Minutes 11-08-71!~tr. Eze!i Hester kk% R. Beane Mr. F. I, ir. W. Yate~ ~dr. G. !'~Im~ister ~. R. ColIyer Robert ~aes ton .~$r. Elmo Elliott, E~Futy Buil~ng Official ~. k~ster called Lhe meeting to order at 5:30 P.?. Parcel # I Relief from 25 ft. front setback requirement to 17.5 ft. front setback !~4est 12 ft. of Lot 110 and all of Lot 1!1 Block A, Boynton ~lls P~corded in Plat Book 4, Page 5!~ Palm Beach County Records Address: 215 N. ~. 2 A~enue Applicant: Serge P. Pizzi II~e City. Attorney ruled that this property di8 conform before the state took part of it for the roadway. It comes before the Board of Adjustment as a matter of record. l~,ir. Pizzi stated that he would like to make the building into an office. F_e was told he would need a vari82n_ce because he does not have a twenty-five (25) foot setback. F_e would provide proper parking. BT. Beane ~.oved flint the request be granted, seconded by ~(r. '.mhlme~ster. i~otion carried 6-0. Parcel # 2 Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to 11' rear setbac~k Lot 17~ Block 16~ 1st Addition Rollin~ Green Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 86 Palm Beach Cotmty Records Address: 1507 N. E.. 15 Ct. Applicant: Robert W. Taylor Mr. Taylor, 1507 N. E. 1Sth Ct., was present at the meeting. The building in back nm~f is seven [7) foot from the line, he wi!l do away %~ that building 2 Board o£ Ad2ustm~,~nt Neeting ~.'bnday~ November 8~ 1971 Parcel # 2 Continuea" -~ ~c,~, oD._ the porch. 'Fne porch wi.J 1 not Be ~ far back ~ the present bulldog. Za~s ~ovad that ~e r~st be gr~tea~ seconded by .. ..... ~. 1,!otion carried 6-0. l~{r. Ee~e moved to adjel, seceded by i~r. Yares. MeetLng Adjou~ed. ~.~,ir. Ezell ~bster, Vice Chairman