MInutes 01-31-72~INbq1~S OF THE BOARD OF ADJUS~,~gr ~'~ETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BHACq, FLORIDA I<ONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1972 AT 5:30 w ~. E. Hester ~:tr. F. Ward ~. R. Beane Mr. F. Lucas Mr. L. Cousiz3, Alternate ~. W. ~tter, Alte~ate ABSENT ~. R. }.:!ueston Mr. Elnm Elliott, ¥~puty Building Official k~r. Hester called ~he meeting to order at 5:~0 P.M. Approval of Minutes 1.~r. Lucas moved to appro~o the ~~ of the last ~eting as written, seconded by Mr. Cousins. ~tion carried S-O. Parcel # 1 ?~lief from 25' rear setback requi~a, nt to 17-1/2' rear setback Lot 15, Bloct: 27 Golfview Hafoour, 2nd Section Recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 46 § 47 Palm Beach Count}, Records Address: 1521 S. V~, 28Ave. Applicant: Mr. ~ ~,~s. David Schwartzkopf The request is to have relief from 25"rear setback requirement to 17-1/2' rear setback, The lot depth is not deep enough to accomodate a 25' rear setback. Mrs. Sahwartzkopf stated they wish to screen in an existing patio slab, Mr. Lucas asked ~ks, Schwartzk°pf if t, here will be any glass or is it just screen? She stated that it will just be screen. Mr. Lucas also asked if any of ~he surrounding houses have screen porches? ~rs. Schwartzkopf stated '5%d~. No one present had any objections to the request and. no objections were received by mail. Mr. Ward moved to grant the request of ~?~r. 5 }-.,ires. David Sc~hwartzkopf, seconded. by [4r. Cousins. Motion carried 5-0. - 2 - Board o£ Adjustment ~eeting January 31, 1972 Parcel # 2 Request to add to non-conforminguse in Fire Zone Special exception is requested for residence, request to englarge bedroom. Will use CBS to Code for work requested Lot S, Block B, Pence S/D # i Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 55 Palm Beach County Records Address: 407 S. E. 4 Street Applicant: Mrs. Bertha Ch. advCell ~. PZard stepped down and represented Mrs. Cha&~ell. ~. P~tter served in place of ~. ~qrd. ~,r. Hester Read a letter from ~(r. l~fard stating what he ir~tend~ to do with the property. ~4r. Ward further stated that ~.~rs. Chadwell has lived here for more than 50 years. Ail setback requirements will be met except for about six inches. Mrs. Chad~ell also owns adjacent property. A letter was read from ?,'ir. Stanley !~'eaver stating he has no objections and thin~m it will be an improvement to the property. i',!o one p~dsent had any objections to the request and no objectio~m were received by mail. Beane moved to grant the request of .~s..Bertha Cbmd~eil, seconded by Mr. Lucas. ~otion carried 5-~. ~r. Cousins moved to adjourn, seconded by~.~. ~ntter. Motinn carried. Meeting adjourned. Mr. ~zell Mester, Vice Chaiman