Minutes 09-13-71~4tbbTES OF TPr~ BOAP.D OF .~APJST~,~'~T }~METING ~-~D AT CITY }L~LL, gO~g!vON ~AO.~, FLORIDA S~-,~.ER 13~ 1971, at 5:30 P.~g. PP~qS~Cr ~.~-. P~rt Hueston b~.r. Robert Beane ~,~. W:illiam Yates Mr. Foy ~,~r. ~ne Iv~ister P!r. Stuart Fuller, Building Official i~;~r. Ezell Hester I~.,~. J. Lester Cousins )Ct. Hueston called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. ~. Beane ~ved t]tat the minutes of ~e previous meeting be approved ~s ~Titten~ seconded by ~..-.~. %,~Iard, tvfotion carried S-O. Parcel # 1 Relief from 1000 sq. ft. ]min~ floor area per ~eliing unit for R-1 zonLng. to 986 sq. ft. per dwelling unit Lot 1 ~ru 23 incl.~ Block 29 Lot 6, Block 30 Lots 1,8,9. and 11 fl~ru 18 incl. Block 31 Lots 9 ~ru 42 incl. Block 32 Lots I thru 9 incl. and. lots20 thru 23 incl., Block 33 Lots 1 ti~ru 26 incl. Block 34 Lots 1 thru 10 incl., and Lots 12 thru 17 incl.., Block 35 Lot 9, Block 36 Rolling Green Ridge 1st Addition Ail above recorded in Plat Book 24 Pages 225 and 226 Palm Bch.~ County Pecords [~'~r. Robert E. Field, 1891 N. Seacrest Boulevard was present at tJ.~e meeting. He stated ~hat he does not intend to build tJ~is particular model on every lot in whid~ a variance is requested~ but only about 20% of the total ~mber of lots %~%i~h would, be about twenty-five houses. The reason the request is for a blanket variance is to e.. iminate the inconvenience to hin~elf and tJ~e potential home buyer for an individual case for ea~ vari~_nce. He does not intend to go ~ 235 - Subdivision or any subsidy program. F.e is building quality houses ~qat people can afford to buy. Increasing floor area would involve substantial redesign m%d an additional appropriations from ~-L~. He fur~er explained type of houses and tJ~e costs involved in buying n~ hot,sea. ~Ss architec ma~e a mistake in design. ~,,~r. HaroldWitt, 308 N. ~. 17thAvenue~ stated that he disagrees with~r. Field~ statements. ~r. Witt stated that a house could be built for $12.00 a square foot. Ne is against the variance and. would like to see ~he regulation Board of Adjusta~ent 9-13-71 maintained. ~.,~. Ea~ard Ermis 1609 N. E. 1st Street, stated that the Code should not be ~hanged to accommodate the mistake of an ard'~itect. He does not want to see the code go bel~.' min~. He is against the request for variamce. l~r. Charles Skeels~ 1641 N. Seacrest, presented the Board with a petition with 86 names that are afairmt the request for variance. )~¥. Skeels would like to see the area upgraded rather t~han allo~riug mmller homes in the area. Mr. Charles AustLn~ 120 M. P. 16 Ct. ~ is aga~mt the variance and would like to see it maintained at 1000~~ sq. ft. or larger. Y~r. Dick b~iller 144 N. E. 15th Avenue, is against the variance. ?&y change the regulation to satis~, one mistake. }~e should correct the mistake, not the people. ~r, Richard l~app 291 N, E, 19th Avenue stated that he has a four bedroom house and. would not like to see small houses beside him, There was more discussion and Mr. Field stated ~hat there is Cride in ~.,mership on a stall house as well as a large house ' Board discussed request. I~r. ~?ard moved that the request be denied, seconded by ?fr. Yates. ~tion carried 5-0. k~eeting adjourned at 6:20 I~[.~. ~,~r. Robert ~ueston,