Minutes 08-02-71~vlNt~R~BS OF ~'~ PO3~RD OF ADOqJSI~'~f ~TI%iG ~LD AT CiTY HALL~ BO~Ir)N BEACH, FLORtDA~ ~',~i~iDAY, AUGUST 2~ 1971 AT 5:30 P&L l~r. Bzell }~Ster ~.~{r. Hu~ston called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Mr. ,~rard moved that ~he n,~nutes of the previcms meeting be accepted as written seconded by ~fr. F~mhlmeister. ~otion carried ?arcel # 2 Relief from 25~ rear setback requirement to 1~6' setback for p~ house -Lot .22~ Block i0,G~lfVi~, Harbour 2nd Sec. P~corded in Plat Book 2?, Page 46 Palm Beaah County Recordm Address: 1380 S. Y. 28 Avenue Applicant: A. ~,~ato~ke r,{r. 3anthony ~alotke,. 1380 S. ~?,?. 28 Avenue started building t~he pump house without a permit. ?!r. ~lotke thought flint it was iuclud~ed in the permit for the ming pool. }~ showed the board apic -ture of what the building would look like. There ~ere no objectors. ~. glard moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Beane. ~otion carried 4-1. ~4r. Yates voted "no' Parcel # 1 Pmlief from 8,000 square feet to 7,650 square feet to build a four umit building Lots 371,372 and 373, Cherry Hills Recorded in Plat Boo]< 4, Page 58 Palm. Beach Comty Records Address: 526 N. I~L 12 g2~enue Applicant: Leonard E. S~Xth and. }~{arion T. Smith ~ers (Milton ..Russell, Jr. 3~ent) },~ir. ~51ton Russell, Jr. 1200 N. ~?. 5th Street, represented Mr. g ~s. Smith .. It is short 350 square feet to build a four unit building. ?bey would maintain ~he proper setback~ required. - 2 Board- of Adjustment >~et~ng"~ " August 2~ 1971 5: No one objec~,~ to the re ~est, ~r'. ~e 'moved' ~ ~e variance: b:a :,granted, ~ecended by carried Parcel # 5 Relief from 75' frontage requirement to 50' frontage f. 50' of W. 356.07' of Lot ?, ~illiam H. Lmneharf's S/D located in S 1/2 of N. E.. 1/4 of Sec. 21/45/45 as recorded in Plat Book 1 ~ Page 35, Palm Beach County Records Address : 152 N. W. 11 Ave. Applicant: Jdm and Mary ?~ncur .,¥~r. b~oncur SS0 N. W. 11 Avenue was present at the meeting. He would like to build a triplex but needs a variance on ~J~e frontage. He would maintain the required nLmber of parking spaces. blt, ~tmar Patterson 1020 N, %~. 3rd Street showed drawings of the building and ~ poin~e~ out ~he parking area. ' · .~{/~ ,.M~lm~ister moved that the va~ b~ gr~ted~ se~nded by ~k, Yates. ~ Motion card ~5-0. Mr. Bede m~ved to adjou~, secon~d by Mr. k~lmeist~r. ~ting adjou~ed. 5~,r. Robert Hueston~ Chairmar,