Minutes 05-24-71~fKNLrfES OF ~ BOndeD OF AIIYOST~ P]ELD AT CITY HALL, BOY~DION BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 249 1971, at 5:30 PRESENT t-~. Rober~ Hueston Mm. William Yates Mr. Stuart B. Fuller, Building Official Mr. Foy Ward Mm. Gene Nahlmeiste~ ~. ~.t~ard Sturgess .-Alternate sat fora Mr. R. Beane P~. Robert Beane ABSt~Yf Mm. EzellHester M~. Hueston called The meeting to order at 5:S0 P.~.~, ~. Yates moved that the minutes of the previous meet~g be aer~ed ~ w~itten, seo0nded by ~..~i~hlmeistem. Motion carried $~0. Parcel ~ 2 Relief from 25 feet rear setback requ{remant ream setback Lot ~ }~gh Point Recorded in Plat Book 2,B, Page Palm Beach County Records Address: 118 S. E. 23 Avenue Applicant: ~m. Robert L. Murray Mm. Murray wes present at the ~eting. He wauts to put in a pool and patio in the future. A slab is existing which was put in w~ithout a building permit. Slab wes built for utility room and it wes started. If placed on required setbacks would not be possible to add future pool and patio. A letter was received fr~m P~. E. Rosenthal, 219 N~ W. 24th objecting to the variance. Mm. M~hl~eistem stated That ordinarily the ~oard ~,~uld agree to a variance if it was a hardship, in vi~ of the fact that it is al~ig~t with the neighbor~, can't see any objection. M~. Mahlmeister moved t~at the variance be Eranted to Mr. Murray ~ seconded by ~. Yates. Motion carried 4=1. ~.~. Ward voted ~no'~. Pe~cel {~ 1 Relief from 60 ft. lot width requirement to 42 ft.lot width of record lot 7, Block 8 Happy Home Heights Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 30 Palm Beach County Records Address: 218 N. E. 12 Avenue Applicant: Alfred Wright fop Sara Wmi~t Nolle t~-~. ~k~.t was present at the meting. The lot is 42' by 90~. Wants to put a house on the lot. There is a house on the ~o lots next to it. He would conform to setbacks. Lot of record ~n~ed by petitioners since 1920's. Can only be used fora house, Mm. Ward Eoved that the vamiance be g~anted, seconded Boar~ of AdjUStment MeetinE 5-2~71 seconded by M~. Yates. Moron carried $-0. ~. Sturges moved to adjour~ sec~nded by ~. L%~hlmeister. M~t~ adjoume~ ~¥. Rober~ ~ueston, Chairman