Minutes 09-27-71MINWfBS O? T~ 20~ 07 ADOIlS%iI~f ~F. TING H~LD AT CITY MALL, B0~zlVfON BFACH~ FLORIDA, MONh~Y SEFrE~flSBR 27, 1971' at 5'30 P.M. PRESEll Mr. E~zell Hester Mr. I4Tiliis~n Yates Mr. Foy ~rd Mr. Robert Beane Mr. Gene MM~tmeister Ab sent Mr. Robert Hueszon Mr. J. Lester Cousins Mr. Blmo El!iott, Building Official ~. Hester called the meeting _~ order at 5:30 P.M. Mr. Yates moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as written, seconded by Mr. Mahlmeister. Motion carried. Parcel # 1 Relief from i2-!/2 ft. side setback requirement for fence to 4 ft. side setback from property line on S. E. Sth Avenue side of subject property. sand Relief from 3' fence height requirement to erect a 4~ mkain link fence 4 ft. from side property line ~mu~t~n~ sidewalk on Lots 9 and !0 Block B. Hathaway Park~ Recorded in Plat Book 13~ page 17 Address: 905 S. E. 4 St. Applicator: William Mazzoni ' Mr. Robe. ~ Reed, Atto~m~,ey represented Mr. Mazzoni. The fence wou!a be (38) feet back from the sidewalk m~d would not obstruct the view of traffic. A letter was read from R. H. Phelps I008 S. E. 3rd Street stating he had no objections to the request for a variance. No one present had any obj ectimn to the request. Mr. Beane moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Mahlmeister. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Yah!meister moved to adjourr,, seconded by Mr. Beane Meeting adj ou:~ned. Mr. Ezeii Hester , V. Chairman