Minutes 11-01-71~dTES OF ~-~ EOA~D OF AP~j~rr t,~cmfLWG P~LD AT CITY FALL, BOYNTON B .EAQ!~ FLORIDA ~ONDAY, NOV~.~,ER I, 1971 AT 5:50 P.H. PP,~S~5~f Mr. Ezell Hester ~. Foy Ard ~lr. Robert Beane iv~r. ~,lilliam Yates I~'~r. Gene !¥b~.h]J~eister Mr. Robert Collyer Mr. Elmo Eiliott, Deputy Building Official ABS~'~rf l¥Ir. Robert k~eston Mr. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:50 ~',!r. yates moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as written seconded by }~lr. Collyer. _~?~otion carried 6-0. Parcel # ! Relief from, 25' front setback requirement to i3' front setback Lot 7~ Block 17, Forest }RI!s Recorded in Plat Book 25~ Page 57 Palm Beach Cotmty Records Address: 926 S. W. 28 .Avenue Applicant: Cesar BarboriDi Mr. qiortino represented ~'~,r. Barbarini. r,.,~r. Sciortino is the builder for l'~r. Barbarini. Because of the Cul-de-Sac the house will not fit as pla~nned. Relief from twen%T-five (25) foot front setback is requested so that the house will fit on the lot. There were no objectors present. Mr. Yates moved that the request be granted~ seconded b¥}~r. ~lmeister. carried 6-0. Mr. Beane moved to adjourn, seconded byWaY. Yates. l~,~otion Meeting adjourned. Mr. Ezell~ ,Hester, ViCe Chairman l ..