Minutes 05-17-71P~S~T ?.¥~ Ro Hueston Nr. Ezel! Hestem ~. R. Peane Mm. William Yates ~'~. Foy Ward ~. W. Simu~ss~ Alternate Fuller~ Boilding Official ABSk%~ Nr. G. M~hlmeister Nr. Hueston called the meeting to orde~ at 5:80 ~.~o Bede ~ved That The minutes of ~.e previous meeting be accepted ~ v~i~ten, seconded by ~X~. Hestem. Motion ear~ied 5-0o M~. Hueston read a lei~eP f~m N~o Padgett stating ~hat Kendall Consl~u~ion withdr~ application fop va~imn~o He is goinK to ch~e ~he plus. Parcel # 1 Relief from 20' rear setback~ next to railroad track~ to 18' rear setback Lot 1~ Block G~ Hath~..~ay Park Recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 17 Palm. Beach County Records Address: 1105 So E. 2 Street Applicant: Nolan E. Witlia~s l~. Nolan Williams~ 927 Nision Hill Road, was present at the meeting. The building comes in ei~]em 24 or 80 foot modules as ~nufactured. Without the variance ~.qe 80 foot building would have to be cut off 2 feet, which would require special construction. Actually needs 20~ by ordinance but would be about 19~ as sh~n at present. Backs on Railroad right-of~vay and no other property available for this constmuetion. Open space at rear. Mm. HesteP m~ved that the variance be granted~ seconded by P~. t,3ard. Motion carmied 5~0. Parcel # 2 Relief from. 25' rear se~3a~k require~_-mnt to 20' rear setback lot 18, Block 1,B~ Cm!fview Harbour Estates, 2nd Section, Recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 46 $ 47. Pa~. Beadn County P~cor~ Adck~ss: 1291 S. W. ~7 Avenue Applicant: ~. and ¥,~res. Louis E. Grandidier ~[nutes of the ~oard of Adjustment ~eeting ~ [qe!d i~y !7 ~ 1971 1,~. Paul H~D 218 N. E, 12th Street~ P~iray Beach~ Vice President~ ~ilnor Corp. represented ~. and ~-. Grandidier~ It is a canal lot. t'~. Hueston stated that there are 38 lots Un tl~s area and they ~.~11 all be eo~ing., up for a vari&nce request° F.t% Herig said ~hey are building a community ~nd it will be a credit to %he City. Larger houses in %his area can't fit on lots tDat baek~ up to %he e~nal ~nd no room. to set back. These are only short lots in' this parti~01ar section. Mm. Beane moved %hat the v~ri~nce be granted~ Seconded by Yates voted yes because it is a canal lot. Motion earmied 4-1. F~r. %?ard voted ~O~': . ~.ester ~ved to adjou~n, seconded by !<~. Beane. csrried. Meeting adjourned.