Aye', Mr. Rutter Nay. 4. Other Business None. Mr. t~utter made a motion to adjourn seconded by Mr~ Beane~ adjourned at 6:30 P.M. Ail voted aye~ Meeting ~er, ~nai rman