Minutes 05-10-71~q~.~S OF ~E BOA_KD OF PdlrgSTME~,~f
~LD ~IAY !0~ 1971, 6:30 P.M. AT CITY
BO~ON BFg~_~.[ ~
F~. R, ~{uest~n
~.~.. R, Beane
~. W. Yates
,}~r. G.~ Hahlmeister
?4r. Ward Sturgess
Mr. E. Hester (a~wrived late)
~' Stuart Bo
Fuller, Building Official
}~. Hueston called the meeting to order at $:90 P.H.
.,'-Wt. Beane ..moved ~o.at the minutes of the previous meetinff be accepted as x~itten,
seconded by ~'~o Yates. ?(orion carried 5-0,
Parcel $ t
Relief from requirement for 16 parking spaces to 9
par]ting spaces
Pelief from 10' front setback requirement for proposed
one story office building to the existing setback of 2
story build/ng~ Lot 1~ less the East 85~ thereof~ and
all of Lot 2~ Block 5~ Roberts Addition~ Recorded in Plat
Book 1~ Page 5!~ Palm Beach County ~ecords
Address: ~45 N. Federal Highway
Applicant: Helen SteJ~n ~ Florida Bahama Seafood Company
?~. A. Stein represented _Florida B~.~ma Seafood Company. Plan to remodel the
front of the building~ add more freezing space and generally clean ~ ~.he place.
Tb.~s building is J~n violation of the buitd/ng code and a vamianee is needed to
Mr~ Louise Mayfie!d ~,mer of ?5x-N .Mat. d~, objected to the variance request, She
stated that M~. Stain's air conditioner was on her property and he %~uld not
move it~ she paid almost $400°00 to have it _.moved. ~ey use %he front of hep
store for parking. ,~,le doesn't see h~ they can make anything nice out of it
by erc~ding the front~ The bui!dJ~.g is on the edge of the sidewalk
~,~h~, Stein stated they park in the front of their or^m business and. there is park~
lng space in the back.
_~s. Mayfied~s son-~in-l~ objected, to ~e request. He asked what possible
purpose would it serve by atl~,~ing a variance. He stated that the trudcs patak
mn the front of Hrso Mayfields store all the tLme. No one eou!d possibly park
in back of ~. Ste~ns~ for all the crates ~nd junk back there.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
The building is in'l'Violation but you canVt asr the man to tea~ it d~.~m~ it seems
that anything would be an improvement to the bui!~iing.
N~. Beane moved that %he request of Baha~aSem£ood Company be g~anted, seconded
by ~. M~hlmeister~ ~'~. Sturgess~ ~o Yates~ ~d ~r.'~{ueston voted ';no".
Request for vaupi~nce denied,
P~. Yates moved to adjourm~ seconded by ~r. Mahlmeistero Motion caz~iedo
}~eeting adjourned.
?~ro Rober~ }~ueston, Chair~n