Minutes 10-18-71~,{IbFlrr~s OF ~ BOARD OF AIMUSTb..~,IT F~TING · ~"~, ~ON B~, ~:~DA ~,~Y, ~B~R 18, 1971 at 5:30 P.M. P~S~T b~. Ezell Hester ~:!r. %i{illiam Yates ~4~. Robert Beane Mr. Foy Nr. Gene Ma2~lmeister Mr. Robert Collier ABS~ Mr. Robert Hueston ~. Blmo Elliott, Deputy Building Official }.@. Hester called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Parcel Relief from 20' rear setbad< requirement to 6' rear set- back. Lots 2~$, and 4, Blod( C. E'at~hmCay Park Recorded in Plat Book 13~ Page 17, Palm Beach County Records Address: 809 S. E. 4 Street Applicant: A. Louis S~. Juste The City Attorney ruled that the Board of Adjustment cannot expand the use of a non-conforming building. Therefore ff~is parcel c~umot be acted upon o~t this time. Mr. Yates moved to table this time, seconded by Mr. ,-~imezster, motion carried 6-0. Parcel # 1 Relief from 25~ front setback requirement to 15' front setback and Relief from 20' rear setback requirment to 15' rear setback Lots 8~9, !0 ~d 11~ Parker Estates Recorded in Plat Book 10~ Page 37 Palm Beach County Records Address: 916 S. Federal k%~/ Applicant~ Conrad Pi~Kel Mr. Conraxi Pickel was present at ~he meeting. He stated that there is not enough space for the building on present setbacks. He is an artist and is interested in making the building' beautiful. He had pictures of the building ar~ floor plans. ~,{r. Albert ~'ehrell was not objecting but brought out several questions. One was, I~rou!d ~qe state allce¢ two entrances from Federal Highway. Second question, ~cas, ~iould he agree to plant,Tees or some kind of buffer? /~ne building looks very nice but it is aa% artists drinking not an architedts. Mr. Jade Kujola SPoke in favor of tAe request. He would like to see this building put trp. He thinks this is one of ~ne nicest th~ngs ~hat could happen to Boynton. ~&nutes of Yhe P~ard of Adjustment ~(eetLug 10-18-71 Parcel # 1 Continued, The question was a~ked if Mr~ Pickel plans to sell tJ~e prcperty if the va. ria~uce is granted? He answered that he does not plan to sell the property he plans to build on it, ~r. Yates moved to Krant tJ'ze variance with the stipulation tJmt P'~r. Picke! begin work within six (6) months, seconded by ~r. ~eame. _,.~ tion carried S-O. ~. Collier mbstained. Parcel # 2 ~elief from_ 25' rear setback requirement to 16'8" rear setback, Lots 7,$,and 9 ~appy Home Heights Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 30, PaLmBeach. County Records Address: 112 N. H. 12 Avenue ~plicant: !~illie T. and Tomuie Lee Norfus .,'~;~r, No~fus was present, he has-.ovmed the p_roperty for more than ~.,Jenty (20) Years and would like to build a suitable house on it, There were no objectors present. Mr. Beane moved that the variance b- granted, seconded by Mr. M~hlmeister. Motion carried 6-0. ~¥~lme~ster moved to adjourn, secor~ded by ~,~r. Yates. ~etLng adjourned. ~r. Ezell ~ester,Vice ~%airm~