Minutes 06-14-71MINUTES OF TME BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HELD AT CIT~ ~gL, BOY~OM BEACH.., FLORIDA JUNE 14~ 19713 AT 5:30 PRESENT Mr. Robert Hueston Mr. E. Hester l~fr. R. Beane Mr. W. Yates Pit. G. ~ah!meister Mr. Elmo Elliott, Deputy Building Official ABSENT ~r. F. Ward ~Ir. Hueston called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Mr. Mahlmeister sitting in for Mr. Ward. Mr. Yates made a correction in the minutes of the previous meeting. It read Mr. Yates moved that the request be granted, it should be Mr. Ward. Mr. ~ester moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected, seconded by }~. Yates. ~ffotion carried 5-0. Mr. Mueston read a letter from ~r. Sturgis resigning as an alternate on the Board. Parcel # 1 Relief from required 75' lot frontage to existing 50' lot frontage Lot 6, Block 6 Meeks & ~drews Add'n. Recorded in Plat Book 12 Page 46, Palm Beach County Records' Address~ 115 N. E. 11 Avenue Applicant: James H. amd Ethel L. Ellis ~r. Ellis was present at the meeting. on it which will be completely removed. years. The property has a small frame building Mas ~ned the property for about thirty ~%e second reading for rezoning will be Tuesday, June 15th. Mr. Hester moved that the variance be granted, seconded by Mr. Mahlmeister. ~-~otion carried 5-0. Parcel # 2 Relief from 25' rear setback requirement to 20' rear setback, Lots 1 thru 19 incl. Block 19 Address 1491- 1209 S. W. 25 Avenue Lots 40 thru 58 incl. Block 19 Address 1450 - 1240 S. W. 26 Avenue Lots 12- 31 incl. Block 13 Address 1281 - 1471 S. W, 27 Ave. Go]~fview Harbour 2nd section - 2 Board of ~justment Minutes June 14, 1971 Parcel ~ 2 legal continued Recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 46 and 47 Palm Beach County Records Applicant: M~lnor Corporation A representative of ~lnor Corporation was presant at the meeting. The rear of all lots are on a canal. Must maimtain twenty feet rear setback on all of the lotso Mr, Beane moved that the variance be granted, seconded by Mr. Hester. Motion carried 5-0, ~Ir. Beane moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Hestero l;!eettng adjourned° ~fotion carried. Mr. R. Hueston, Chairman