Minutes 07-26-71PRESSer
~<~ert Hueston
1¥¥. Fey
I, lr. Gene I'~ahlmeister
3'!r. P, obert Beane
?,4r. J. L. CousJ~m
~. J', !~f. Ba~rett~ Building Dept.
I'?r, Ezel! Hester
kY. W' -
i~-~r. Hueston called the ~reeting to order at 5:30
b~¥. ~ '
:~ahlme~ster v~oved ~xat the ~utes of ~he pre~o~ r~eeting be accepted
Parcel ¢3 Relief f~m 60' f~n~ag¢ r~uire~ent
f~tage ex~ t~ng
Lot SS2, Laurel Hills ~ 5th Addition
P~corded in Plat Book 23, Page 183
Pahn Beach Co~w Recor~
Address: 954 N. ]?. 13 Avenue
Applic~t: E&¢in A. Gr~ke
~r. GrLnke w~ present at the meeting, he stated ~.a.t
for 10 years. ~'my c~,ot get hhe s~itation train in-a iS foot right ~f ~my.
k;r. ~eston suggested that TM h '
four e [ual lots. ~,- ,..Jr. Griffi:e s~mat a plmn to di~de ~e pr~erB~ into
=e~ roved to grmnt ~e request of Edk¢in GrLnke~ seconded by Hr. Ward. k~otion
ca~ied 5-0. -
Parcel #2 Relief from off street parking requirement of one
parking space ~er 300 square feet of building floor
area to one pa~rkin~z space per 580 square feet of
b~l~ng floor ~e~ lo~ 1~2~3~10,11 ~d 12~ hlod~:
t.r~g~ T~m of go~ton, ?ecorded in Plat ~ook
1 Page 23, Palm Bead~ Co~mty F~cor~.
Address: 221 S. E. 4 Street
~plic~t: ~uthem Bell Telephone a Tele~jr~oh Co.
~4r, ~y ~c~,artl~y~ 315 S. DLxie grest Palm Bea~, represented Southern Be!l.
Ulti~atel7 ~-five enployees will be required to mainta~ the equipment in the
b~lding. ~em is fou~een crlfifteen enp!oyees Pmsentl7 ~d no more p=rkn~o
is needed.
~ir. Harvey Oyer, Jr. ~m properS- in the area and stated ~hat it has been ff~e
practice ~ ~J~e past for more of the er~loyees to park on the street than in the
parking lo~. It would be detrL~ental to off, er property in .the area to grant the
· - 2
Board of Adjustment Meeting
July 26, 1971, 5:30 P.M.
request. Mr. 0yer feels that it would be wise for the Board to reccomend a
central business district parking area.
Mr. Hueston asked Mr. Oyer if he would object to the request if the employees
would park in the parking lot?
Mr. Oyer stated that in past history it has not been done.
Mr. McCarthy assured the Board that the employees would use the parking lot.
Mr. Cousins moved that the request of Southern.Bell be granted with the request
that the parking lot be used, seconded by Mr. Mahlmeister. Motion carried 5-0.
Parcel # 1
Relief from 75' frontage.requirement to 50'
frontage B 50' of W. 356.07' of Lot 7, William
Lanehart's S/D located in S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec.
21/45/43, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 35
Palm Beach County Records
Address: 132 N. W. 11 Ave.
~Applicant: John and Mary Moncur
This parcel was not heard. Mr. Hueston requested 'that City,Clerk reschedule this
parcel as there was no representative present.
Mr. Mahtmeister moved to adjourn~ seconded by~e, ~
Meeting adjourned
Mr. R. Hueston, Chalrman