Minutes 08-30-71P,fr. R. Hueston ~4r. F. Ward Fr. G. Min!meister ~'2r. W. Yates A,BSE~ Ezell Hester Robert Bemne iv~r. 'Elmo liliott~ Building Official, Peputy i,?r. FPaestm~ called the meeting to order at $:~'~:~0 ~P.~-~.~'~ Mr. M~lmeister moved e:~, -'t ~ne mir;ares of' +~',~ previous meeting be accepted written, seconded by l'.'[r, bfmrd, kbMon carried. Parcel Relief from 20 ft rear setback requirement to 8 ft. rear setback; relief from land area requirement of 15~000 sq. ft. to 13~156 sq. ft. Lotg 50~52~34 and 36~ Less i,f 25 ft. Road C. ~,?. Copps [~eco'rded in Plat ~ook 7~ Fage 56 Palm Beac~ Come. fy RecorC~ Address: 401 ~?. ~. 2nd Street Applicant: Pa~ R. a~d Jean Y. f~oth ~,_e request is to build 8 ~mit - three apartments on the first floor amd 5 on ~he second floor. 1]'~_e property w~ purcL~ed for the use of 1500 square feet but a .... survey sno~ed the property line '~'-.~ r~zn~ to the center of L t~e street. Mr. Roth was present gaud = ~ ~ ~ ~_. e~.~n~ wa~ not recorded. He co~d ~in~Mn all the setbacks but would need relief from l~d area requirement of 1$,000 ?q. ft. to 13~156 sq. ft. Arnold Stroshein objected to the request, he stated t~.at fire rules and regutatior~ should be coN, led with. A petition in objection to the reques~was prcscntcd to the' Beard sfg~ed by resid~n~ cf fire nezgh~or~ooa. ime to the objection of t~,e residents~ ?.~r. P ~- ~ot~ agreed to put only 6 at;artm..ents ir: which case.:.he woul~ net need a.var~n~e. Mr. Ward moved to grant Mr. Roth 6 apartnmnts, seconded by ~r Yates. Motion carried 4-0. ~ ' · - 2 - Board of Adjustment 8-30-71 5:50 Parcel # 1 Relief from 7-I/2 ft. side setback requirement to 5' 1'~ existing side s~tback Lot 45, Ridgewood Hills Recorded in Plat E. ook 25, Page 250 PaLv,~ Beach COunty RecOrds Address: 426 N. ~. 8 Ave. Applicant: h~, and. ~rs. Casey PatriCk Jr. The existing house is 15 years olds the request is to add one bedroom and 1 bath. ~r, ~."~lton R~sscll represented ~z. ~~¥_rs. Patric2~.- The house is non-conforming and a variance i~ nee. de~ to maJ~e m~y additior~. ~r. Yates moved that ~ue request be granted, seconded by ~. ~4~lmesiter. ~tion carried 4-0, )4r. l~-~mhlmeister moved to adjourn, seconded by ?4r. hZard. }~eting adjourned. ~Robert Hfies ton/~Cl~airman