Minutes 08-23-71,% k~ir-mtes of the Board of Adjustment ~eting Held at City Hal!~ Boynt~ Beach~ Florida ~gust 25~ 197i~ at 5:30 P.H. PRESOrt Mr. R. Hueston ~.~. W. Yates ~:~. R. Beane Mr. F. %'~ard ~;{r. G. ~.~hLmeister i'~r. ~tmo Elliott, Building official ABS~2NT Mr. E. Hester B'ir. J. Lester Cousins ~4r. Hueston called Lhe meeting to order at 5:50 P.M. Mr. Yates moved that tb.~e m~nutes of the previous ~meting be accepted as written seconded by k~r, ~.~.~hlm~ister. ~.,btion carried $-0. Parcel # 1 Request - To bailding to Property Lines in Rear Lots 8,9,10 and West Half of 11 Less North 90 feet thereof, Bloc2< 7 Original To~ of Boynton Recorded in Plat Bookl, Page 25 Pa~ Bead~ County Records Address: 505 $. E. 1st Avenue Applicant: Robert G. Beane The request is to build to the property line. The lot is narrow and there is no property available to purahases in the rear. Nr. Lou Samyn represented },tr. Beane. }~ stated tJmt the property is ve~7 narrc~ amd in order to co~ly wi~h the required parking the building must be put back as far as possible. Mr. Cris ?~binson objected to the request. He stated that he is interested in the improvement of Bo)rnton Beach. He spent a great deal of money making an old building attractive. He stated ~hat by the plans of the, building to go on the property it does not look like an improvement to the area. lie stated that t~ put up a fence and trees to hidehis building from the surrounding condition,. He showed photograpASm of his property and the surrounding area. Ward moved that the request for a variance be granted' seconded by Mr. , Mahlmeister. }4orion carried 4-0. Mr. Beane obstaned. Board of Adjustment ~eting 8-25-71 Parcel # 2 Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requirement to 6 foot setback at rear; all of lot 11 and ~-~.~'ly 10 feet of Lot 10~ Block 12, Lake Boynton Estates, Plat 1 9~corded in Plat Book 13, Page 52 Palm Beach County Records Address: 166 %?est Ocean Drive Applicmlt: u~harles L. Pdegter ~!r. Charles Riegler was present at the ~eeting. He wants to add a screened in pord His house is now in violation and before he can m~_ke any inprovements he must have a variance. ~,,ir. Beane moved t~.at the variance be granted~ seconded by ~.~r. Yates. Motion carried 5-0. Parcel # $ Relief from 25 ft. rear setback requirement to 20 foot setback at rear. Lot 29 Block 3, Golf Vi~,v t~arbor 1st Recorded in Plat Book 26~ Page 178 Palm Beach County Records Lots 2-5 incl. and 7-11 incl. Block 15 Lots 7,8,15,16~ 17, 21 and 22, 18~ Block 14 Lots 4~,6,7,8~ and 13 Block 16 Lots 22-51 incl., Lot 53, mhd Lots 37-59 incL Block 19 Golf Vie~ Harbor 2nd, Recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 46 and 47 Palm Beach County Records Applicant: Boca Land I~velopFmnts Inc. .~r. George Snow represented Boca Land Develourmnts, inc. These lots are on the waterway.. The purpose for the variance is to enable the building of larger homes and adding to the value of ~e property. There were no objections from the audience. i~4r. Beane moved that the request be granted, seconded by ~(P;. ?~,~ahlmeister. F~otion carried 5-0. Beane moved to adjourn, seconded by l~{r. Yateso i~otion carried. }~eeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. t~.Ir. R. Huestofi, Chairman